Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1486: adhere to

"Xiaopeng, you are too rash to say these things today."

After returning to the hotel suite, Liu Chang said with a worried look: "Even if you don't want to withdraw the lawsuit, you don't have to say this...cough cough, if you have some cruel things, you can leave it to me to express your opinion. If you say this, It is estimated that more people will feel disgusted with you."

Sympathizing for the weak is a natural psychological reaction of many people.

That Ferdinand on this matter? Ektor was indeed wrong, and Sun Peng had no problem suing the other party, but the current situation is that there are a large number of naval forces distorting the whole thing in both France and China!

It's like...

How should I put it, anyway, in the mouths of those black and navy soldiers, Ferdinand? Ektor has become a poor man who is conservative and unfairly treated, while Sun Peng is a villain who enjoys a high life without any sympathy!

Who is he going to talk to?

And the most important thing is that there are still a lot of naval forces and sunspots, which has caused a lot of waves on the Internet. So in the view of Sun Ya and Liu Chang, this matter must be dealt with carefully-it is obvious that the navy and heizi are organized.

However, Sun Peng did not give them a chance to deal with it carefully.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter."

In contrast to Liu Chang’s concern, Sun Peng waved his hand indifferently: “No one usually hacks me on the Internet. Let them hack me. No matter how powerful they are, there’s no way to call black me White, unless France quickly amends its own laws! And..."

When he said this, Sun Peng paused and squinted his eyes again: "I have no other idea. I will be punished if I do something wrong, that's it!"

For that Ferdinand? Ektor, Sun Peng didn't think so, at best, he was very angry at the time. But after the premiere, if this happened silently, he would quickly forget about it, and never think of that hideous guy again.

However, the current situation aroused strong resentment from Sun Peng.

Sun Peng has spent more than ten years in the hospital in his previous life.

Poor person? ,

Haha, I can see a lot!

Those families were seriously ill and ran out of savings. After selling the house, they still can't see anyone who wants to see it. Sun Peng has seen it, and he sees it almost every day!

Those old people are critically ill, but their children are arguing about their wills. Ordinary people basically watch the news or TV dramas to sigh, but Sun Peng can encounter one case every three to five.

There are also those with white-haired people sending off to black-haired people, the family who died in a car accident at the same time, and died in the ward after dozens of days of suffering...

There are so many, countless.

In contrast, Ferdinand? Ektor's horrible ass!

In terms of experience and experience in this area, who can compare with doctors? Especially Sun Peng once rotated in the emergency department for half a year. During that half a year, there were more people and things seen than most people watched in their entire lives!

So Ferdinand? A person like Aktor couldn't evoke any sympathy from Sun Peng.


Bad mix? Lost a dozen jobs in a row?

Give me a break!

If it's just one or two copies, maybe it's the company's problem, the social injustice, but you blame others for losing more than a dozen jobs? Isn't that funny? Those natives are unwilling to do jobs that can only be done by foreign workers, but you can't do them?

And no matter how miserable it is, you can always eat and wear warmth in a developed country like France?

So in Sun Peng's view, it was just an excuse.

There is never a shortage of such people in this world. For example, Sun Peng has seen those who have hands, feet, and the ability to work, but would rather take subsistence allowance at home every day than find a job; and those who He always complains about the society and the unit, but never knows the people who work hard; he has also met people who miss the era of the big pot meal because of unsatisfactory life, because everyone has a miserable life, not just himself...

For this kind of person, Sun Peng felt that any loss of sympathy was unnecessary.

So no matter what Sun Ya and Liu Chang think, he will not withdraw the lawsuit, let alone ask him to withdraw the compensation request-he doesn't care about the money, let alone whether the other party can pay, but the attitude is necessary Indicated.

So, what about him?

Seeing Sun Peng's nonchalant face and a firm expression at the same time, Liu Chang knew that whatever he said was useless, so he sighed secretly.

But in the end, it just sighed.

The matter is really not big, and Sun Peng does have a reason, at best it is just to let the sunspots find a black spot. It's just that for Sun Peng, who is already in the spotlight, it's nothing more than the buzzing of flies.


When I think about Sun Peng’s usual way of doing things, and then think about how busy he is to make movies and write scripts, it is basically impossible to care about the outside world’s evaluation of him and the news. Liu Chang’s expression quickly becomes relaxed. ...


The three points Sun Peng said to the reporters quickly spread through various channels.

There is no doubt that it has caused a lot of controversy.

The navy and the sunspots naturally seized this point and attacked vigorously, saying that Lao Bai had a cold mentality, no sympathy, unkindness for wealth, and so on, and he couldn't stand it even with many passers-by. But compared to these people, there are also many people who support Sun Peng, especially his fans all over the world.

What's wrong with defending your legitimate rights and interests?

The two sides started a word-of-mouth battle on the Internet and social media. One side held the view that the weak should be sympathized, and the old white as the strong must retreat, while the other side took Sun Peng’s point of view to refute. The results of the Paris police's handling are also brought out: Because the case is simple and the evidence is solid, Ferdinand? Ektor has confessed to his behavior, so in addition to compensating for all the losses of Lao Bai, he must accept more punishment!

Going to jail will not be enough, but fines and community services are inevitable...

The harassment from the outside world never affected Sun Peng anymore, because after a few days of travel in Paris, he soon returned to the crew. No one on the crew dared not open their eyes to question him because of this matter, and once he was busy, he was even less likely to pay attention to the progress of the matter.

The happiest people in the whole incident are undoubtedly Haimensi Pictures and Benma Pictures.

Because following the constant arguing of those people, the attention of "Game of the Brave" and "Die Hard 2" has also increased linearly, and it will be of great benefit to them that are about to be released...

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