Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1495: How many times do you cooperate?

Sun Peng did not say anything about his second child.

Except for those who attended Yaoyao's birthday that day, Sun Peng didn't even tell anyone. Instead, he returned to the "Martian" crew the next day and continued filming as always.

After a few months, most of the film has been shot.

The key is that the preparatory work was done too much. The previous cooperation between Sun Peng and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration not only carefully polished the movie script, but also prepared all kinds of props and scenery. Moreover, the addition of Sima Gang at the back also made all preparations close to perfection!

The price paid, of course, is the sharp rise in costs.

But for Benma Pictures, which is in charge of the paper, as long as it can be solved with money, it is not a problem. You know, just after the news of the collaboration with Sun Peng on "The Martian" went out, Benma's stock price soared by more than ten points, and it was enough to shoot two "The Martian".

Although the stock price is not equal to cash, the people in Gallop understand the benefits of working with Lao Bai.

So it's just an investment in a movie, and Lu Ganren and others will naturally not be reluctant. Moreover, after the publication of The Martian book, with the great fame of Lao Bai and Laobai in the East and West, they have sold more than 10 million copies, and there are 6 million in China alone. This also gives They have considerable confidence.

A hard science fiction novel, even if it is quite interesting, can the average person sell tens of millions?

Stop teasing, okay.

So don't say that the investment in "The Martian" is large, even if Sun Peng says to start shooting "The Wandering Earth" now, it needs more than two billion investment, Lu Ganren will grit his teeth and agree!

So I missed Sun Peng, the wife of the family and the second child in his stomach, and he was really upset.

I don't want to take more shots and small details of the story that are not in the plan to cover up, just go to the feature film! Other directors have to make movies several times, ten times, or even dozens of times the material, and even the film that has been made has to be cut and cut. Four or five hours are cut into two hours. He is directly here. Just rush to the final effect of the film.

At that speed, everyone will be surprised!

But there is no way, who makes Sun Peng anxious. Knowing that his wife is pregnant with her second child, although he would not say that he would stop the crew directly, after all, a day's stop is at least several hundred thousand dollars in cost, but he definitely wants to finish the work sooner.

And as anxious as Sun Peng, there was another group of people.

For example, Fang Lanshen, the boss of Forbidden City Pictures, Zhou An, the boss of Lotus Pictures, and Tim of Paramount in Hollywood? Hardaway. Especially the latter, after I met Sun Ya and learned about the scale and investment of the entire series, I just wanted to be crazy. I called Sun Ya almost every day to ask when the negotiations could officially start.

As the helm of Paramount, he couldn't wait.

You must know that Paramount has been really bad in recent years. Not only is it at the bottom of the giants, but even some of the first-line film companies are a bit incomparable. Therefore, Paramount urgently needs good news, and it must be good news with a great possibility of success, so as to boost the confidence of investors and make the stock price rise; at the same time, financial institutions can give them more loans. .

The name laobai undoubtedly possesses such ability.

Therefore, compared to the Forbidden City and Lotus, which have established a strong relationship with Sun Peng many times, Paramount is undoubtedly the one who is most anxious.

But Paramount is worried, Tim? Hardaway's phone call every day could not make Sun Peng change his original plan.

Day by day, it has been a long time to make movies down-to-earth.

Not only because "The Martian" is now the top priority, but also because Sun Peng must seriously consider the positioning of the "Avengers" series, which heroes to keep and which heroes to delete, consider Spider-Man and Bat The question of whether heroes such as Xia and even Superman can be incorporated.

Once this project is launched, it is no small matter.

Before and after, there are at least 20 scripts he can write alone, and the investment may exceed 3.5 billion U.S. dollars. Of course, you have to figure it out carefully, and then you can really start to do it...

Sun Peng was busy making movies, like trying to get everything done in September, and "Game of the Brave" released in June and "Die Hard 2" released in July are also slowly depleted this summer. Their box office potential.

The two films joined forces to win 1.5 billion US dollars in box office this summer.

But what upset Benma Pictures, Bian Lin, Tang Long and others is that their "Game of the Brave" won one billion, but their "Die Hard 2" only won 500 million... It is still expected to be 500 million, but now it is only 460 million.

Although the investment is much less, the box office is also only half.

In the Chinese movie box office of the summer vacation, "Game of the Brave" can be ranked third, but "Die Hard" is seventh! As for the global box office, "Game of the Brave" ranks second, second only to a sci-fi masterpiece in Hollywood, but "Die Hard" did not even enter the top ten, ranking poorly 11th. .

China’s box office market is really scary.

But Sun Peng didn't care about all this, because after knowing the approximate box office drop, he gave all his time and energy to "The Martian", and at the same time took time to do the design and planning of "The Avengers". Even if there is a little time occasionally, he will use it to video with Zheng Jia to listen to the results of the birth check.

However, when the time came to the end of August and the shooting of "The Martian" entered a critical period, the director Sun Peng had to temporarily hand over the shooting work to the two assistant directors, but he returned to the capital.

Only early the next morning after returning home, Sun Peng followed Liu Chang to a six-story building.

At the gate of the small building, Fang Lanshen from running horses, Zhou An from Lotus, and a large number of subordinates in formal clothes greeted them at the same time. After shaking hands with Sun Peng, Zhou An said with a smile, "Teacher Sun, this How many times have we worked together?"

"Hehe, who remembers this clearly?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Sun Peng also smiled and said: "How many years have passed... Besides, what's the point of remembering this clearly?"


After listening to Sun Peng, Fang Lanshen and Zhou An looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

Can't remember?

how is this possible.

How about working together for many years? Just a few movies, can you still think about it a little bit? But obviously, Sun Peng's response made Fang Lanshen and Zhou An happier.

After a few greetings at the gate, a group of people walked into a hall on the second floor surrounded by Sun Peng.

A long table and three contracts have already been set up.

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