Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1507: Somewhat sour

It turns out that Sun Peng thought a little too much.

The distribution right sounds like a virtual thing, especially when it comes to overseas distribution rights, small and medium-sized film companies don’t seem to value it that much, but for film giants such as Paramount, the Forbidden City, and Lotus, it is the company’s survival and development. One of the lifeblood.

So Sun Peng's proposal, neither Paramount nor the two Chinese giants agreed.

One distribution right, the three quarreled for a day.

So Sun Peng, who had a headache to hear, simply patted his hands and let them talk on their own. Although he hopes that the Forbidden City and Lotus can develop in this cooperation, but like Tim? As Hardaway said, the right of distribution is not only related to their own interests, but also related to the interests of the joint venture company!

So after listening to them arguing for a day, Sun Peng gave up completely.

Whoever loves, care about him.

As a "provider" of creativity and content, Sun Peng's task is to come up with ten movie planning plans within a week, and it is best to come up with one or two scripts, as Fang Lanshen said.

He knew that Sun Peng must have goods in his hands.

Sun Peng didn't think much about it, and he nodded and agreed.

In fact, he did have it. For example, for the script of "Iron Man", Sun Peng didn't plan to make any changes at all, so he could just pull it out. There is also the same situation in "Thor", there is no difficulty in taking out the script in a day.

And for Fang Lanshen's suggestion, Sun Peng also knew its purpose very well.

Now the three movie giants are willing to sit together, arguing about copyright, production and distribution so solemnly, and even when none of the scripts have been seen, the reason is nothing but the name Lao Bai. .

Because he has never failed.

But even so, even if the three giants should compromise the compromise, the advantage should be taken advantage of, after everything is negotiated, they still need one or two scripts to boost their confidence and push them to sign the final contract.

No matter how famous he is, Lao Bai is only one person after all.

He can’t be like Marvel on the earth, with the confidence in comics accumulated over decades, so if you want the Big Three to really rest assured, you must come up with a convincing movie script, preferably a very Perfect script.

After thinking for a while, Sun Peng started writing "Iron Man" early the next morning...



"The news has been confirmed, it is indeed the Forbidden City and Lotus."

After hitting the ball with one shot, Wang Zishan squinted for a while, then turned to look at Lu Ganren: "These days Tim? Hardaway has been negotiating with Fang Lanshen and Zhou An... Specific news is difficult to get, but according to my friends, they should be talking about a big project."

When talking about this, there was a pause before Wang Zishan continued: "There is no doubt that it is a big project related to Lao Bai!"

"Ha ha……"

Looking up at the dazzling sun in the sky, Lu Ganren chuckled.

Do you still need to say that?

That Tim? When Hardaway arrived in the capital, he spoke directly to dozens of reporters at the airport, and this time they were directed at Lao Bai. Moreover, "The Martian" was a project of their Galloping Horse Films. Lu Ganren wanted to contact Lao Bai these days, but his agent refused on the grounds that he needed a period of rest.

In addition, in these days, the major entertainment media have also had a lot of speculation, and some have not had a lot of news, and many things can actually be understood by thinking about it.

Of course, after thinking about it, Lu Ganren felt a little bit sour.

He specially invited Wangzishan in the capital to play basketball today, but he didn't come to listen to the news that he had known for a long time, nor was he to look at the breezy expression on Wangzishan's face.

Nanhai Pictures has a series of Little Wizards, why are you worried?

Seeing that Benma and Lianhua are about to start a big series, Fang Lanshen is naturally a little anxious.

As the four domestic film and television giants...No, if in the past few years, Benma is still the best developed of the film and television giants, but now looking at the other three, Lu Ganren feels a little sour...It is so sour!

In fact, if it was only a domestic box office, Lu Ganren would not be so anxious.

After all, Benma Pictures still has the foundation. In the past few years, it has invested in several blockbuster action movies. At the same time, it has continued to exert its strength in traditional fields such as comedy and crime. The box office performance is really not bad, and it can squeeze into the country almost every year. The top three.

But once we talked about the overseas box office, Benma couldn't watch it.

It's not that they are so bad that they can't meet people, but compared with the other Big Three, it seems that they are particularly embarrassing. And more importantly, the backwardness of the box office means the overall backwardness of overseas distribution capabilities, which is the most intolerable for the ambitious Lu Ganren.

"So, the key is Lao Bai!"

Looking at Zhou An, who was still calm on his face, Lu Ganren twitched the corners of his mouth several times, and sighed inwardly.

After all, domestic screenwriters still lack international influence.

It's not that the script they wrote is not good. In fact, don't look at Lao Bai's reputation and total box office, but he has never been a champion at the domestic box office! In the past few years, China has produced one or two movies with a box office of over 6 billion China coins almost every year, which is beyond the reach of Lao Bai!


Lao Bai's films can sell at the box office overseas, but other Chinese screenwriters or directors can't catch up.

Action movies, fantasy movies, crime movies, science fiction movies, cartoons...

It seems that all the things made by the old white can directly scratch the itch of European and American audiences. Both the box office and the reputation are enviable.

Therefore, after learning that the Forbidden City and Lotus had another big project this time, Lu Ganren was so upset and hated the group of people who made the "Impossible Mission" that year! If they were able to value that movie as much as "Identity of Byrne", would Galloping Horse also get a big series and open the market overseas?

Seeing Lu Ganren's face lightening and darkening, after a moment of silence, Wang Zishan, who knew in his heart, suddenly patted him on the shoulder and smiled slightly: "Old Lu, don't be too anxious. I always feel that you will have a chance to run. of……"


The domestic giants have received the news, and of course Hollywood will not be deaf.

At least Haimens Pictures and Haggs Pictures quickly called Sun Ya and asked about the president of Paramount going to the capital. Of course Sun Ya couldn't tell the truth, at least not at this stage, so he hummed and fooled the past.

But the response of the stock market was the most direct.

When Tim? Hardaway City will start cooperation with Lao Bai, and after it is still a big project, Paramount's stock has risen after more than a year of weakness, and the stock price has risen by more than 8% in three consecutive days.

A little bit of good news can make this declining giant rise up.

However, Sun Peng didn't care about these things. After spending two days picking up two scripts, he returned his attention to "The Martian"...

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