Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1521: speed

As the one-month deadline approached, Paramount finally made concessions.

The seven movies in the first stage, that is to say, from the beginning of "Iron Man" to the end of "Avengers", the original six movies of the first stage of Marvel, plus the one that Sun Peng is still hesitating about "Eagle Eye" "Except for China’s local distribution rights, which are taken over by the Forbidden City and Lotus, all overseas distribution belongs to Paramount!

However, only these seven movies.

Sun Peng has not yet confirmed whether it will be included in the Avengers’ Spider-Man trilogy, and the sequel after the Avengers movie, etc., and this clause is no longer applicable.

The specific issuance plan will be negotiated again at that time.

Therefore, in addition to Sun Peng’s 10% of the shares, Paramount only needs 40% of the shares in order to preserve the distribution rights of the seven movies. Although it does not include the local supermarket of China, Paramount does not have too much. I care too much, after all, this is the base camp of the Forbidden City and Lotus, and they have no reason even if they want to intervene.

Just like in the future, no matter how strong the two giants are, it is impossible to get the North American distribution rights from them.

In this way, everyone is happy.

Perhaps it is Sun Peng's own understanding that everyone is happy. For the Big Three, they must each have their own dissatisfaction, but no matter how you say it, the Avengers Pictures has finally settled.

The total investment is not as good as the expected 500 million, but 460 million US dollars.

Except for Sun Peng, who does not need to pay out cash, the other three are apportioned in proportion to their shares. And because of Paramount's "concessions" on the issue rights and shares, Fang Lanshen and the others also agreed to the plan of capital injection in batches.

Before the end of the year, only 160 million U.S. dollars will be received.

Because before the end of this year, there are only two movies in preparation: Paramount's "Iron Man" and "Captain China 1", a collaboration between Lotus and Forbidden City Pictures!

"So, they need to succeed once?"

Before the car almost drove to the gate of the Forbidden City Film Industry, Sun Peng touched his nose and squinted his eyes to ask.

"Yes, that's right."

Taking a deep breath, Sun Ya nodded: "US$460 million, the shooting of at least ten movies... With such a huge investment and cooperation, they need a success to provide confidence before they can continue to invest without scruples. So according to the results of this discussion, the filming and production of the movie "Captain China" may be slower. After all, I said that the script will be carefully polished. It may take a while, but "Iron Man" should be no problem. Up!"

As early as the first meeting, Sun Peng had already shown the Iron Man script to the Big Three, and unlike ordinary scripts, Sun Peng provided a complete storyboard!

At the same time, the story is very exciting!

This will undoubtedly be the favorite of production companies, because they only need to find an experienced director and shoot a little bit according to the content of the script. Not only can the shooting speed be greatly increased, but also the cost can be reduced to the utmost extent-in the shooting of a film, the change of the directors’ thinking, the modification of the script, and even the attempts of shooting techniques are all costs. An important factor in the rapid rise.

Sun Peng's sub-camera script will naturally minimize various costs.

So after listening to Sun Peng’s commentary that day, Paramount was confident that it would start filming in two months. Even the steel armor design and soundtrack production that took a long time before the filming started. All they have to do is to form a crew and shoot it. What can be delayed?

After hearing what the second sister said, Sun Peng thought for a while and smiled: "So, they plan to let "Iron Man" be released as soon as possible? It will not be the summer vacation the next year, right?"

From now to the summer vacation of the next year, about one and a half years, hard work should still be possible.

"The summer vacation file for the next year? Haha."

After hearing Sun Peng’s speculation, Sun Ya suddenly laughed: “You too underestimate the ability of Paramount, and the determination of the Big Three!”

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Taking a deep breath, Sun Ya frowned and laughed: "They won't drag the movie to the next year at all, but in the Lunar New Year file next year, "Iron Man" will be screened across the board!"

"Next year's New Year's file? Are you talking about it?"

After listening to the second sister's words, Sun Peng almost stared out.

This is not a Hong Kong movie from the 80s and 90s. It can be made in a month or two, even the most exaggerated ten days. This is "Iron Man", a mega production with an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars!

The preparation, shooting and post-production of this kind of film are all calculated in units of years.

In Sun Peng's view, two years is normal, and one and a half years is high efficiency, but the answer they give now is one year...

In one year, I completed the preparation, shooting and post-production of "Iron Man", and by the way, all the publicity and distribution were done?


"In fact, that's what they planned."

After a pause, Sun Ya shrugged: "And if I were any of them, I'm afraid I would make the same plan! After all, this is a super big project, with too much investment, too many movies involved, and too much need. A good start..."

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the last traffic light, Sun Ya patiently talked about the plans of the Big Three.

If in the New Year's Eve next year, "Iron Man" performs well at the box office, showing satisfactory results to the Big Three, then they will use the fastest speed to complete the shooting of the remaining films.

At the beginning of the following year, "Thor 1" and "Spider-Man 1" started.

At the end of the following year, "Eagle Eye" and "Hulk" will start shooting.

"Iron Man 2" and "Spider-Man 2" were filmed in the summer or autumn of the freshman year

At the end of the new year, Sun Peng will do it himself and write and direct "Avengers 1"...

If all goes well, it will only take more than four years for "Avengers 1" to appear on the big screen.

Of course, everything goes well.

After the 160 million fund, whether the remaining 300 million will continue to be invested, and whether Thor and Spider-Man 1 will start shooting, or whether they can start shooting in time, will all depend on "Iron Man 1." "At the box office!

After listening to the second sister's words, Sun Peng tut repeatedly.

"Avengers 1" will be directed by him himself, which is a long-established thing. After all, for the entire series, this movie is too important, and Sun Peng does not rest assured to give it to others.

There are many people who have a higher level of director than him, but how many of them can make "Avengers 1" well?

Sun Peng has the original version as a reference, he should be the most sure candidate.

What really surprised him was the speed at which these films were made. He really hoped that the filming speed of these films could be faster, but he did not expect the Big Three to be so powerful!

"The reason is simple, they have this strength."

Seeing his brother’s doubts, Sun Ya said with a smile: “If it’s just one giant, one one a year is more appropriate, but the three giants work together and the speed of two a year, I’m afraid I still worry about launching too fast and affecting the box office. What..."

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