Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1542: Candidate

According to the creator, Lao Bai, the actor who plays Captain China must have the following characteristics.

The most important point is that you must be handsome!

After all, he is a man who wants to become a popular idol. How can he attract female fans if he is not handsome? And from the perspective of movie roles, the captain in the movie also has to use performances to raise funds, and the appearance is definitely not good.

The second point is as important as the first point, which is to be tall and well-built.

There is nothing to say about this. The setting of the plot is that Captain China has accepted the transformation of Super Warrior Serum, and has since become a man who is like everyone else. If you don’t have ten packs of abs, you will be ashamed to be on the big screen Wear only a pair of trousers? And this film will inevitably be released in Europe and the United States in the future, so a height of over 1.85 meters is also a necessary configuration.

The third point is about 30 years old.

If it is "Captain America", the actor's age can actually be younger, but "Captain China" Sun Peng thinks that it is still 30 years old as the bottom line. Because the faces of the yellow race are tender, especially the people in the entertainment industry who like to pretend to be tender, Sun Peng can't imagine the situation of letting Cucumber Eggs in their early twenties play the captain and lead the Avengers.

So the bottom line at the age of 30 must not be younger.

The fourth point is that acting is not top-notch, but it must be decent.

Although this is an action movie, it is not too demanding for the leading actor's acting skills, but if his eyes are too hot, no one can hold it. At least Sun Peng is not allowed to fool around. So those guys who only have faces and figures, if the Forbidden City is really brain-dead, Sun Peng, the screenwriter and planner, also has a veto!

The fifth point is skill.

After all, everyone knows that Lao Bai’s script contains a large number of action scenes. Even if he does not require a master of martial arts, he must at least be physically flexible and flexible. And in this "Captain China", in addition to the more requirements on the action, it also requires that the fight must be stretched out, and various postures must be handsome...

In China Entertainment, there are not many that really meet these requirements.

"Your conditions are just right!"

Before the car stopped at the gate of the Forbidden City Films, the agent cheered Lang Chen: "In terms of acting skills, you are definitely not the best in the wave of actors from 28 to 35 years old..."

Lang Chen, who was a little nervous at first, heard what the agent said, and immediately became happy: "Okay, don't put gold on my face, I am at most medium level!"

At any rate, I also made a lot of movies, and Lang Chen still has this self-knowledge.

"Medium? No, at least on the upper side!"

Frowning in dissatisfaction, the agent insisted: "But in terms of appearance, size, and figure, there are not many that can compete with you. If you add your martial arts skills...hehe, who can compete with you? ?"

When talking about this, the agent's deep gratitude to Teacher Lao Bai rose in his heart.

It wasn't because the other party recommended Lang Chen, but because it was under his suggestion that his little wolf has been insisting on martial arts and martial arts for years, as long as he has time, he will practice for half an hour every day. Under normal circumstances, I will go to special practice for two hours a week. While maintaining my flexibility, my understanding of martial arts has also deepened a lot.

Aside from other things, now in a pose, it looks much more handsome than before!

Sure enough, God rewards hard work, and now it's time for harvest.

So seeing Lang Chen looking thoughtful, the agent said before getting off the car: "Little Wolf, you must remember two things when you audition later, one is to tell them your martial arts skills. , The other one is don’t hesitate to pick up my clothes at critical moments and let them see your abs and chest muscles..."


Two hours later.

"Gentlemen, how is it?"

Lang Chen just left, Wu Jianyi couldn’t wait to ask: “Everyone has seen Lang Chen’s conditions. It can be said that the height, body and appearance are all very in line with the requirements of Captain Huaxia, especially his looks. Audiences from both the East and the West like it. Isn't it the best candidate among the three?"

As the producer of "Captain China", Wu Fang made no secret of expressing his satisfaction with Lang Chen.

Under everyone's gaze, Sun Zhi pondered for a moment, then smiled and nodded: "If you only look at the appearance, Lang Chen is indeed the best among the three and the most suitable for the movie, but..."

After hesitating, Sun Zhi did not say too clearly.

However, everyone present here is all human beings, and I quickly guessed what he meant. Compared with the other two candidates, Lang Chen's appearance conditions are the best, but his other hard-condition acting skills are three. The bottom of the people!

But on this point, many people are somewhat disapproving.

The other two celebrities are both graduates of majors and graduates of the acting major. After several years of training in the film and television industry, they are naturally outstanding. Lang Chen made his debut in the men's group, and being able to achieve his current level of performance shows that he is still working hard... The key is that his current acting skills are definitely enough to deal with the role of Captain China!

So after smiling, Wu Fang shook his head and said, "Director Sun, I understand what you mean. If other conditions are the same, of course the star with better acting skills will be given priority. This is unquestionable. But this Lang Chen's appearance conditions are too good. , And you saw it just now, his skill is absolutely outstanding among male stars, right?"


Now Zi Sun Zhi couldn't refute, and nodded with a wry smile.

Although he prefers the other two people with good acting skills, Sun Zhi also has to admit that Lang Chen’s appearance, his strong chest muscles and angular abdominal muscles, as well as the experience and level of martial arts fighting, give this role The extra points are too many, enough to make many people ignore his disadvantages in acting.


When he knocked on the table with his fingers unconsciously, Sun Zhi suddenly remembered Lang Chen's temperament.

Although the looks of the other two stars are good, if you think about it, they are obviously weaker. However, Lang Chen is handsome with toughness, not only is more suitable for this role, I am afraid it is more in line with the stereotype of tough guys in the European and American markets and the country...

After thinking about it, Sun Zhipo had a headache.

Because of the great success of the Lunar New Year file "The Beast", Sun Zhi was chosen as the director of the film before the script of "Captain China" was released. For him, this is definitely a rare opportunity to make his name go international. Therefore, Sun Zhi naturally attaches great importance to the pioneering work of China in this Avengers series.

Therefore, he is also cautious in choosing the captain.

Just when Sun Zhi opened his mouth to say that he would think about it again, Wu Fang suddenly continued: "And don’t forget, Lang Chen is the person recommended by Teacher Lao Bai! As the film planner and screenwriter, I think he should be the best Do you know what Captain China is like?"


Hearing the words of Teacher Lao Bai, Sun Zhi, who had eaten with the other party, moved in his heart, and swallowed back when he was about to say something...

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