Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1475: Strong opponent

This summer, there are two Lao Bai films to be released.

Of course, the so-called "Lao Bai's movie" is just a statement of fans or audiences. In fact, in both movies, Sun Peng is just a screenwriter and did not participate in other things.

But who made him famous enough now?

Whether it is directed by him or written by him, as long as his name is on it, it is the biggest player in the entire crew, and of course it is also the C position in all posters! After all, for most audiences, Lao Bai or Laobai is the key point for them to enter the movie theater and contribute to the box office of the producer, so calling them "Lao Bai's movies" is not false propaganda.

It’s just that these two movies this summer are quite strange.

"Die Hard 2" shot by China Benma Films is highly anticipated in China, so Bian Lin dare to say that 3 billion is only the minimum goal, but abroad, this police action film is only available in a few countries. It has attracted attention, and most people seem to have little interest.

In another Lao Bai movie, the situation suddenly reversed.

The several trailers released by Hymens Pictures have attracted the attention of many people, whether it is a $120 million investment or the Hollywood star John who plays the leading role. Strafa is quite attractive, and it also makes this film top the list of many North American movies of the year.

However, on Huaxia's side, although the reputation of "Game of the Brave" is not small, the lineup is much worse than Harry Potter!

This situation makes Sun Peng a little strange.

"Game of the Brave" should also be classified as a magical theme. Not only does it have the blessing of the name Lao Bai, but also the production and distribution party is the Hollywood giant Haimens Pictures. It should not be so.

"So, what's the reason?"

Sitting in a comfortable and spacious seat, Sun Peng knocked on his deputy and asked thoughtfully: "And I always feel that this year's summer vacation is a bit weird, but I can't think of it for a while! Hmm, It seems that I have been too relaxed recently and paid too little attention!"


After a big yawn, Wei Xiaolin said with a tired look: "What else is there? The competition in summer vacation is too fierce! Even if "Game of the Brave" is a script you wrote, there are two investments on the same day. With more than 400 million China’s major productions, and at the same time there were four blockbuster films released last week...Seven strong competitors, how many rows do you expect it to get?"

"What? So many?!"

After listening to Wei Xiaolin's words, Sun Peng's eyes widened instantly.

"Hehe, do you think a lot?"

After taking a look at Sun Peng, Wei Xiaolin said calmly: "Then I tell you, two weeks after the release of "Game of the Brave", there will be three blockbuster movies released...there are a dozen of the most anticipated movies in the summer, but at least There are seven before and after the release of "Die Hard 2" and "Game of the Brave"!"

When talking about this, Wei Xiaolin paused, and then Wei Xiaolin sighed: "So you are still amazing, Bai Da! Your new film can be chased by so many movies...Even if you just write the script, this is great. Achievement!"

"Chasing and intercepting? You mean... they arranged this on purpose?"

Seeing Sun Peng’s look of astonishment, Wei Xiaolin shrugged and smiled: “Hehe, I’m not sure about that. It’s just that after watching the two films before and after the filming, there is a faint feeling...Of course, I think There is another reason that is even more important, that is, this summer vacation, it seems to be the year when our Chinese action movies and martial arts movies blow out!"

"Action movies and martial arts movies? Blowout?"

After Wei Xiaolin's reminder, Sun Peng's eyes suddenly lit up, and finally figured out what that strange feeling was!

If you think about it now, isn't it?

Three action movies with an investment of more than 400 million yuan, one of which has a momentum similar to that of "The Beast" in the Lunar New Year file! Adding "Die Hard 2", there are four. There are also three martial arts movies, which seem to be taking the path of "Hero". The gorgeous action design and the big scenes are completely a combination of martial arts movies on the earth and the world's costume movies!

"Those action movies are no more, but martial arts movies and Hollywood movies are all coming menacingly!"

Seeing that Sun Peng seemed to understand a little bit, but after all, he was still at a loss. After Wei Xiaolin yawned again, he patiently explained it to him.

Looking at the momentum, it seems that the audiences in China are quite buying it?

And these few action movies are nothing more. Like Die Hard 2, they seem to have encountered a lot of resistance overseas. After all, they seem nothing special compared to Hollywood blockbusters. But after the three martial arts movies are combined with China's best costume giant, it is not only China's audience interested.

There are also martial arts movies with unique styles that are not high in cost and are also quite marketed abroad.

After giving Sun Peng a good talk, Wei Xiaolin said with a look of contempt: "Say you are the originator of martial arts movies anyway, and these movies are also learned from "Hero", don't you usually pay attention to it? "

"No way, busy!"

The old face blushed slightly, and Sun Peng stretched out his hands helplessly, while secretly frightened.

The movie people of China, follow up really fast!

But if you think about it more carefully, it doesn't seem to be surprising. China’s costume blockbusters were originally world-class. In the past few years, I don’t know how many honors they have earned and how many top talents they have cultivated. Since the release of "Longmen Inn", those traditional martial arts coaches have begun to "evolve" one after another. There are at least a dozen or so of economic companies. Although they are not at the level of the earth, they are not the same as ten years ago.

Combining them with each other, it is not too easy to make a martial arts blockbuster that is better than "Hero"!


Think of the "Ferocious Beasts" in the Lunar New Year file, and then think of the three upcoming films in this summer vacation...No, plus "Die Hard 2" should be four blockbuster action movies, and other small costs that have begun to incorporate martial arts action design In the action movie, Sun Peng's brows frowned.

Will such a large-scale filming and screening make the audience soon bored?

Just like those historical blockbusters of China before, one movie a year can naturally maintain a strong vitality, but if several movies are released a year...

"Hey, what do you think?"

"Nothing, haha!"

Squeezing his eyes at Wei Xiaolin, Sun Peng smiled and asked: "By the way, why do you have time to go to Europe this time? And just in time to come with us?"

Seeing Sun Peng asking about this, Wei Xiaolin's face suddenly became bitter: "Hey, don't mention it, it's not because of "Terminator 2"! I don't know what went crazy in the Forbidden City and Lotus, and brought the screening schedule to the Lunar New Year. As a result, some special effects were outsourced to companies in Europe in order to catch up with the progress. I went over this time and also did the acceptance..."

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