Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1516: An episode of "Rurouni Kenshin"

Chen Fengzhi and Chen Maolin could not realize the complex emotions in Sun Peng's heart at this time. They both felt that the passage they had captured was good, the content was not long, but the emotions were extremely rich.

It seems to be a little troublesome if it is done.

However, after experiencing the initial entanglement, Sun Peng wanted to start now, and he waved his hand and smiled proudly: "Leave it to me. I'll write a script later. Let's shoot for twenty minutes... No , A ten-minute short animation. But, should this matter be handed over to DreamWorks? They are professional after all, and this will not affect the progress of our studio."

Top game companies must be able to do top-notch animation.

Lao Bai’s studio is full of talents. Of course, it’s okay to be an animation, but what he is better at is the language and lens of the game. If he really tells a story in its entirety, it can produce the effect Sun Peng wants...

Not to mention that he is a game company, the entire Huaxia game company combined is not enough for DreamWorks.

It’s just that for Sun Peng’s proposal, Chen Fengzhi and Chen Maolin shook their heads at the same time. Chen Fengzhi said bluntly: "Boss, I understand your intentions, but our company does not have the ability to do animation... Brother company, we don’t want to hand over this matter either!"

It's a matter of dignity, and neither of them meant to compromise.

"Uh, all right."

Sun Peng also realized that he might have said the wrong thing, and quickly nodded with a smile: "Well, wait for a while...well, at most two weeks, I'll take the shots over, and let's start! Ten minutes Animation, how long will it take to finish? I mean better quality."

"One month, one and a half months at the latest!"

After thinking for a while, Chen Maolin said seriously.

There are a large number of animators in Lao Bai's studio. If you really want to rush to work for half a month, you might be able to get it, but if you don't want to affect your normal work, after all, the number of staff is limited.

Sun Peng expressed satisfaction with this, nodded and smiled: "Ok, then you just wait for me to get it done, let's start."

This matter was finalized, and Sun Peng stayed in Lao Bai's studio for a long time, and after having lunch with Er Chen, he leisurely left. Although he found himself a job again, he really had a lot of free time when the post-production of "The Martian" was still competing with special effects. Moreover, it only took half a month to come up with a sub-screen script, which is not too easy for him-the ready-made twenty-minute animation is just in his head!

That's right, what Sun Peng wants to choose is a twenty-minute animation.

To be precise, it should be an anime, a Japanese anime from the earth, the 63rd episode of "Rurouni Kenshin"-"The Legend of Pray for Fireflies, a girl who waits for the swordsman all her life." 》

This is a small "branch line" in the story of "Rurouni Kenshin" after the Kyoto chapter.

The content of the story is actually not too complicated, that is, when Jian Xin took the children to go fishing, he met a hidden super swordsman, and this swordsman told Jian Xin a story.

Once upon a time there was a boy who admired each other with a beautiful girl. However, the young man focused on swords, and in a thunderstorm night, he ran into a bandit with strong swordsmanship and watched him kill several masters with lightning-like swordsmanship.

Under the shining of lightning, the boy received a huge impact.

In order to pursue the ultimate swordsmanship that he saw on that thunderstorm night, the boy resolutely left the beautiful girl and embarked on the road to become stronger.

Day by day, year after year passed.

When the young swordsman turned into a middle-aged swordsman and became extremely vicissitudes of life, he had already used the long sword in his hand to kill countless masters, but he was still dissatisfied, still pursuing the ultimate swordsmanship that he saw on that thunderstorm night. .

Until one day, he saw the extremely powerful robber on the road.

When the goal he had chased for countless years appeared in front of him, resisting the fear in his heart, the middle-aged swordsman drew his sword and rushed towards the seemingly invincible robber!


When he killed the robber and saw the calm expression on the robber’s face, it indicated that the opponent was killed instantly, and his swordsmanship had surpassed the opponent, and he was even so close that he would die without any pain. The whole person fell apart.

Countless killings day and night, what is he pursuing?

That ultimate swordsmanship, invincible opponent, is just an illusion in his own heart!

The fully enlightened swordsman immediately returned to his hometown, looking for the girl who dreamed of the soul. However, under the tree where they dated, the girl’s younger brother told him that her sister had already died, and he was still thinking about that boy until she died...

The very sad story is also the most memorable episode of Sun Peng in the animation of "Rurouni Kenshin".

It is precisely because he likes this little story that Sun Peng took it out at the beginning, and wanted to fill it in "Old White Heroes 2". And in all respects, this story seems to fit perfectly into the world of martial arts, without any sense of violation.

But what Sun Peng didn't expect was that the lottery caught it.

This is a bit distressing.

There are so many martial arts masters such as Jin Gu Liangwen, and there are countless classic sections written. Any one of the seven weapons is a classic, but this one was chosen in the end.

Could it be said that this is the will of heaven in the dark?

Want to do animation, so you grabbed an animation work when you were in the lottery?

On the way home, I carefully recalled the story of this episode in my mind. Finally, when he was about to get home, Sun Peng laughed and said, "Since you have chosen it, then do it. It just so happens that you have the storyboard!"

Twenty minutes is too long, remove the dragging part, ten minutes should be just right.

And the soundtrack is actually pretty good, and it's easy to get it out. Sun Peng, the province, has to bother to figure out what the soundtrack can fit with the animation.

Thinking about it this way, it seems appropriate?

Thinking secretly all the way, Sun Peng stepped into his house, and then heard a familiar voice: "Xiao Peng, you are finally back! Hurry up!"

"Lin Lin? What are you doing again?"

"Playing games!"

Looking at his cousin who was taken for granted, Sun Peng's expression suddenly went dark: "We played with the genius before yesterday? Come again today? How free are you?"

At this moment, Sun Peng had the urge to pick up the script of "Tomb Raider 2" overnight.

This guy, it's better to be sent to the crew quickly.

"What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up!"

"Uh, I have something else..."

While rolling his eyes to deal with his cousin, Sun Peng felt helpless in his heart-he had only played a lot of games the day before tomorrow, so why did he have the urge to grab the mouse now?

Just persisted for a while, when Lin Lin urged again, Sun Peng finally decided to obey his heart, and slammed his hand fiercely: "What's the hurry?! When I go to the bathroom, you go to the boot..."

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