Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1760: cheer up

"This little white..."

Sun Peng was taken aback when he saw the hot news on the Internet again, then he couldn't help but smile and shook his head after seeing the source.

Of course he would not care about such news.

In fact, whether it is one billion, one billion to two billion, Sun Peng will not care about either.

Guess what you want and pass it.

If according to Chen Maolin and Chen Fengzhi's statement, we had to spend so much money to play games, we would definitely have to brag about it. It's just that Sun Peng considered it again and again, rejected their request, and decided to keep the sense of mystery.

Anyway, few people know how much it really cost, and the studio staff have no idea.

It's not a high level or something, but Sun Peng doesn't want to affect the players' mentality because of his unreasonable throwing of money, let alone affect the reputation and decision-making of China Games.

Essentially, the series of "The Legend of the Old White Knights" has been opened.

This peg is called a money peg.

Especially with such a huge investment in "Old White Heroes 3", let alone China's domestic game companies, those old giants in Europe and the United States, how many dare to play like this?

Ten companies dared to do it, and nine companies closed down before the game was over.

The remaining one has a high probability of going bankrupt within a year or two after the game is on the shelves, because they simply cannot recover the huge investment cost...

If you want to invest in such a game, in addition to sufficient funds and time, you also need to be backed by the reputation of Lao Bai. Otherwise, if a newly created game work has just made the first game, why can it sell more than 10 million sets? You know, when the first two games are on the shelves, many people will buy a collection even if they don't like playing rpg games.

Therefore, other companies can hardly learn the money of "Old White Heroes 3".

This is also the reason why Sun Peng decided not to disclose the cost of game production, because he knew that once he let the players know, it would be easy to compare the others with "Old White Heroes 3", and that for other companies It's so unfair...

"The time for the press conference is at two o'clock in the afternoon."

Just as Sun Peng shook his head, Liu Chang next to him had already started arranging the itinerary with a small notebook: "So we have plenty of time at noon to enjoy a delicious lunch. Of course, it is with the owner and general manager of Seal Publishing House. The editors have a meal together. The press conference will end around four o'clock..."

"Wait, it will take two hours?"

When he heard this, Sun Peng couldn't sit still.

"Yes, at least two hours."

Putting down the small book in his hand for the time being, Liu Chang frowned and smiled: "Don’t forget the total number of first and second printings of the two publishing houses this time. That will be an unprecedented number. You think it’s only half an hour. Is the conference enough?"


The corners of his mouth twitched, and Sun Peng nodded helplessly.

If it's other writers, let alone a long press conference, I'm afraid I don't know how many signing meetings will be held. That is to say, a big man like Sun Peng is not really in need at first, and secondly the publishing house does not have the ability to force him to do anything, so that he is so "free".

It would be a bit too much to dismiss the conference for too long.

Seeing the boss nodded, Liu Chang refocused his attention on the notebook: "Next is dinner time... I'm sorry, it's only half an hour, because there is a charity auction organized by Seal Publishing House starting at 7:30 in the evening. The most important lot is the original manuscript of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone"..."

"Wait, wait a minute!"

This time You did not wait for Liu Chang to finish speaking, and Sun Peng cried out with a headache: "The first companion manuscript of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone"? Is there such a thing? Why don't I have any impression?"


Seeing Sun Peng's blank face, Liu Chang was completely speechless.

And Sun Peng also saw her expression, a thought flashed in his mind, then pointed at Liu Chang and said in surprise, "You... won't it be the thing you took from me last time? You take it Is it the first draft?"

"Yes, that's it."

Nodded, Liu Chang said calmly.

Before the Spring Festival, Liu Chang did take a stack of manuscripts from Sun Peng, and it was indeed related to "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone".


Those things were just what Sun Peng used to compare with "Han Bo and Lingshi" at the very beginning when he pondered and wrote on the paper. To put it bluntly, what he was thinking about at the time was how to "pirate" other people. The magician, the writing is also messy and in no order.

After writing that year, it was basically useless.

However, Sun Peng didn't expect that after seeing those words, Zheng Jia would carefully put them away, and then accidentally learned them smoothly.

Then, the agent took the manuscripts away, saying that they would use them on appropriate occasions...

Turned out to be used for charity auction? And as the first draft of the novel?

Sun Peng rolled his eyes, he was about to be amused by his agent: "I said eldest sister, are you sure that someone will take photos of that stuff for collection?"

Since it was given to Liu Chang and left to the other party's disposal, Sun Peng would naturally not regret it, he just thought it was a bit too funny.

"Hehe, why not?"

After blinking his eyes, Liu Chang chuckled: "Don’t underestimate the name of the Harry Potter series in the UK, and don’t underestimate the influence of the name laobai in London! Believe me, that’s how you think you are. The manuscript written by Hu will be at least 20,000 pounds at auction by then... Don't believe it, how about a bet?"

Seeing Sun Peng's questioning face, Liu Chang didn't care, and just started to gamble.

"Bet? Forget it."

Sun Peng was not interested in betting with his agent, shrugged and smiled.

Whenever you bet with Liu Chang, he has never won!

So taking advantage of the situation, he quickly changed the subject, and Sun Peng asked with a smile: "Sister Chang, in this Harry Potter base camp, how about the box office of "Han Bo and Qingyun Cup"?"

"There is a certain gap with the little magician, but much smaller than before."

After reading the small book, Liu Chang said with a smile: "The movie is still in theaters. It is difficult to say how much the final box office will be, but one thing is certain, it will definitely exceed 40 million pounds! This level, Already enter the top sixty of the British historical box office rankings!"

"Yo, not bad!"

After a pause, Sun Peng said in surprise.

Regardless of the relationship between the little wizard and the little wizard, it is an amazing thing that a Chinese movie can break into the top sixty of the British history list.

"So, today's event is very important!"

Finally put away his little books, Liu Chang said seriously: "You will pay attention to the game after the end of the night, but now, we have to cheer up..."

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