Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1579: Liu Chang takes over

Whether the second sister was premeditated, Sun Peng did not get an answer in the end.

But one thing he can be sure of is that this woman has been cruel, she must give birth to the twins in her belly, and she will definitely not have anything to do with that Mr. Zhao.

Celibacy, but want children?

No matter what the second sister's thoughts were, all Sun Peng could do was to support her-even if his uncle Sun Qicheng called him, Sun Peng did not follow his mind to persuade his second sister's ideas.

Everyone's life is determined by himself.

Even if Sun Ya will regret today's decision in the future, it will be her own business after all.

"So, I always think you are quite surprising."

When having lunch at Sun Peng's house that day, Lin Lin said with a slightly weird expression: "Not only did she not help persuade the second sister, she even expressed her support for her decision...Do you know that uncle is very angry?"

"Hehe, of course I know."

After taking a sip of the soup, Sun Pengman casually replied.

"Know? Know you still do this?"

"Just because I know, I will support the second sister's decision!"

Glancing at Lin Lin, Sun Peng said faintly: "There is a saying that the melon is not sweet, since the second sister does not want to continue with that Mr. Zhao, why do we have to force her? Sun Ya is not that kind of indecision. People, she knows what she wants better than anyone else!"


Frowning her brows, Lin Lin was a little entangled: "In this case, the second sister can only be a single mother. That's a very difficult job."

"Tough? Haha!"

Listening to Lin Lin's words, Sun Peng was immediately happy: "I think, you probably have some misunderstanding of the two words difficult? As far as the second sister's current worth, not to mention China's top rich, but sling you This world movie superstar is still fine. Do you think it will be difficult for her to support two children by herself?"

As his agent, Sun Ya is definitely one of the richest women in the entertainment industry.

Sun Peng's second sister basically has a commission for every income. I can't say that it must be higher than Liang Ren and Chen Feifei in a year, but it definitely far exceeds the average domestic celebrity. As for a guy like Lin Lin who has only made a movie in one or two years now, he was even thrown away by his second sister. Not to mention raising two children, it is probably fine to raise twenty!

I can't take care of him by myself. Wouldn't it be enough to ask him to have ten or eight nanny?

After listening to Sun Peng's words, Lin Lin frowned, and Lin Lin retorted: "But what about the children's growth? Not only do they need maternal love, but they also need paternal love..."

After pondering for a moment, Sun Peng suddenly smiled and said: "I think the second sister may have considered these issues, so she did not hide the identity of the child's father from us."

"You mean..."

"Hehe, I think it's like that."

Nodded at Lin Lin, who was faintly thoughtful, Sun Peng smiled and said: "So I think our second sister is very fashionable! In the future, you might see them both being good friends while raising two children together. Situation... Don’t forget, she’s Sun Ya! Before doing anything, you must think of a transparent guy, and you can definitely handle it."

After biting her lip, Lin Lin was speechless for a while.

But after thinking for a while, she insisted: "The problem is not only whether they can get along with each other in peace, don't you think that given the level of busyness of the second sister, there is simply not enough time to spend time with the children?"

Lin Lin, who is already preparing to be a mother, thinks more than Sun Peng.

Sun Peng has a lot of things every year, such as novel royalties, the subsequent dividends of previously created music and movie scripts, and even the super theme park project and various miscellaneous trivia, which basically consumes most of Sun Ya time. If there are two more children, Lin Lin can hardly imagine that she has enough time to care for them.


Taking a deep breath, Sun Peng said with a serious expression: "If the second sister really thinks about it, then I will talk to her seriously about this matter... Okay, let's not talk about her, let's talk about you!"

The whole family has been wandering around a second sister these days, and Sun Peng is really annoying.

"Me? What do you say about me?"

"Second sister is there, how about you?"

Glancing at his cousin, Sun Peng suddenly said with joy: "This is what everyone is looking forward to without being pregnant, but there are people that no one expected, and they are twins. This thing is really..."


The family affairs of the old Sun's family caused a lot of shock, but at most it affected Zheng Jia and others. No one would just say anything. Therefore, no one knows about Lao Bai's pregnancy.

It's just that the second sister who was just pregnant was strictly ordered to suspend work by Sun Peng, which affected his work after all.

Especially the negotiations of the three theme parks, because Sun Ya has always been talking in person, so when she was forced to rest at home by Sun Peng, the investors and the local governments of the three cities were anxious.

The talk is good, why did you stop?

Especially on the side of Fangyuan Culture, because there was a precedent for Lao Bai's sudden suspension of negotiations, this time he was even more anxious. Chen Fangyuan directly called Sun Ya several times. It's just that Sun Ya couldn't go out to work, and couldn't disclose her pregnancy to others, so it was really miserable for a while.

So after carrying it for three days, Sun Ya finally called his brother over.

"Sister Chang? You too."

After arriving at the second sister's house, Sun Peng was a little surprised to see his assistant Liu Chang, and there was a kind of understanding in his heart.

"Well, I asked Sister Chang to come."

Nodded, Sun Ya took a deep breath and said, "Xiao Peng, because of my pregnancy, I am afraid that a lot of work will be lost during this period, so I thought about it and planned to let Sister Chang take over my work... for her ability. , I think you should feel relieved enough?"

"Hehe, of course."

Without hesitation, Sun Peng nodded.

Although he has always been his assistant in name, in fact Liu Chang often does the work of an agent. After all, the workload is too much, and Sun Ya will always ask her to help when she is too busy. As for Liu Chang, dealing with Sun Peng's various things is easy, and there is no difficulty.

Just after a pause, Sun Peng frowned and said, "It’s easy to handle things in the entertainment industry. Whether it’s movies, novels or music, Sister Chang is familiar with it. It’s definitely okay, but things on the theme park side. ...It seems that Sister Chang has basically not mixed up, right?"

"It's okay, I have arrangements."

Sun Ya did not hesitate on this side, and directly waved her hand and said: "It is not too late for Sister Chang to get in touch with each other from now on, and all she needs to do is lead a good team..."

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