Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1502: termination

As a new company that has just been merged and established, Qinglan Animation should not have made Sun Peng so relieved. After all, the gap between Qinglan and DreamWorks is too great no matter the manpower, organizational structure, or the strength of animation production.

But after thinking about it, Sun Peng decided to give them a chance.

No one, because Qinglan is rich now!

In addition to the original foundations of the two animation companies, Sun Peng personally, DreamWorks and Lotus Pictures have each made large-scale capital injections, giving them billions of Chinese currency liquidity. And after Zhang Chun took office, more than 20 people sent by DreamWorks began to occupy key positions, and large-scale recruitment began!

Chinese, Japanese, American, and even European animation elites, as long as they are willing to work at Qinglan Animation, Zhang Chun almost always refuses to come!

And one of the conditions to attract these elites is to change Laobai's picture books!

This is quite fatal for many animators, and because DreamWorks’ personnel composition has gradually become more reasonable and has stopped large-scale recruitment, they want to produce truly top animation works, either by going to Hollywood or Come to Qinglan animation.

Therefore, the overall strength of the company has grown extremely rapidly.

According to Zhang Chun's plan, by the end of the year at the latest, the number of Qinglan Animation staff will be increased to more than 400, and the integration of various departments and the reduction of some personnel will be initially completed. At that time, they would also have the confidence and strength to make a masterpiece—perhaps they were not enough in strength, but it should be enough to start preparing for "Shrek".

But at this moment, Sun Peng had another idea.

He didn't plan to hand it over to Chen Ruoyi for the picture book "Superman Mobilization". In fact, when he knew that the other party started to create his own story, he had already abandoned Chen Ruoyi's studio.

Yes, it is cold, but also very realistic.

Chen Ruoyi has her own ideas and wants to create her own stories. This is understandable. After all, it is a good thing to pursue. But for Sun Peng, it could not be tolerated.

What he needs is full concentration, what he needs is no distraction.

Moreover, in all respects, he felt that he had nothing to do with Chen Ruoyi. It was he who gave the other party his current wealth and fame, and now there is no guilt for terminating the cooperation.

So suddenly, he had a plan, how about making "The Incredibles" an animation directly? If this is the case, "The Incredibles" seems to be the first animated film without a picture book?

The more I thought about it, the more reliable Sun Peng said to Zhang Chun enthusiastically: "Lao Zhang, you will continue to reorganize the company. When I return to the capital after shooting "The Martian", let's talk about it..."


"President Chen, how can you say that!"

When Chen Ruoyi put down the phone in a daze, Wu Zhongliang next to him almost jumped up anxiously: "In front of Teacher Lao Bai, he said that you want to create a new work by yourself, so you want to postpone his picture book creation? God, This, this is too..."


Although he silently added the last two words in his heart, Wu Zhongliang didn't dare to scream.

After all, it was Chen Ruoyi, the owner of the studio.

And as a good old man, a good old man with the most stable temperament, if it weren't for Chen Ruoyi's response just now that was too sloppy and too stupid, Wu Zhongliang would actually not have said that just now.

So Chen Ruoyi, who had been dumbfounded at the moment, swallowed and spit, crying and whistling, "I, I don't know what's wrong, I just said those words all at once."

Until now, Chen Ruoyi's head was buzzing.


Seeing the boss like this, Wu Zhongliang could only sigh helplessly.

He knows, or he guessed what Chen Ruoyi thought just now, because they were discussing the new work in the studio just before answering the phone. Otherwise, even if she wanted to get rid of the title of "Lao Bai's Brush", Chen Ruoyi would not say that to Lao Bai.

To put it bluntly, I have been thinking about this matter before, and I subconsciously say bald mouth.


This one is not careful, the consequences may be very serious!

Especially the last words of Teacher Lao Bai just now, it was simply a blow to Chen Ruoyi-she hadn't reacted at the very beginning, but now that she recovered, the anxiety in her heart reached its peak in an instant. !

Polish the story again?

Talk back again?

Such words sounded perfunctory, and even made Chen Ruoyi hear a different kind of taste.

How can this be good?

Looking at Chen Ruoyi with a panic on his face, Wu Zhongliang sighed and said helplessly: "Mr. Chen, you should call Lao Bai as soon as you turn around... Don't say you don't make a new picture book, just say you will Lao Bai’s work is the top priority, and he can do his own after finishing his work."

Denying the previous words makes no sense at all.

In Wu Zhongliang's view, the only solution now is to show his attitude and win back the old teacher.


"No but, boss!"

Seeing that Chen Ruoyi was still hesitating, Wu Zhongliang frowned and said solemnly: "If you want to give up the cooperation with Teacher Lao Bai, just assume that I didn't say anything just now. If you can't bear it, you must do it quickly... …"


A few days later, Sun Peng received a call from the second sister.

"Oh? She called you?"

After hearing the second sister talk about specific things, Sun Peng raised his brows and chuckled lightly: "Yes, I have the idea of ​​terminating the cooperation with Chen Ruoyi. It is indeed because she is creating her own new work, which may affect it. To the new story of "Sunflower Story Collection"."

There is nothing to hide, Sun Peng said quite frankly.


There was obviously a stun on the phone. Sun Ya obviously did not expect his attitude to be so calm...or firm.

But after hesitating for a while, Sun Ya still asked: "Xiaopeng, you and Ruoyi have been cooperating for many years. Could it really be terminated all at once?"

"Hehe, why not?!"

Compared with the second sister’s hesitation, Sun Peng’s attitude is very clear: “The stories I provide, the various settings I provide, I want to find someone who is willing to draw a picture book for me wholeheartedly, shouldn’t it be difficult?”


After a while, Sun Ya's helpless voice came over the phone.

After hearing the second sister's seemingly helpless voice, Sun Peng shook his head. If everything is the same as before, of course he doesn't want to change, but the problem now is that it is absolutely impossible for Chen Ruoyi to concentrate on her own affairs as before.

Even verbally agreed, I am afraid it is just perfunctory.

Therefore, without giving the second sister any opportunity to continue, Sun Peng said directly: "Sister, this is the case, turn around and help me find a new collaborator, don't worry too much..."

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