Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1556: Like a comic

Looking at the increasingly mature Lang Chen in front of him, Sun Peng, just like Sun Zhi just now, began to sigh with emotion.

It's really good to watch a person grow up.

When Sun Peng first met this guy, he was just an idol who had just been ignorant of breaking into the film industry. At that time, Lang Chen had just left the debut men's group and started solo, and was no longer satisfied with the singing career he had been engaged in, and entered the film circle with his super popularity.

For many small fresh meats, this is a routine routine.

After all, when a little fresh meat who can only hop, sing and sing, how popular can it be?

Without real musical talent, it will only be a shooting star after all.

But if they succeed in entering the film and television industry, with their figure, face, and high popularity, they might be able to gain a firm foothold and stand out from the group of small fresh meat groups.

Therefore, TV series, movies, and even various reality shows are all targets for the little fresh meat and little fairies.

No way, the competition is too fierce.

Every year, countless men's and women's groups make their debuts, relying on faces and dancing to attract fans. After all, the market capacity is limited, and a large number of people will be eliminated every year.

If you don't seek development when the popularity is highest, when should you wait?

It's just that there are not many people who want to do this, but very few can succeed. Huaxia launches hundreds of men's and women's groups every year, and there are even thousands of so-called trainees, but how many can successfully enter the film and television industry?

Two or three in a year, that’s great, right?

There is no doubt that Lang Chen is one of the best-he entered the film and television circle at the peak of his popularity. After several years of development, Lang Chen can be said to have completely consolidated the foundation of first-line stars!

In Sun Peng's view, hard work, luck, and a good attitude have created Lang Chen's current success.

Needless to say hard work, anyway, Lang Chen in Sun Peng's eyes is definitely one of them even if he is not the hardest. When filming "Assassin League", needless to say, "Assassin League" is just a small character in "Kill Bill". This kid doesn't know how long he has figured it out. He asks the old actors for acting skills every day, Sun Peng But they all took a look.

And this kid had good luck and saved Sun Peng's thigh.

"Kill Bill" is only a small character, but in "Assassin League" there is the male protagonist, and now, he has directly got the role of Captain China!

Not awesome?

Anyway, from Sun Peng's point of view, he felt that Lang Chen's road was barely open.

Of course, Lang Chen's mentality also played a key role.

When I first entered the film industry, I was different from other little fresh meats. I never asked to be a starring player or make a big production. Instead, I started with a very patient role in a film that helped my progress and grows step by step. stand up. This time I am also fighting for the role of Captain China. I did not think that the winner was because of Sun Peng's recommendation, but made very careful preparations...

Sun Peng felt that this guy's success was not just luck.

And after Sun Peng patted himself on the shoulder and said that sentence, Lang Chen immediately smiled and said, "Thank you for your recommendation, otherwise my chance will be slim!"

"Bullshit, my recommendation is just a stepping stone, the key is that you are suitable for this role!"

Eyelids rolled, Sun Peng didn't want Lang Chen to think that he had become the Captain of China on his own recommendation.

Smiling, Lang Chen didn't speak, but remembered his gratitude. Of course he knows that he is very suitable for this role, no matter his body, looks, martial arts skills, or his overseas popularity, he is indeed a better candidate. But without Sun Peng's recommendation, would it be so easy?

After exchanging greetings with the producer Wu Fang and several screenwriters, Sun Peng greeted everyone and sat down together.

Without wasting each other’s precious time, Sun Peng directly asked Liu Chang to take out the completed version of the manuscript of "Captain Huaxia" and gave it to everyone present. At the same time, he plugged the USB flash drive into the laptop and used it. The slide projector opened a ppt file.

"Ladies and gentlemen!"

After a short pause, after everyone turned their attention, Sun Peng smiled slightly: "You can wait until I finish to read the script, but for now, please take a look at the introduction to the script I made and the main design sketches. ..."


An hour later, Fang Lanshen hurried to the meeting room.

It stands to reason that for the first meeting today, he should have been there for the first time, but because there was a very important negotiation that had to be attended, he was still an hour late after he hurriedly arrived.

Slightly regretful, but Fang Lanshen is also very much looking forward to it.

"Captain China" is definitely the most important project in the Forbidden City in the past year or two. So just after returning to the company, Fang Lanshen hurried to the conference room, knocked on the door and entered at the same time without seeing anyone apologize first: "Sorry, Sun Teacher, something has been delayed today...Huh? Where's Teacher Sun?"

Seeing the boss of the Forbidden City, Lang Chen was the first to stand up: "The boss is good, Mr. Sun left right after he finished speaking, saying that there is still something to do!"

"Huh? Go away?"

After listening to Lang Chen's words, Fang Lanshen was taken aback.

I hurried back in a hurry, so that I could see Sun Peng and talk about the movie. Why did the other party leave as soon as he came back?

Seeing his shocked look on his face, director Sun Zhi hurriedly laughed and said: "President Fang, don't worry, Mr. Sun has kept the script and some design drafts, and he also gave us some of his thoughts... his It means to give us a few days to take a good look, and then meet to discuss."

There was a pause when he said this, and Sun Zhi then smiled: "To put it bluntly, today is to give us a preliminary understanding and a concept of his idea."


After listening to Sun Zhi's explanation, Fang Lanshen nodded regretfully.

But looking at the piles of manuscripts on the table, Fang Lanshen raised his brows and asked: "Then gentlemen, since Teacher Sun has already talked about the script, what do you think?"


As soon as Fang Lanshen's voice fell, all the others were silent except for a short tone from Sun Zhi.

Seeing their reaction, Fang Lanshen's heart suddenly burst, and he quickly asked, "What's wrong? There is a problem? What kind of problem? Is it a story?"

"Ahem, it's actually not a problem."

After hesitating for a while, Sun Zhi shook his head in distress: "This is the script...and the clothes and shield of Captain China drawn by Teacher do you say, huh!"

"How do you say? Then you say it!"

Seeing Sun Zhi hesitating, Fang Lanshen was suddenly anxious.

After biting his teeth, Sun Zhi's helpless hands spread out: "Anyway, from my personal feeling, no matter the script or the design drawings, it feels very strange, it's almost like a comic..."

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