Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1460: Just made a decision

"Oh? You were also called by him?"

After listening to Zhou An's words, Lu Ganren was immediately happy: "If it looks like this, it is not only our animation subsidiary of Benma that he has been eyeing?"

Compared to Lu Ganren’s ease, Zhou An’s expression became a little dignified, and frowned, "Mr. Lu, what do you think...what does Teacher Lao Bai want to do? As far as I know, he has not only found our lotus and You gallop. In fact, almost all of the more powerful animation companies in the capital have been visited by the general manager of DreamWorks. It seems that they really want to expand DreamWorks."

"Well, I think so too."

Nodded, Lu Ganren smiled and said: "But I always have a question, is DreamWorks capable of acquiring these animation companies? As far as I know, the cheapest one is probably more than 2 billion Huaxia coins? If it's Hafei Animation Hierarchical, maybe tens of billions...Even if DreamWorks is willing to pay the shares, it might be a little difficult, right?"

After hesitating for a while, Zhou An smiled bitterly: "To be honest, it is certainly not realistic if it is just DreamWorks, but if Teacher Lao Bai is willing to invest in DreamWorks, then the problem is not big."

"Mulan" is very profitable, everyone knows this.

But in the same way, the expenses of DreamWorks are also very high, especially now that "Kung Fu Panda" is being produced, it is a bottomless pit of money. With insufficient knowledge and accumulation, "Kung Fu Panda" still wants to forcibly catch up with Hollywood. Animation level, then the only way is to keep stacking funds!

Under the same conditions, more investment than Hollywood.

Under normal circumstances, China’s labor costs are still much lower than in the United States, so animation works of the same level generally have lower costs. However, because of the unrealistic requirements of DreamWorks, the latest software is constantly available. The cost of hiring animation elites from overseas with high salaries is slightly higher than that of Hollywood.

Therefore, although DreamWorks has high returns, the expenses are even more exaggerated. It is basically a fantasy to want to spend money on acquisitions.


Behind DreamWorks, it is Lao Bai standing!

A super boss who has just entered the global income rankings and tops the list with an income of $460 million-this figure is still huge even after all taxes and fees are removed, even exceeding the vast majority of the country The annual profit of the film company!

For example, Benma Films' profit this year is only more than 700 million, while Lotus has only 1.2 billion.

And everyone knows that Lao Bai made a lot of money by selling Jiapeng games! If the money is taken out, let alone an animation company, maybe even a movie giant like the Forbidden City can buy one!

So Zhou An was really worried about Lao Bai's sudden thoughts.

"Actually, let me say that it is a good thing for Teacher Lao Bai to acquire an animation company!"

In contrast, Lu Ganren was still more optimistic, and said with a smile: "Zhou, I know what you are worried about, but... have you ever thought about one thing, that is, Bai Da seems to have stopped investing in recent years? Your own movie?"

"Uh, yes."

After a shock, Zhou An nodded immediately.

Among the four movie giants, Benma and Lotus were the first companies to cooperate with Lao Bai. It's just that Benma offended Lao Bai for a piece of "Mission Impossible". For the next few years, he could only drool while watching others eating meat, but because Lotus Pictures had a pleasant cooperation from the beginning, It has not been broken until today.

So compared to Lu Ganren, Zhou An is more aware of this.

"Then have you ever thought about why this is?"

Seeing Zhou An nodded in agreement, Lu Ganren's eyes flashed and smiled: "For example, the cost of "Frequency of Life and Death" currently being released is only tens of millions, but Lao Bai still doesn't vote for a penny! Now the box office has... Well, there are more than 800 million in the country. Why doesn't he leave this kind of huge profit opportunity to himself?"

"This...because of the release?"

After hesitating, Zhou An asked with a frown.

Making a movie does not mean you can get the box office. First of all, you must be qualified and able to be shown in the cinema. For most small and medium-sized film companies, distribution ability is their most lacking ability.

"There may be reasons for this, but it should not be the main one."

Shaking his head, Lu Ganren said with a smile: "After all, that is Lao Bai, Lao Bai who has almost never disappointed! If it were his director's movie, even if the filming rate is lower, it shouldn't be much lower, right? So I don’t think it is possible to give up investing in my own movies because of the issue of distribution."


After pondering for a moment, Zhou An had to nod again.

Although the theater is to watch people or watch the company to arrange the film, but the most important thing is still the movie itself, after all, people also have to make money to support their families. And in the Chinese movies of this year, what else is Lao Bai's film more stable? Let alone the off-season of March.

So after thinking about it for a while, Zhou An raised his brows and looked at Lu Ganren: "So, do you think Lao Bai wants to focus on the animation?"

"No, I think Teacher Lao Bai wants to focus on the weaknesses of Chinese movies!"

Taking a deep breath, Lu Ganren solemnly said: "If you think about the path he has traveled over the past few years, you will know that, from the first action movies to cartoons, to the current science fiction movies and magic movies, almost all It is the strongest tool for Hollywood to rule the world of cinema!"

"So weak..."

"Yes, now animation is the weakness of China Film."

With a faint smile, Lu Ganren continued: “Now China’s action movies are up, and the previous Lunar New Year’s "Ferocious Beasts" is very good! Magic movies have the Little Wizard series, and science fiction movies...hehe, I believe it will be the same in three years. It's completely different from now! Only the cartoon, besides DreamWorks' "Mulan", can you find anything you can live by?"

When talking about this, Lu Ganren's expression was a little weird.

From the inside, he really envied Zhou An. It was very pleasant to work with Lao Bai from the beginning of "The Identity of Byrne". And because of "Mission Impossible", in the middle of the year, Benma is basically watching the cooperation between Lao Bai and several big giants. Now I will not mention it in China, but in terms of overseas influence, Benma does and People's Lotus has opened the gap.

It cannot be said that it is all because of Lao Bai, but it is undeniable that there is a large part of the reason.

And because it is very regrettable, Benma Pictures and Lu Ganren's attention and research on Lao Bai are not comparable to other companies. At least in Lu Ganren's view, he is definitely one of the people who know Lao Bai best among the bosses of many film companies.

So just as Zhou An fell into silence further, thinking about his remarks, Lu Ganren leisurely picked up the cup, took a sip of coffee, and suddenly smiled: "So I just made a decision, that is to accept Lao Bai. At the request of the teacher, give him the animation subsidiary of Benma Pictures..."

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