Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1463: Can opera work?

The box office of the sequel movie depends on whether the main lineup of the movie has been adapted, whether the investment in the sequel has increased, whether the scene is bigger, and of course the more important thing is the box office basis of the previous episode.

"Die Hard 2", of course, is the same.

The key lies in the quality of the movie itself, especially the most important special effects and scenes for action movies, which have a great influence on the box office. Therefore, for most of the first successful films, the second one basically has to increase the investment. In addition to the increase in the actors' pay, the production costs must also be increased a lot.

As long as the plot does not collapse, the second film has a higher box office probability than the first one.

If it is the first movie with a lot of word-of-mouth and many fans, the box office of the second one might blow up. This situation is basically the same regardless of the type of movie, most of them are the same. For example, "Detective Chinatown" and "People on the Road" on the earth, and movies such as "The Hangover" in Hollywood, basically This is all the case.

There is no doubt that the same is true of Die Hard on Earth.

In this world, Bian Lin has a lot of confidence in Die Hard 2 because he knows how much Benma Pictures has invested in this film and how much energy and time he has invested.


After thinking for a while, Bian Lin said, "Xiao Tang, let's contact Teacher Lao Bai anyway! For the last two months of sprint, he must be asked to help promote our movie, and also book the premiere. His schedule that day!"

"Huh? Is this still going to be booked?"

After listening to Bian Lin's words, Tang Long's eyes suddenly widened.

In his opinion, even if big names such as Liang Ren and Lao Bai, why should they participate in the premiere of their own movies? Need to make an appointment for this thing?

"Hehe, of course."

The corners of his mouth twitched twice, and Bian Lin smiled bitterly: "That's Lao Bai, what did you see him doing in "Frequency of Life and Death" before? That's his self-edited and directed work! And they are now shooting "The Martian", maybe It’s still busy until July, and God knows if I have time to attend our premiere..."


As Bian Lin expected, Sun Peng was really busy.

The shooting time of "The Martian" is very sufficient, so as the director, Sun Peng decided to personally participate in all four stages of filming. What he didn't expect was that there were so many problems in the first stage of shooting, and the schedule has been delayed for ten days!

The root of the problem, of course, lies in Sun Peng.

He plans to make two editions this time. One is the original version on the earth, as long as the memory is taken is enough; the other is the real old white version, in fact, Sun Peng himself changed part of the content-some It is a change in the details of the plot, and some are changes in the shooting lens!

The former is easy to handle, and everything goes smoothly.

However, the shooting of the latter is always not so smooth, and there are some small problems from time to time, or after the shooting is different from what Sun Peng imagined, it can only be modified temporarily.

So even if the filming plan originally left a lot of money, it still dragged on for ten days.

In desperation, Sun Peng had no choice but to turn on the overtime mode. For example, the day originally planned to shut down at 6 o'clock was dragged to shut down at 8 o'clock. The original plan for half a day would take a full day or something, and just pay more for overtime. Anyway, the budget is sufficient and the time is not in a hurry. As long as the big stars like Hu Tian have no objection, others will not dare to speak up against it...

Moreover, Hu Tian’s role today is not particularly heavy, and he even had the mood to make a joke with Sun Peng after another ng: "I said we can’t change the song? How many times have I heard this over and over again? To be honest, Are you not in the mood to enter the scene?"

Today I want to film a one-man show with the male lead, which is a clip of living alone in the base.

One of them was listening to the music left by the commander, but it was the songs that the male protagonist didn't like, so Hu Tian laughed at the commander's musical taste while having fun.

It sounds simple, but it's not easy to perform.

In addition, today’s play was originally an unplanned schedule. Hu Tian, ​​who had been working hard for a day, was indeed out of state. Therefore, after ng for several times, Hu Tian could only talk about some light topics to divert his attention. ——He is still a little embarrassed about delaying everyone's off work time, even if he is used to it.

Glancing at Hu Tian, ​​Sun Peng said angrily: "Hehe, I only acted when I was tired of listening to it!"

To be honest, he is a little upset right now.

Not only because of the delay in filming the last scene, everyone could not get off work, but also because Sun Peng himself was a bit exhausted. After a few days of continuous shifts, the iron man would feel tired, not to mention that in addition to shooting on the spot, Sun Peng had to think about revising and perfecting the plot details and shots of the movie at night. The hard work was almost doubled!

But no matter how hard it is, Sun Peng can only carry it hard.

For example, in today's last scene, he actually understood the reason. It wasn't that everyone didn't cooperate well, or that Hu Tian's acting skills were not good enough, but because everyone was tired now. The best way is to stop and shoot this shot tomorrow.


After ten days of continuous work, tomorrow is a rare day off for the crew. Sun Peng could not imagine that if he announced that he would continue filming tomorrow, would other people simply strike out for himself?

So even if he was tired now, he still clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "Well, let's take a break this time... fifteen minutes! Let's shoot again in fifteen minutes!"

"it is good……"


After Sun Peng's voice fell, there was a sparse response around him.

His brows frowned slightly. Sun Peng looked at the same tired Hu Tian. He raised his brows and then said loudly: "By the way, after a while, I will entertain you. Let's have a big meal... What do you want to eat now? Just go to Wang Bo to sign up!"



"Thank you director!"


As everyone became a little more excited, the atmosphere on the set instantly became much warmer.


"Haha, awesome!"

While sitting down on the chair to rest, Hu Tian gave Sun Peng a thumbs up.

He was not surprised at all, because in these days, Sun Peng paid for his colleagues to eat overtime at his own expense, which is not surprising at all. And to cheer up everyone's morale with a meal is also very cost-effective in Hu Tian's view.

Rolling his eyes, Sun Peng said with a bitter face: "Brother Hu, let's work harder in a while, can we do it in one go?"

"Don't worry, I will fight for it!"

Hu Tian didn't want to drag on any longer, nodded seriously, and then suddenly said, "By the way, are you really going to change the song for me? Really, I feel sick after hearing this song!"

"Change a song? What do you want to listen to? Can opera work?"

Rolling his eyes up again, Sun Peng said angrily.

"Opera? All right!"


Seeing Hu Tian's smile on his face, Sun Peng was speechless. But at this moment, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind, which made him feel happy...


Sorry, I forgot to publish it. This is the first chapter of today.

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