Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1574: It's March 1st again

"Not all houses, but all shops can enter! As for residential houses, of course there is no problem opening the door, but if you rush in, you will be scolded by the owner...If you don't open the door, there is no way!"

"There is a way, I have tried to open the door with violence!"

"Open the door with violence? Are you afraid that you are not challenging the capture of Luoyang City? The chivalry value in "Old White Heroes 2" is not a display."


In the evening, 52game's "Old White Heroes 2" area became lively.

In fact, the special area has been very lively these days. After all, Laobai Studio has long released the news that the full version of Luoyang City will be released at the Lingnan Game Show. This has made fans extremely looking forward to it. However, to really make the heat of the special zone go straight to the forefront, you still have to wait until ten o'clock in the morning, when the picture of Luoyang City is shown on the big screen!

Like a drop of water falling into the hot oil pan, it boils instantly!

Especially in the evening, when the players who experienced half an hour of trial play in the morning also began to log in to the 52game community, when they posted in the special area, they directly pushed the popularity to the first place!

Six players logged in successively and became the focus of others' onlookers.

"Are you still talking about the house? Haha, are you stupid not to go to the brothel painting boat with such a good opportunity?"

"Brother is also one of the thirty lucky players? How about brothel? What about painting boats?"

"I can only say...Heaven!"

As the seventh player logged into the 52game "Old White Heroes 2" area, a bunch of evil wolves all howled.

"Brother, hurry up and talk!"

"Any screenshots?"

"Video! No video is nonsense!"

"If you have any dry goods, let them go! What's the excitement of just using your mouth?"


"It's a pity that I patronized and played, but I didn't shoot anything!"

As the seventh player made a series of crying expressions, the people who ate melons were suddenly disappointed.

"I'll go! A waste of feelings!"

"Nothing? What are you doing up there?"

"Waste of quota, it is better to use it for others!"


"A fart without you!"

After replying, Wu Zhigang was as angry as the others. As a player, he will of course be excited because of the high quality of the game, but as a man, he is no different from other guys, and he is also angry because there is no information about brothels and painting boats!

Thirty people!

A total of 30 people came to the stage to try it out. Didn't any one think of giving the big guy a benefit?

A bunch of brains!

After lying on the bed in the rental house, Wu Zhigang let out a long sigh and threw the phone aside.

But after a while, he couldn't help picking up the phone again, and he still looked at 52game's "Old White Heroes 2" area. He is a loyal fan of the old Bai Qun Xia Biography, and now he is looking forward to the second part of the game to be released quickly. At this time, he naturally wants to get more news.



Suddenly seeing a new post, Wu Zhigang's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Stop talking about brothels and painting boats, hurry up and listen to the divine comedy in "The Legend of the Old White Group 2"!"

Divine Comedy?

"Oh, is it the "Best of Love"?"

Thinking of a possibility, Wu Zhigang quickly opened the link to the post. Sure enough, in addition to a bunch of text, there is also a link to a video.

Not interested in reading the text, Wu Zhigang clicked the link directly.

The picture is a lens of a computer screen, and it is very blurry, and it is also very shaking. At a glance, you know that it should be a video shot by a mobile phone. When Wu Zhi just turned it on, he didn't hear the tune, but heard a man's voice: "Okay, stop making noise, it's going to start! Let's listen if it sounds good, let's go right away if it doesn't sound, it won't waste much time It's... yes!"

I saw a blind-looking game character on the computer screen picked up the Erhu and pulled it up intently.

The sound was not clear enough, especially in the noisy environment of the scene, which made Wu Zhigang frown—this experience was too bad. Only half a minute later, Wu Zhigang's brows gradually unfolded, and a look of surprise appeared on his face... After another half a minute, his eyes began to become weird!

"This tune..."

Why is it so sad?

Before he could finish listening to it, Wu Zhigang already felt that his usual hard as iron heart seemed to be severely grabbed, and the corners of his eyes were a little moist...


"Boss, do you want them to take down all the songs?"

In the phone call, Chen Fengzhi asked with some worry: "Although the video is not very clear and there is a lot of noise in the tune, you can still hear the complete tune!"

"Take it down? Why pull it down?"

After hearing this, he was slightly startled, and Sun Peng smiled and asked.


"Don't worry too much, it's not necessary!"

Shaking his head, Sun Peng said with a smile: "It's just an episode. Since it's included in the demo version this time, it's a small welfare egg provided by the players. Now that someone has found it, let it appear in Just in front of everyone."


Although a little uncomfortable, Chen Fengzhi nodded helplessly.

No way, this is "The Second Spring Reflected in the Moon"!

According to the ideas of Chen Fengzhi and Chen Maolin, such a classic tune, even if the tune is a little sad, but the value is there, it is definitely worthy of a special book by Lao Bai Studio. In fact, Chen Fengzhi does have a plan, that is, to release this song at a critical time, to give a good impression to "Old White Heroes 2"!

However, it was discovered!

At this moment Chen Fengzhi just wanted to hang up, find the guy who did this thing, and fine him three months of bonus!

Damn it, it's a big loss!

After taking a deep breath, Chen Fengzhi said: "Teacher Sun, the production progress of "Old White Heroes 2" has exceeded our expectations. We will be able to complete most of the development of the content by the time of the Magic City Game Show. The rest is testing and perfecting."

"Ok, mean it can be sold before the end of the year?"

"...Not a big problem!"

After hesitating for a while, Chen Fengzhi nodded and said, "But to be on the safe side, I think it will be a little later. How about after the Spring Festival next year?"

"After the Spring Festival...hehe."

After listening to Chen Fengzhi’s words, Sun Peng suddenly became happy: "Old Chen, how about going with my "The Martian"? The movie is released on the first day of the new year, so our game will be released on the first day of the new year. Up!"


"what happened?"

"Boss, everyone will have a holiday during the New Year!"

"...I'm sorry, I forgot."

After blinking his eyes, Sun Peng immediately remembered. Movies and games are different. As long as the former is released, the producer will have nothing else to do except publicity, but the game is a lot more troublesome. If there are bugs and problems that players respond, they will have to step up to deal with them. Enough manpower must be ensured.

So after thinking about it for a while, Sun Peng continued to laugh and said, "No problem, then it will be placed after the Spring Festival... Same as the date of the novel's release, it will also be placed on March 1st..."

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