Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1547: Big Hero 6


After passing the corner of the street where the teahouse can be seen, Lu Yang finally couldn't help his excitement and excitement when he was about to reach the subway station. While shaking his right hand vigorously, he laughed in a low voice.

It's done!

It turned out to be like this!

From today onwards, I am Teacher Lao Bai’s queen picture book artist? !

If it weren't for reason to suppress Lu Yang's impulse, he would definitely look up and laugh at this moment, and let out an awkward dance in the street. But even so, Lu Yang still walked up and down with his fists in the crowd at the subway entrance, gritted his teeth and let out a lot of laughter from his throat.

If he has watched "When Happiness Knocks on the Door" on the earth, he will find that his performance is almost the same as the performance of the male protagonist when he finally entered the job!

It's a pity that he has never seen this movie, and Sun Peng never thought of bringing this movie to this world.

That’s why Lu Yang didn’t know how weird he was in the eyes of others at this moment. Many people looked at him with their heads tilted and quickly walked a few steps away, for fear of getting closer. Something bad happened after a while...

Standing at the door of the subway station, Lu Yang didn't want to go down at all.

In other words, he does not want to go home.

After being excited for a while at the subway entrance, Lu Yang took a deep breath and dialed a phone number: "Swallow, get off work at night?"

"I have to work overtime today, I am afraid it will be nine o'clock."

A gentle voice came from the other end of the phone, and he whispered: "I'm sorry I can't cook for you at night. If you are hungry, please order a takeaway...The money is in the drawer at the door..."

Hearing this voice, Lu Yang's nose suddenly sore.

His girlfriend, the only person in the world who still supports him to continue painting picture books, is also the person in the world who makes him feel sorry for him the most!

The sales of the picture books published by Lu Yang are extremely poor, and the royalties are only RMB 30,000 or 40,000 in a year. Therefore, the two of them have to rely on their girlfriends to support almost all the expenses of renting a house and living in Beijing. So when she heard that she had to work overtime again, Lu Yang couldn't help feeling sad.

Of course, it was just a moment, and then there was a lot of pride!


"Ah, wait a minute, I'll call you later!"

As soon as Lu Yang spoke, the other party whispered anxiously and hung up the phone in a hurry.

In an office building with more than ten floors, Yanzi hung up the phone and quickly stood up: "Sister Li, is there anything wrong?"

"How are the statistics? The boss is urging them."

Seeing Yanzi's cautious look, Sister Li frowned and asked: "It's your boyfriend's phone again? Are you urging you to go back to cook or do you want to buy a paintbrush?"


Biting her lip vigorously, Yanzi whispered: "Sister Li, I'm doing it, I can definitely do it before nine o'clock!"


Pity flashed in her eyes, and Sister Li shook her head and left.

She is just Yanzi's boss, and she doesn't have much right to interfere in the other party's private life. But for her hardworking subordinate, to be honest, she is really pitiful-living in the capital is not easy for her, let alone raising a painter boyfriend, it is even more difficult.

Yes, in the eyes of Sister Li, Lu Yang is a painter.

Painting picture books is also painting!

In the company, Yanzi's boyfriend is almost a mess. Because this boyfriend wants to raise, Swallow doesn’t even dare to buy better clothes, and only dared to use low-end cosmetics, which makes everyone feel sad...

Seeing the pity flashing in Sister Li's eyes, the swallow bit her lip vigorously, even feeling a hint of saltiness.

At this moment, I felt extremely sad.

Coming from a small city to the capital, girls have extremely strong self-esteem, and the most unbearable thing is the look and expression of colleagues. But when she thought that she had been in the house for six years, but she always knew only the boyfriend who wrote and drew in the house, she could not refute others...

Tried before, but it didn't make sense.

Swallow's tears almost burst out at the thought of sadness.

However, after taking a few deep breaths and suppressing the sore nose, Yanzi still dialed her boyfriend's phone: "Hey, Yangyang, what did you just want to say?"

"I want to say you don't work, don't go to work!"

Just as Yanzi wanted to end the call in a few words and hurried to work, Lu Yang exclaimed in his mobile phone with excitement: "Come back, I will pick you up at your company! We will eat out tonight and eat you all the time. The restaurant I want to go to..."


After Lu Yang left, Sun Peng sat there for another half hour, enjoying the scenery outside the window.

Until the mood became good, he sighed with satisfaction, took out his mobile phone and called Sun Ya: "Second Sister, that's him, let's try to cooperate first."

Sun Peng likes the style of picture books very much, and Sun Peng is also satisfied with his age and creative speed.

Sun Ya was not surprised by his decision, and immediately laughed at all points: "OK, I will notify him tomorrow to discuss the contract... The conditions for him are lower than those for Chen Ruoyi?"

"No, it's the same!"

Without hesitation, Sun Peng shook his head and said indifferently: "I have already agreed with Lu Yang that he will not create any other picture books during the cooperation with me. There is no need to entangle these, and I don’t lack that little money, so I can do it in one step. Right."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, and Sun Yacai said, "Is this point written in the contract?

"Um... you can figure it out."

After thinking for a while, Sun Peng left the matter to professionals to make a decision.

Naturally, Sun Ya would not refuse, so she nodded and said: "Okay, I will communicate with Lu Yang as soon as possible, and then sign the contract. When we get it done, you can give him the new picture book. Come try..."

After "Shrek", "Sunflower Story Collection" has been completely stopped.

Sun Peng originally wanted Chen Ruoyi to do "Superman Story", but because of the other party's creation of his own picture book, the cooperation was completely terminated, and "Superman Story" also stalled. Now if you reach an agreement with Lu Yang, then the new picture book can naturally begin.

"Which one will you do next?"

After hanging up the second sister's phone, Sun Peng walked out of the teahouse slowly.

However, unlike Lu Yang, who could only take the subway, as Sun Peng walked out of the teahouse gate, a low-key black car stopped in front of him.

After getting on the car, Sun Peng began to think about the first cooperation with Lu Yang.

However, after thinking about it for a while, Sun Peng chose the target: Since the Avengers series in my heart is open, and Qinglan Animation’s new project is "The Incredibles", then just continue to be a superhero. "Big Hero 6" is just fine...

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