Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1558: impossible

After more than two hours of discussion, all the opinions of Hymens were rejected by Sun Peng.

The styles were different twice before and after.

Sun Peng, the script of "Captain China", is really unsure, because the background of the story has changed from the United States to China, and it also involves other Avengers movies, Sun Peng feels really unsure.

But "A Wonderful Night at the Museum"?

Sorry, he hardly changed the content of this movie, just replaced the Western Cowboys with the Big Han Cavalry, and modified some minor bugs.

Sun Peng didn't even consider Hymens' opinions.

And in the exchanges with the other party’s copyright supervisors and screenwriters, Sun Peng’s attitude was also very tough: either just do what I said, or you can give up the script.

Who can stand this?

So after talking for half an hour, the people in Hymens were aggrieved.

It's not that there is a problem with the script, but that Laobai's strength makes them extremely unhappy. It is a pity that neither the pressure from the company headquarters nor the reputation of Laobai in Hollywood make their suffocation meaningless...

Take a look at the upcoming "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", it's only half a month before it will be released, but the third part of Little Mage has overwhelmed all the blockbuster films released on Christmas, becoming the most The number one in the anticipated movie-whether Hollywood's base camp in North America, or the distant East China, as well as Japan, South Korea and Europe, Azkaban is the hottest topic among movie fans!

When the third part was released, the dominance of the little magician began to appear.

The most terrifying thing is not the dominance of the Little Wizard. In the eyes of Hollywood filmmakers, what is even more terrifying is that more than a month after the release of the Little Wizard, there is still a Little Wizard movie waiting to be released!

This is the most terrifying thing.

Because after experiencing the foreshadowing of the first two films, Hollywood filmmakers have discovered the fact that although the popularity of Little Wizard is the highest in the world, the more fresh Little Wizard series is catching up. Even in the base camp of Hollywood, the popularity of the little wizard is crazy close to the little wizard. According to the results given by the major box office estimation agencies, the distance between Han Bo and Harry Potter is constantly getting closer!

Perhaps the only disadvantage is the release schedule.

However, the release of Little Wizard is not the traditional advantage schedule of Europe and America, but it is China's New Year festival!

In today's world, which schedule can be compared with China's Lunar New Year Festival? The total box office in a week is almost as good as the box office of a month in North American summer vacation...

And the boss in front of them is the creator of the two series!

Therefore, even if I felt aggrieved, several screenwriters could only spread their hands at the copyright director and nodded helplessly. Even if they are dissatisfied in their hearts, they also know that the opinions they have put forward are indeed dispensable, and they can accept it, but it doesn't matter if they don't accept it.

So after a slight nod, the copyright director licked his lips that were a little dry from talking for a long time, took a deep breath and said: "Mr. Laobai, then there is the last question! This time, "A Wonderful Night in the Museum", we Hymens hopes to get the copyright to the theme park..."

"No, no, impossible!"

Before the other party could finish speaking, Sun Peng gave them a denial of Sanlian, then frowned and said coldly: "Gentlemen, do you think I am a fool?"

"No, no, Mr. Laobai..."

"Okay, needless to say."

Glancing at the copyright director, Sun Peng didn’t intend to give him any chance to speak: “I didn’t give you the original "Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe". Why do you think it’s all right this time? I am preparing my own theme park, do you think I will give up this copyright? Ha ha..."

With a sneer, a cold color flashed in Sun Peng's eyes. .

He doesn't know whether this is the meaning of the copyright director in front of him, or the meaning of the high-level Hymens, but he actually wants the copyright of the theme park at this moment? I really thought that I never participated in the negotiation of the project, which meant I was a fool who knew nothing?

So seeing that the other person’s face was quite ugly, Sun Peng simply stood up: "Well, sir, let's stop here today! If you have any questions, please talk to my agent..."


"Lin Lin, where is it?"

On the way home from the hotel where the people in Hymens lived, when it was too early, Sun Peng simply called his cousin: "Come here quickly, and then send a message to Xiaobai and the others. Let’s have a fun tonight. happy!"

"Oh, is this time?"

"Nonsense, come here now!"

While moving his fingers, Sun Peng said with a smile.

The fifth book of Little Wizard has been written, and the two scripts have been handed over. Even "The Martian" is all going well. Sun Peng naturally relaxes and wants to play it happily. I haven't played the game for a long time, this finger is really itchy, and I can't help but want to call "help, help"...

"Hehe, don't go!"

Just after Sun Peng's urging, Lin Lin utterly rejected him after he didn't expect Lin Lin utterly said: "I told you a long time ago. Yesterday you ignored me, but today I will let you climb high!"

"Huh? What?"

After listening to his cousin, Sun Peng was taken aback.

Lin Lin turned down her invitation to play games? Does this girl have a fever?

Huh? wrong!

Suddenly thinking of a possibility, Sun Peng immediately became excited: "I are not pregnant, are you? How fast?"


There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, which made Sun Peng feel even more that he was right.

But just as he excitedly patted the shoulder of the driver in front of him, and when he was about to turn to his cousin’s house, Lin Lin’s feeble voice came over: "What is the pregnancy? This is not Chang Feng just resting, we two Go out and play around... I warn you, Sun Peng, don't go around saying that I'm pregnant! Or I will find you a real pk!"

"Huh? Going out to play?"

After hearing Lin Lin's answer, Sun Peng was naturally disappointed.

My cousin was also very upset about this. After snorting, he said, "You guys don't care about whether I'm pregnant or not. You should care about Jiajia. She really has a baby in her belly! And you were so busy a while ago, now It’s not easy to get down yet, why don’t you accompany her more? When the second child comes out next year, it will be hard for her to be a mother."

"……it is good."

After a moment of silence, Sun Peng hung up the phone.

As time passed, Zheng Jia's belly grew bigger day by day. Recently, Sun Peng, who has been busy with scripts, novels and the later stages of "The Martian", has indeed not cared about his wife for a long time.

So when a thought came to mind, Sun Peng suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly called Sun Ya: "Second sister, it's time for our plane to be delivered..."

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