Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1789: King of the crew

Everything seems to start from that laobai!

Perceived this... No, it should be said that after recalling this, Tim? Hardaway frowned immediately and stroked it from the beginning.

The rise of Chinese action movies seems to be the case!

When a "Hurricane Rescue" was released in North America, Hollywood saw another style of action movie; and "Kill Bill", "Assassin League" and "Hero", and even "New Dragon Inn" also appeared in North America A large number of fans, coupled with the great success of "The Matrix", made this new and amazing action design quickly become the target of Hollywood action movies!

Especially in the past two years, this kind of reference has been increasing.

The result of this is that China's action movies have received more and more attention from Western audiences. Even in the base camp of Hollywood, China's action movies on the box office chart are indeed mediocre, but on the online video platform, they have attracted more and more fans.

Tim? Hardaway knew that sooner or later these fans would go to the cinema to try it out.

Compared with action movies that are slightly lower in cost and simple to make, science fiction, magic and animation movies require more investment and are more difficult to produce, and it is even harder to want Western concerns!


"Damn it, why is that guy a Chinese?!"

Thinking of that laobai, Tim? Hardaway's heart was full of helplessness and irritability.

Science fiction movies such as "Inception", "Terminator" and "Martian Rescue" have all gained more than the box office in North America! Now there is "Jurassic World" being filmed, and "Wandering Earth" is in preparation. I heard that the scale is larger and the special effects are more sophisticated. As for the United States, there is also the success of "Tomorrow", and "Avatar" is being filmed!

The magic movie, the little wizard and the little magician needless to say, that is one of the most successful movie series ever. And don’t forget that there are "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe", as well as "The Wonderful Museum", and the "Pirates of the Caribbean" which is currently being filmed. Laobai alone made Huaxia Magic put up a big class!

As for animation...

Tim? Hardaway just thought about "Frozen", so he didn't want to continue thinking about it.

If the work of Capoca Animation is included in it, it is simply Laobai alone against the rhythm of the entire Hollywood!

Although carefully calculated, these can be very successful in Europe and America, almost all Laobai's works. Apart from him, the Huaxia people have no filmmakers and works that can come up with anymore, but Tim? Hardaway knows very well that after having a leader, these types of Chinese movies will be like action movies, rushing in piles and piles!

Unlike movies in Europe, Japan and other countries, China has too much potential.

More people and more money mean everything.

The foundation of the development of the film industry is still money. Both technology and investment in a single film are inseparable from the previous; and China's huge local population and good economic level have found a stable and reliable market for these funds.

And China is a big country, it is destined that they will not focus on a certain type of film, but will develop in an all-round way!

and so……

"No matter how you look at it, we are all cultivating a strong opponent!"

When thinking about this, Tim? Hardaway couldn't help sighing, and said solemnly, "Miss Harrison, do you think our approach is stupid?"


After a moment of silence, Miss Harrison shook her head and said, "Sir, I don’t know if this is as stupid as you said, but I know that if I give up "The Avengers" because of this. It’s impossible to be the American producer of "Union"!"


For a moment, Tim? Hardaway couldn't help but smile.

Yeah, how can she give up?

As the producer Paramount found for "The Avengers", Miss Harrison has never had such an opportunity before—investing more than 200 million US dollars, and she is also a writer, director and soundtrack of Laobai. A member of the 1.5 billion dollar club!

The producer of such a film, how can she give up?

So after a bitter smile, Tim? Hardaway also said helplessly: "Yes, you don't want to give up, Paramount can't give up either! So...Miss Harrison, get ready to welcome your king! I hope to be in the filming of "The Avengers" , You can make him happy as much as possible so that we can get the chance of "Avengers 2"!"


After a daze, Miss Harrison quickly reacted and nodded with a wry smile: "Of course, you said that he is the king of our crew, who would dare to offend him? Don't worry, I will try my best. Let "Avengers 2" stay in Paramount..."


"Okay, don't plug it anymore, it can't fit anymore!"

Seeing that Zheng Jia was still stuffing his bag, Sun Peng also reluctantly said, "Don't take the odds and ends. Just buy them when they are missing."

Regarding his words, Zheng Jia replied: "Where can I buy my own temporarily for comfort? Anyway, you don't need to take it, just add a box."


Rolling his eyes, Sun Peng simply stopped watching her pack things.

He just packed a trolley case, which contained some simple daily necessities, and didn't even bring a few clothes. After all, I didn't go to attend an awards ceremony this time, just buy a few new ones in New York. It's a pity that Zheng Jia obviously didn't think so, and continued after filling three boxes.

However, after looking at the phone for a while, Sun Peng couldn’t help turning his head: “Jiajia, this time I went to mainly make various preparations before starting up. It is estimated that it will take at least a month... I can only work hard for you."

"It's okay, what's the hard work?"

Standing up and shaking her waist, Zheng Jia smiled and said: "I am not alone, my parents are there, and there are two aunts, I just accompany the children... If this is hard work, all Do most mothers in the world live in hell?"


Hearing what his wife said was interesting, Sun Peng couldn’t help but feel happy. He stepped forward and grabbed Zheng Jia’s waistline. After giving birth to two children, Zheng Jia’s waist seemed to meet Sun Peng for the first time. Generally no different then!

Bowing his head on Zheng Jia’s forehead, Sun Peng smiled and said, “I’m going to have one more thing this time, that is, I plan to buy two houses there. If everything goes well, you can be together again in the future. Passed..."

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