Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1581: Wedding date

On May 24th, "The Matrix 2" ushered in the premiere of China.

I received an invitation from Shakolu Films before, and the other party was very sincere, but after more than ten seconds of consideration, Sun Peng refused. Although Sun Peng brought the world to "The Matrix 1", he took the initiative to give up most of the rights to the sequel. The second part is entirely the creation of Sakolu Films and has nothing to do with him.

So Sun Peng was not interested in the premiere and was not embarrassed to go.

However, he wrote the first one after all, and although he did not cooperate with Shakolu Films in the follow-up period, the two parties have never appeared dirty. So on the morning of the film's premiere, Sun Peng posted a Weibo : "Today is the premiere of "The Matrix 2". Although I did not participate in the creation of this movie, I also look forward to seeing its full picture in the cinema."

Express your support, and at the same time clarify the relationship again.

If the filming of "The Matrix 2" is terrible, it has nothing to do with Sun Peng, and if Shake Road is doing a great job, even surpassing the original level, then Sun Peng will not take advantage of others.

But even so, the popularity of "The Matrix 2" in the country is still high, and it soon occupied the third place on the most anticipated list of the entire summer vacation-in front of it, only "Inception" and a domestically produced The action blockbuster "Thunder Crisis"! As for the "Terminator 2" directed by Wei Xiaolin, although it has accumulated some fans because of the first part, its influence is still a bit smaller after all!

The development of the times makes "Terminator" look a little old.

So after the release of "Terminator 1", Sun Peng also learned from it. Wei Xiaolin gave a lot of suggestions when filming "Terminator 2": for example, keep the essence of the original version, such as the t800 handheld shotgun chase shot, and Those plots in the mental hospital, but at the same time, the special effects and various action scenes inside have been greatly enhanced!

More ambitious, and more popular!

After being packaged with modern technology, "Terminator 2" not only retains the core of the classic story, but also has the top pictures in this era!

So for "The Matrix 2" Sun Peng just posted a Weibo, but for "Terminator 2", he didn't want to let this classic be dusted! Therefore, it was not only the domestic Sun Peng who wanted to give Wei Xiaolin face and attended several publicity activities, he even promised the guy to go to Los Angeles, USA to participate in the premiere of "Terminator 2" in North America.

If you count it down, you will definitely spare no effort.

As for "Inception", Sun Peng doesn't have to worry about it. Because the cooperation between Chen Cheng and Lao Bai was originally full of gimmicks, and because it was the cooperation between China and Hollywood, global distribution did not require Sun Peng to invest too much energy-I have to say that the power of Hollywood is really in the field of distribution. Incisively and vividly embodied...

On May 28th, "The Matrix 2" was officially released worldwide.

With the momentum of its first box office sales, "The Matrix 2" won the first weekend box office championship in all countries where the first batch was released, and the world's first weekend box office exceeded 300 million US dollars! Among them, 79 million in North America and 160 million in China. Although not crazy, it is definitely a qualified result.

But as Sun Peng worried, compared with the first movie, the evaluation of "The Matrix 2" has dropped a lot after all.

The difficulty of the dog's tail is the same no matter which world.

Especially the filmmakers in this world have made the same mistakes as on earth, always thinking that adding those cool fights and the elements of China will get more box office. However, they forgot one thing. When the curtain of the virtual world was opened, the greatest shock that "The Matrix" brought to the audience was gone, and what was left was just simple visual stimulation.

Of course, the trend of the box office is still swift and violent. Ten days later, the global box office surpassed 700 million US dollars, and the final box office exceeded 1 billion.


"The increase in the box office can't match the decline in word-of-mouth."

When visiting Sun Peng’s house with his girlfriend Chen Feifei, the great science fiction director Chen Cheng said with regret: “I understand a bit now why you refused to continue writing the "The Matrix" series. In fact, what you want to express is in the first part. I have already expressed it, and neither the destiny of mankind nor the future of artificial intelligence really matters anymore... What a pity, what a pity!"

"Hehe, I don't know what a pity you are!"

Regarding Chen Cheng’s ideas, Chen Feifei undoubtedly had different opinions, and said, "Anyway, Sha Kelu Pictures has already recovered the cost, and the investment in the two films can be recovered only with "The Matrix 2." When "The Matrix 3" was released, no matter how much the box office was, it would be a net profit!"

"The Matrix" by Sakolu Pictures is a two-part series, and the second and third parts will continue to be released during the two-year summer vacation. Although the total investment exceeds 300 million US dollars, it is clear that the box office of "The Matrix 2" is enough to allow them to recover all their investment.

In this case, the diva would not think it was a pity.

Regarding this, Chen Cheng could only shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Haha, you don't understand..."

"Huh, then tell me something I understand!"

After a white glance at him, Chen Feifei was too lazy to pay attention to Chen Cheng, and looked directly at Sun Peng: "Xiao Peng, you really don't plan to show up at my concert? It happened when you went to the United States to participate in "Terminator 2". At the premiere, one day is enough!"

"Sister Feifei, don't toss me."

Rolling his eyes, Sun Peng said helplessly: "Just my singing skills, what can I do besides being funny when I'm a guest at the concert? I don't want to be ashamed... ahem, by the way, your wedding date is finally set. No?"

Sun Peng is really not interested in being a guest at the concert.

He knew that with his fame and number of fans, whether Chen Feifei or Samsara Records, he didn't care if he could sing well, as long as he could show up at the concert. But for Sun Peng, he didn't want to be a clown with loopholes on stage.

Even if the laughter in the audience was kind at that time, he couldn't accept it.

Unless before the concert, Sun Peng is willing to spend a lot of time practicing the songs he wants to sing. Just expecting to spend time on this, he would rather care about the gossip between Chen Feifei and Chen Cheng.

After making peace and separating, separating and making peace, the two people came together after all.

The specific process Sun Peng no longer wants to gossip, but he still has to attend the wedding. Moreover, according to Sun Peng's understanding of Chen Feifei, the wedding of the two must be extremely luxurious and sensational across the country and even the world!

"Haha, December 2 this year."

Without waiting for Chen Feifei to speak this time, Chen Cheng looked at Zheng Jia, who had always been a little less energetic next to Sun Peng, and smiled happily: "I originally wanted to be earlier, just after Inception was released. Yes, but Feifei said that Mrs. Zun might not be very convenient, so she pushed it back three months..."

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