Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1480: Distorted news

Before Lao Bai and the organizers of the premiere came out to clarify, no one knew the truth of the matter. All everyone saw was that someone was holding something and splashing Sun Peng in red, looking as terrible as blood.

Then, Sun Peng was escorted into the theater by a middle-aged man and a few security guards.

So apart from what they saw, fans or reporters at the scene actually didn’t know what happened: for example, who was the person who attacked Laobai, why he did this kind of thing, and the red liquid spilled. Whether it was blood, chicken blood, pig blood, or...human blood, etc., they didn't know everything.

If decades ago, everyone would send the photos they took back to the TV station or newspaper as soon as possible, and then spread the news as quickly as possible. But no matter how fast it is, it will take at least a few hours. If it is the morning paper, it will even wait until the next morning. So by the time the news appears in the newspapers or on TV, the premiere is basically over, and the truth of the matter may be announced by the police.

And now is the Internet age, an era where the speed of information dissemination was beyond the imagination of people in the past.

It took only a minute or so from the time Sun Peng was attacked on the red carpet when he hurriedly walked into the theater, but as he stepped into the theater, the French saw first-hand photos on the Internet! Especially on the social accounts of the fans on the scene, the news came out several times faster than the reporters!

And compared to journalists who are vying for eyeballs, in fact, ordinary people speak even more exaggeratedly if they want to be honest.

"God, Laobai was attacked in Paris!"

"It's all blood. Laobai's face and body are all blood. It's terrible."

"Needless to say, let's look at the photos for the scene!"


Especially for a Chinese who studied or performed in France, when their social media started to forward these words and pictures, the information was further distorted.

"Shocked! Teacher Lao Bai was attacked in Paris!"

"The French premiere of "Game of the Brave" was attacked, and Teacher Lao Bai was stained with blood on the red carpet!"

"The blood of the romantic city, the life and death of Teacher Lao Bai after the attack is uncertain!"


In just one hour, Lao Bai was assassinated, attacked, covered in blood and other words, and quickly climbed to the top of the hot search list!

Many people who knew Sun Peng saw this, they were immediately confused...


"Go back to China!"

In the high-definition picture, the media gave the grim-faced attacker a "voice-over", which was particularly dazzling on the noble and gorgeous red carpet.

After seeing this picture, Sun Ya's nails almost pierced her hands.


A breathless anger quickly flooded her mind. Immediately grabbing the phone, Sun Ya called his brother: "Xiaopeng, what's the matter? I heard that you were splashed with blood?"

Sun Peng, who had just changed his clothes, was taken aback when he heard the words, and said in astonishment: "Sister, you know all about this? How did you know?"

It’s not half an hour since the incident happened, right?

Taking a deep breath, Sun Ya then asked, "Xiao Meng called me to inform me...what the **** is going on?"

Xiao Meng is one of Sun Peng's bodyguards, and he also followed today.

So when I heard Sun Peng I understood what was going on, and smiled bitterly: "It's not blood, it's red paint splashed all over... Don't worry, it's okay! As for the reason, I don't know the reason. That guy was taken away."

"I read the news and said, that guy told you to go back to China?"

"um, yes."

Nodded, Sun Peng said, "When he splashed me with a bottle, he seemed to shout something like this, hehe, maybe he is a racist."

When talking about this, Sun Peng paused and said helplessly: "There is already news coming out in the country? Ha ha, the news has spread so quickly these years... Sister, I won’t tell you anymore. The screening will begin soon. You help me call Jiajia and tell her I'm fine!"

"Don't worry, I'll call right away, and we will talk again after your business is over."

Sun Ya also knew that this was not the time to chat, and quickly nodded and hung up the phone. Then she directly dialed Zheng Jia's phone number and told her about the matter.

The news on the Internet is really sensational.

So Sun Ya was also afraid that her relatives would panic after seeing the news. After calling Zheng Jia, she called the eldest sister and Lin Lin all over again, basically just one sentence: Don't worry, what should I do!

But until the call was over and the phone was thrown aside, the expression on Sun Ya's face remained gloomy.

Sitting in her room for a while, Sun Ya got up and pushed open the door: "Xiaoli, call me all the people in the company, this time we...well, forget it, just treat me as if I said nothing. Right!"

After hesitating for a while, Sun Ya shook her head and closed the door.

Although Sun Peng was angry outside this time, if you think about it carefully, what her agent really wants to do at this time is not to add fuel to the fire, but to minimize the adverse effects on Sun Peng. Correct!

So after a row of fine teeth biting her lips for a long time, Sun Ya came to the scene: "Xiaoli, contact Haimensi Pictures, and at the same time contact Benma Pictures and the others..."


"Sorry, this is the only new dress."

Looking at Sun Peng who just wore a white shirt and jeans, Hans? Brooke said apologetically. It wasn't difficult to find a suit that suits Sun Peng, but I didn't expect this big man to wear clothes that others wore. It must be new, so Hans? Brooke can only let people run out and buy. And because of time, I had to buy a set of casual clothes nearby.

Naturally, Sun Peng didn't care about this. He put his phone away and waved his hand: "It doesn't matter... The premiere has been postponed for fifteen minutes. Let's start now."

"Huh... OK."

Slightly relieved, Hans? Brook nodded, and then whispered: "Sun, the reporters will definitely ask about the matter just now, I think..."

"Relax, I won't talk nonsense!"

See Hans? Brooke glanced, and Sun Peng said faintly: "At least until I understand who the other party is and why they want to splash me, I will definitely not talk nonsense!"

"That's good, that's good."

Quite a little surprised at what Sun Peng said, Hans? Brooke nodded in joy. He was afraid that Sun Peng was young and vigorous, and he had always stood on the top of the entertainment circle. He had never suffered similar grievances. He was annoyed to talk nonsense at the premiere. That would be troublesome.

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