Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1567: overtake?

"Han Bo and the Prisoner of Haci" exceeded £20 million at the UK box office, setting a new record for the series!"

"The miracle created by Lao Bai, the Little Wizard series hit the box office!"

"Catch up with "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", can the little wizard surpass his fellow brother?"


After the Spring Festival, when various media began to enter a normal state, and news about movies increased, many people began to notice the amazing achievements of the little wizard!

China’s box office has passed the 3 billion mark, and 4 billion is no longer a luxury, but is about to become a reality. And more importantly, the performance of the little wizard overseas is very strong, North America has exceeded 200 million US dollars, and Europe has reached 160 million! With the addition of more than 50 million US dollars in Japan and South Korea, the total box office of these countries alone has exceeded 400 million US dollars!

The overseas box office's landing point is likely to be around 700 million!

Coupled with the local box office of China, the third part of Little Wizard will probably be equal to the third part of Little Wizard, even...

"Over? Is this possible?"

Even Sun Peng, who was already at the box office of his movie, was shocked when he heard the news and quickly called Wang Zishan, the boss of Nanhai Films, to inquire.

"At present, it's not impossible!"

Wang Zishan, who is accustomed to the big world, was also very excited. He took a deep breath and said excitedly: "Our movie reputation is very good. The North American box office forecasting agencies have already raised their target to about 300 million... and Japan. It is also very impressive. It is expected to exceed 15 billion yen. If it adds up, it should be 1.3 billion US dollars!"

"Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", should the box office end at 1.3 billion?

"Okay, great!"

Taking a deep breath, Sun Peng stood up from his chair in excitement.

People, always have to look at Shu.

At the very beginning, Sun Peng produced "Han Bo and Lingshi", but found that the effect was far from reaching the level he wanted. Because of the subject matter, the main audiences of the novel are all at home, and foreign readers will automatically pass it off when they see the subject matter. In China, although the skin of the novel is Chinese, but the core is still Western, word-of-mouth and sales can only be said to be inferior.

So in desperation, Sun Peng had to move "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" out.

On the one hand, this is to attract Western readers, and then use the "sisters" to promote the Little Wizard series; on the other hand, it is hoped that the success of the novel in Europe and the United States will return the reputation and reputation of the domestic little wizard.

There is no way, China still has a high regard for Europe and America these years.

Especially in the field of culture and entertainment, Europe and the United States are still the rulers of the world, and China has just begun to attack them. So once something popular in Europe and the United States, even if it is exported to domestic sales, everyone can't help but take a high look.

And what happened next confirmed this.

The appeal of the Harry Potter series to young readers in Europe and the United States is undoubtedly unquestionable, but in the same way, with countless competitors in the market, it is not easy to become popular. Without the help of publishing houses and Warner Bros. on the earth, the Harry Potter series would not be popular all over the world. If it is just an ordinary Chinese writer, it would be a fantasy to have a big fire in Europe and America.

But fortunately, laobai has already been very popular in Europe and America!

Because he chose picture books, animations and music, especially music, which are more prone to fire, making him the top existence in the eyes of Europeans and Americans-the albums of Chen Feifei and Luo Cheng, as long as they are released, they dominate annual sales. And the phenomenon of the awards list is too exaggerated.

So with the pseudonym laobai, Harry Potter became popular.

At this time, Sun Peng was not ashamed to link the two books together, clearly telling readers that they are just one book, but one is the wizard version and the other is the Chinese wizard version, allowing you to experience the complete Different Chinese style and mysterious wizarding culture!

Even at this time, many sunspots jumped out, saying that laobai did this deliberately, just to collect money... For curious parents and children, who can stand it? !

At this moment, the little wizard gradually became popular in Europe and the United States, and returned to China with the momentum of overseas sales, setting off a new sales frenzy...

Starting from the second book, the overall situation has actually been decided.

Even because of the Western core of the Little Wizard series and the mysterious coat of China, the attention it received gradually surpassed the Little Wizard series-for Westerners, the theme of the wizard is too old and too old, even if it is Haribo The special series is packed in a modern school way, full of freshness, and still can't suppress the freshness of the little wizard.

It was for this reason that Sun Peng started to really adapt the little magician.

Especially for the fifth part of the series, he spent so much time and energy, not simply to write better, but to adapt some of the plots and make the content of the little wizard more Chinese-this time Not only the "coat", but also its core!


In Sun Peng's heart, there is still an ambition that has never been revealed, that is to let the little wizard surpass the little magician!

The front may be unrealistic, even if there are domestic fans who are fully committed, but don't forget that they have also been influenced by magical culture since they were young, and the two cannot be separated. Therefore, coupled with the tendentious choices of Europe and America, the little wizard wants to go beyond almost delusional.

But what about the back?

The third part and the fourth part do not work, then continue to pave the way with the fifth part and the sixth part. Sun Peng hopes that when the final finale comes, let the little wizard win once... even if only once, he is very satisfied. .

But no one expected that the third "Han Bo and the Prisoner of Haci" would actually see hope?


Are you kidding me?

However, after the more excited voice of Wang Zishan was confirmed, Sun Peng took a few breaths in a row, and it was considered that his tumbling mood was suppressed!

Damn, it's true!

The third movie of The Little Wizard will probably surpass the global box least it will be close to the box office of the third movie of Little Wizard!

Even if the domestic box office is still big, with a total box office of nearly 700 million US dollars, there are at least 600 million overseas!

I'm going!

Is this going to overtake?

After hanging up the phone, Sun Peng felt that his head was a little dizzy, and he still didn't quite believe the result. And just as soon as he put his phone aside, Sun Ya called in: "Xiao Peng, Guanglun, and Seal asked to print the fifth novel of Little Wizard...Yes, you heard that right. The two books have not been officially released yet, but they have begun to ask for at least 3 million copies to be printed..."

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