Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1591: pattern

Busy traffic, laughter.

The children in the park were jogging and running and playing together, and then in the almost iconic swing shot in the "Terminator" series, the screen gradually lit up...

"Nuclear explosion! A nuclear bomb exploded!"

Almost subconsciously, Wu Zhigang began to explain to his girlfriends next to him: "As already mentioned in the first part, the first thing after Skynet seizes power is to launch a nuclear bomb to destroy the world!"


Staring at the big screen, Xiao Juan nodded.

As the screen turned, there were machines, weapons, and of course the skulls that were also the logos of the Terminator series, and the feet of the robot that suddenly crushed the skull. The following war scenes made Wu Zhigang very satisfied, and hurry up your nagging: "Wow, this scene is much bigger than "Terminator 1"! Look at this sky full of fighters and robots on the ground... awesome! "

In fact, not only Wu Zhigang, but even Sun Peng was extremely satisfied with the effect Wei Xiaolin made.

Undoubtedly, "Terminator 2" is a classic. Even in the eyes of many filmmakers on earth, he, like "True Lies", can be regarded as the pinnacle of action movies, but with the addition of It's just a science fiction element.

But no matter how classic it is, it is also a 20th century movie.

When Sun Peng saw this film for the first time, he was amazed by the liquid robot inside, and even the red sight in the eyes of the t800 electronics and the numbers that kept rolling out. He would think it was super cool-after all, in that era, The average Chinese have never touched a computer at all, and even win95 hasn't even come out yet, so naturally they feel that they are really good.

But if Wei Xiaolin's "Terminator 2" is still at that level, it might be another matter.

Although Sun Peng most values ​​the story in "Terminator 2", it is the plot of the whole movie and the thoughts to be expressed, but if the special effects and scenes of this sci-fi blockbuster are made to the level of the original version, Sun Peng can be sure of the chance of hitting the street He is very big, so big that he doesn't dare to take risks at all!

So Wei Xiaolin's version of "Terminator 2" is not stingy in the scenes and special effects.

Huge funds, smashed hard!

From the time when Sun Peng proposed that the production cost was at least 500 million, the more the better, Wei Xiaolin knew that this would be his own opportunity-I have to say that after spending a long time in the movie circle, both he and Chen Cheng Can detect this sensitively.

In this movie, Wei Xiaolin really did his best!

The most classic part of "Terminator 2", that is, those plots and scenes that Sun Peng repeatedly explained to him, Wei Xiaolin kept as authentic as possible. But the scenes and various special effects in it, Wei Xiaolin naturally made it in line with this era.

At the same time, there are of course those details.

It's like the company where black geniuses work. The layout inside is naturally too stingy in this era. So just building a studio and letting the artists spend more than four million on the scene! As for the several battles in the movie, such as the chase where the governor was playing shotguns while riding a locomotive, another example is the last two battles, a battle between a research and development company, and between two robots. The battle of "The Matrix" and "Hero" was done by Wei Xiaolin, who had participated in the filming of "The Matrix" and "Heroes".

Especially in the last paragraph, when t800 sank himself into the iron pool and raised a thumb, Sun Peng saw his nose sore...

Anyway, after watching the whole movie, when the protagonist once again sounded, and when the classic soundtrack and the scene of the speeding road appeared, Wu Zhigang and his girlfriend were immersed in a mood called shock at the same time, and there was no first time. Recovered from it.

When the letters at the end of the film began to scroll, Wu Zhi just sighed: "This "Terminator 2" seems to be completely different from "Terminator 1"!"

"Ah? Why is it different?"

After listening to his words, the girlfriend was taken aback.

In her opinion, the stories of the two movies are the same, even the robots in them are exactly the same, but the first one is the villain t800, and when it comes to the second, it becomes a good robot. Just help the protagonist of justice.

So, what's the difference?

"The pattern, the pattern is different!"

After pondering for a moment, Wu Zhigang suddenly said: "No matter the story, the scene, or the thoughts expressed in the movie, it is not on the same level as the first one, it is obviously much higher..."



When the Old White landed at the Los Angeles International Airport, it immediately attracted the attention of countless people, and the reporters who had been waiting for a long time immediately set up their posture and blocked the small area of ​​the exit.

Everyone knows that Lao Bai is Lao Bai's private car.

Moreover, this private jet produced by Airbus in Europe is too recognizable. Now the large poster of "Terminator 2" has been printed on the fuselage, replacing the recent "Inception", so it is still over the airport. It was already recognized at the time.

"Just the reporter, at least more than two hundred came."

While the plane was taxiing on the runway, Liu Chang sat in his seat and said calmly: "If you add in the fans who will pick up the plane, there will be at least seven or eight hundred...The airport is mobilizing more security, so we may have to Wait a while on the plane."


After yawning, Sun Peng lazily said: "Then wait for a while, anyway, I have been flying for more than ten hours, and I don’t care about these few minutes... But when I go out later, I can only Give them ten minutes, have you made it clear to them?"

"Speak clearly, don't worry."

With his eyelids drooping, Liu Chang walked around and replied with a change of color.

After a pause, she went on to say: "There is another thing I will tell you. When the reporters in the province asked me for a while, you didn't know... "Inception" in the US box office has exceeded 200 million US dollars. , In the end it should fall between 220 million and 230 million!"

"Oh? Not bad!"

After listening to Liu Chang's words, Sun Peng finally barely raised a little spirit.

"Inception" on the earth seems to have a box office of about 300 million U.S. dollars in North America, so the world can get more than 200 million, which really surprised Sun Peng. After all, Hollywood is still the hegemon of the world, and as their base camp, North America is quite exclusive to movies from other regions.

"Not surprising, laobai has a lot of fans in North America!"

A smile flashed in his eyes, and the corner of Liu Chang's mouth bends: "So with the help of "Inception", the box office of "Terminator 2" in North America should not be low! Even according to the evaluation of Lotus Pictures, Americans should prefer this kind of science fiction movies that show the beauty of industry and power..."

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