Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1477: It's my honor

"Boom boom boom boom..."

With a silent and strange rhythm of drums, a handsome teenager appeared in the center of the screen, beside him was a very beautiful girl. And under their curiosity, a weird book-like thing was opened, revealing a mysterious game inside.

"Yes, it is indeed a flying chess game!"

After just taking a look, Zhao Zhihuo nodded with certainty: "The previous trailers were not very clear, but this time it is obvious!"

"Okay, can you shut up?!"

Glancing at her husband, the woman said angrily.

She knew that Zhao Zhihuo wanted to use this movie to narrow the distance with her daughter and mend the alienation caused by the rebellious adolescence of the other party, but you always have to wink at times like this, right? Obviously my daughter is looking attentively, why must she say a few words like this? Is it to explain to the child?

So, this guy is a wooden head!

Seeing Zhao Zhihuo who was stunned by herself, the woman couldn't help but sighed secretly. Why does adolescent girl dislike being with her father more and more? One of the most important reasons is that the girl thinks she is already an adult, but Zhao Zhihuo still treats her as a few years old. For example, the movie trailer in front of you is not too complicated. Isn't it possible for the child to understand it, so you have to explain it next to you?

After determined to go back and talk to her husband, the family began to watch the trailer quietly.

When the dice fell, a villain on the chessboard moved-of course, a villain with a very beautiful appearance, and the villain on the 1995 Earth version are completely two concepts! Following the mist that appeared and the words on it, the effect was exquisitely like a real mysterious treasure, not the crude and unbearable thing of the original version.

Zhao Zhihuo heard on the Internet that it cost the crew more than 150,000 just to design and produce this prop!

In the previous publicity, the producer of the crew once said.

Of course, this idea just flashed by. Zhao Zhihuo's attention was quickly placed on the computer screen, and then he heard the young man say: "It's hard to go home in the forest until you throw five or eight..."


Shocks of horror sounded one after another, the young man turned into sand with the wind, and the young girl ran out wildly surrounded by a group of bats.


The door was closed, and the six characters "Game of the Brave" slammed into the center of the screen!


The monkeys drove, the beasts rushed, the fierce hunters, the roaring lions, one by one appeared on the computer screen, and the effect of the screen made Zhao Zhihuo's eyes widened-such a big scene, one Is the cost of US$20 million really not covered? !

"Dad, I want to watch this movie!"

"Of course, baby!"

The words of his daughter made Zhao Zhihuo smile and nodded hurriedly: "Daddy will buy the tickets in advance at that time, let's go and see as a family of three..."


June 18th, Sunday.

Paris France.

Sitting on the car arranged for him by the crew of "Game of the Brave", Sun Peng easily cast his eyes out of the car window, enjoying the street view of the romantic city.

For him, attending the premiere of "Game of the Brave" is a very easy task.

At least relative to the shooting of "The Martian", this job is quite easy. And because the European Space Agency's headquarters is in Paris, he happens to be in this city these days, so just a half-day rest is enough. Thinking about Wei Xiaolin, who is now desperately communicating with special effects companies in Germany to modify the lens of "Terminator 2", Sun Peng feels more and more comfortable stealing half a day...

"Mr. Sun, believe me, "Game of the Brave" is one of the best movies this summer!"

While Sun Peng was enjoying the beautiful scenery outside the window, Hans, the top executive of Haimens Pictures, who was responsible for picking him up? Brooke smiled and said: "We invested more than 75 million U.S. dollars in the film itself, most of which were used in special effects production! And we also spent more than 40 million U.S. dollars on publicity. Hymens can rank in the top three in this year's investment!"

"Of course, I am very grateful for your company's attention to this script."

Turning his gaze back, Sun Peng nodded while smiling slightly. Of course he understands what the other party means. It means that "Game of the Brave" has already been released. So should the next film of Laobai and Hymens influence cooperation be on the agenda?

Sun Peng could not refuse such a statement.

After all, Hymens is now his ally, and it is one of the guarantees that movies bearing the laobai name can be released in North America, and that they can win higher-ranking films. Therefore, whether Hymens, Haggs, or Capoca, Sun Peng doesn’t want to lose them for the time being, at least not in the next few years!


I have to say that Haimensi Pictures is still very powerful.

Although a large part of the 120 million is the global publicity cost, but the production alone is at least 70 to 80 million, and this huge amount of money is enough to make "Game of the Brave" ten better than the original. Times! Sun Peng hasn't watched the full movie yet, but his evaluation of several trailers is very high.

After reading the original version, he can easily give a judgment.

In Sun Peng’s memory, the original "Game of the Brave" was actually very frustrating. Although it was a 1995 movie, it was comparable to the real science fiction blockbusters of the same era, such as "Independence Day" and "Jurassic". Compared with "The Park" and "Terminator 2", the effect of "Game of the Brave" is simply unsightly.

For example, the large monkeys in the movie are quite stiff.

And the story that happened in a small town, the scene is basically a few streets and some open spaces, the so-called beasts galloping is just a few elephants and a rhino that attract a little attention.

Of course, "Game of the Brave" re-made in this world will not be so simple.

If you have to find a reference, Sun Peng can think of Dushi Johnson's "Game of the Brave", and that scene is quite a pass. So although the new version still takes place in a small town in the United States, both the scenes and the production of the animals are countless times stronger than the original version. It is worthy of its more than 75 million US dollars investment!

So after thinking about it, Sun Peng smiled and nodded: "Mr. Brook, I am looking forward to seeing the full version of "Game of the Brave", and after the premiere, let’s talk about the next collaboration. Movie, okay?"

"Of course, it is my pleasure!"

After taking a deep breath, Hans? A satisfied smile appeared on Brook's face.

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