Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1537: Tianji appeared

When Li Liang arrived at the Beijing International Convention and Exhibition Center with his girlfriend, there was already a crowd at the gate, and at first glance, it was full of heads.

Seeing this situation, Li Liang's heart was immediately sudden.

But just when he was worried that his girlfriends around him might be retreating too much, the girl exclaimed excitedly: "Wow, so many people? Then there will be many live events today, such as cosplay or something?"

"Huh? Oh, of course! Of course!"

Li Liang was overjoyed and nodded hurriedly: "The first day is usually when there are most people, and the major manufacturers are definitely the hardest time. There must be more activities!"

"Then go in quickly and grab a good spot."

"...Half an hour left!"

Seeing his excited girlfriend, Li Liang's mouth moved, and he nodded a little dazedly-he didn't know for a moment whether the girl just likes fun, games, or cosplay?

If it is the latter, will you be blessed in the future?

While thinking, Li Liang showed a weird smile on his face, and then went hand in hand with his girlfriend to line up at the door...


"Okay, check it all one last time!"

Seeing that the opening time was approaching, Zheng Hui, who had just completed the booth layout, clapped his hands and let all the employees who came to the game show take their place.

After patrolling around, Zheng Hui was quite satisfied.

As everything in Laobai’s studio is on track, it’s already a bit of a small show each year, and because of the subject matter of the company’s works, Zheng Hui and others rarely have the opportunity to go abroad, such as Tokyo, Los Angeles or Germany. Basically, those large game exhibitions in China are not going back, so there is more and more attention to the three major game exhibitions in Beijing, Magic City and Lingnan.

Sixteen people came from the company on the first day of the Beijing Game Show!

Of course, this is only the staff of Lao Bai Studio. In addition to them, there are more than 20 young ladies who will wear the costumes of the characters in "Old White Heroes 1" and "Old White Heroes 2" to show the players Show the charm from martial arts games.

More than forty sets of gorgeous costumes, as well as various custom-made exquisite props and weapons!

The booth fee, the remuneration of the ladies, plus the cost of customizing these costumes and props, all add up to more than one million. For a company that only sells one game now and has very few sales, such an investment is undoubtedly not cost-effective. If it is not for these clothes and props to continue participating in other game exhibitions, then Lao Bai Studio will lose money. Big.

Of course, for this little money, neither the boss Sun Peng nor the senior executives of the company like Zheng Hui would care too much. What they care more about is the popularity of the game, as well as the expectations and suggestions of the players for the game...

"Mr. Zheng, someone is looking for you!"

Just as Zheng Hui looked at the pointer on the watch and figured out when the players were about to rush in, his assistant suddenly walked over and said in a low voice.

"Someone is looking for me? Now?"

Frowning slightly, Zheng Hui turned his head and glanced at the direction indicated by his assistant.

A tall man in his thirties, with a slightly fat figure and a little bald on the top of his head. The key is that there is a small sign issued by the exhibition organizing committee hanging on his chest-you can see that this is a certain game. Vendor’s staff.

Although he was puzzled, Zheng Hui immediately greeted him: "Hello, this is Zheng Hui from Laobai Studio. Can I help you?"

"Hello, I am Zhong Zhihai of the mysterious game, this is my business card!"

After the tall man shook hands with Zheng Hui, he immediately took out a business card and offered it with both hands.

Zheng Hui glanced at it, and the game production director of Xuanji Game suddenly understood. He has indeed heard of this company. It used to be a puzzle game. In the past few years, it started to plan and produce action games. Last year, he also produced a martial arts game adapted from online articles.

Simply put, it is barely a competitor of Laobai Studio.

So after taking out his business card and sending it over, Zheng Hui smiled in a puzzled way: "Mr. Zhong, this game show is about to open soon, you..."

"Hehe, don't get me wrong!"

Seeing that Zheng Hui's expression was a little strange, Zhong Zhihai waved his hand quickly and said with a smile: "We also have a booth here, but it's not as grand as your company. I meant to come here before the opening, just to ask... Was this Tianji game engine of our studio developed by ourselves?"

"Uh, of course!"

After a pause, Zheng Hui's eyes lit up and nodded quickly.

Today, in addition to "Lao Bai Qun Xia Chuan 2", there is also a blockbuster product on the booth of Lao Bai Studio, which is to develop the martial arts game first to acquire, and then to continue to develop and improve the game engine-Tianji!

Today's Beijing Game Show is the day when Tianji first appeared.

It was not until this morning that Zheng Hui and the others brought the big secret sign of Tianji to the venue and hung it up. And he didn't expect that in just half an hour, someone would come to ask.

Feeling a little excited, Zheng Hui said with a smile: "To be precise, we acquired a game engine company and then used their engines to modify and perfect the work. It was just completed!"


After listening to Zheng Hui's words, Zhong Zhihai swallowed subconsciously.

What a tyrant!

Everyone is an expert in the industry. Zhong Zhihai naturally knows that it may not cost much to buy a poorly managed game company, but if you want to build an excellent game engine, it is not only a matter of investment, but also patience. ! Because in addition to waiting for the game engine to be perfected, it is also necessary to wait patiently for games to use their game engine, which is a unit of several years.

To put it bluntly, just throw money!

Looking at the luxurious booth of Lao Bai's studio, as well as the game engine that has been made, and thinking about the budget of his company to develop a martial arts game, Zhong Zhihai sighed secretly in his heart.

However, he sighed in his heart, but Zhong Zhihai didn't change his face, he just smiled and asked: "Mr. Zheng, have our game engines been used? Are there any games being made or made?"

"Yes, of course!"

Nodded without hesitation, Zheng Hui smiled and said: "Our "Lao Bai Qun Xia Zhuan 3" is made with secrets. It has been used for almost a year, and the effect is not bad so far!"

When saying these words, Zheng Hui's face was also quite proud.

""Lao Bai Qun Xia Chuan 3"? Has production started?"

Hearing what he said, Zhong Zhihai's eyes suddenly widened.

You are too tyrant, right?

As a gamer, he bought a set of "The Legend of the Old White Knights 1" himself, knowing that the investment in this game will never be low. Judging from the work of Lao Bai's studio, the investment in the second film must be greater...

And now they are telling him that not only "The Legend of Old White Knights 2" is doing, "The Story of Old White Knights 3" even started?

Suddenly, Zhong Zhihai's interest in this heavenly engine engine, from the very beginning, has become an eager desire to learn more. So after hesitating for a while, he opened his mouth and said: "Mr. Zheng, I don't know about this game engine... can I take a look?"

"Of course, it must be possible!"

Zheng Hui smiled, squinted his eyes and said: "Not only can you take a look at this exhibition, if Mr. Zhong is interested, you can even go to our company to see the effects of using it for games..."

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