Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1795: Decent

Tim? Sun Peng knew Hardaway's thoughts long ago.

But he also made up his mind long ago. As long as the Avengers series is still under his control, the power of Paramount will gradually decrease in the future, and the voice of the Forbidden City and Lotus Pictures will gradually increase. Especially the "Avengers 2" and the following "Avengers 3" will never be handed over to Paramount Pictures.

"Avengers 1" needs Paramount's distribution channel, but the latter is different.

Sun Peng has full confidence that "Avengers 1" can achieve much greater success than on earth. Because the reputation of Lao Bai in this world is not less than that of Marvel, but the big ticket warehouse of China can support a billion-dollar box office!


With the Chinese superheroes Captain China, Black Widow and Hawkeye, and the director Sun Peng, how much is a billion dollars?

So Tim? Hardaway's idea is destined to be a spectacle.

Even after the release of "Avengers", the prestige of Lao Bai further increased, and the success of "Iron Man" 2, 3, and "Captain China 2", Paramount's influence in the Avengers film industry will be further reduced. !

Laobai alone can overwhelm the opponent!

What's more, the Forbidden City and Lotus Pictures must be added, which is even more properly crushed!

Although it’s a bit unnatural to do so, after all, the first stage of the reunion mainly relied on the name and distribution channels of Paramount, and after having two superheroes from the United States and a Thor from Northern Europe, the reunion will be Europe and the United States quickly opened up the market. But there is one thing to say, Paramount also gained a lot in this process.

Making money is next, and restoring confidence is more important.

Paramount, who was already on the verge of bankruptcy and whose stocks plummeted, took a sigh of relief due to the rise of the Avengers series. The stock rose by at least 30%. After the release of Fulian, it was a trivial matter to rise to 50%, so Sun Peng really had a clear conscience for them.

As for the Forbidden City and Lotus Pictures, which have begun secretly preparing their own movie universe...

To be honest, Sun Peng really didn't care at all.

Of course he knew that this was Fang Lanshen, Zhou An and others looking for another way out, a back-hand who wanted to get rid of Lao Bai’s influence, but Sun Peng’s attitude had always been indifferent and let them Self-development.

The reason is also very simple, there is not much left in Sun Peng's head.

There are certainly hundreds of movie scripts, but if you consider the box office, influence, and characteristics of the times, there are actually not many that can be used. After all, with Lao Bai's current fame and status, Sun Peng really doesn't want to take a movie with an average box office, but a movie with a high enough box office may not be suitable for this era.

It's like "Star Wars", if you really take it out, it will be brain-dead.

Let’s just say the original version on Earth. If there weren’t so many passionate fans without the foundation of the trilogy of the 70s, could it be so successful with the next few "Star Wars"?

Give me a break.

So Sun Peng knew very well that when the movie he had on hand was finished and the Avengers series shot "Avengers 3" and "Avengers 4", it was basically the end.

At least for commercial films that went to the box office, he shouldn't do it again.

Because the advancement of film technology is so fast, and the rise of Huaxia Movies has become unstoppable, there will be more and more good movies on the market. At that time, the creativity in Sun Peng's head was still worth a few dollars, and it was really hard for anyone to say.

Of course, Sun Peng made enough money, and the original purpose of helping the rise of Huaxia Film was achieved.

So at this time, the Forbidden City and Lotus Pictures are building their own movie universe, how can Sun Peng suppress it? He was even a little happy. Because things are clear, with the current strength of the Forbidden City and Lotus Pictures, even if it is really done, it is not easy to make the influence of the new series, not even for four to five years.

How many years has it been since the preparations for the Marvel series on Earth began in 2005, and how many years has it been since the release of "Avengers"

At that time, even if they succeeded, Sun Peng's investment in the Avengers series has come to an end. He really hopes that the two Chinese giants can succeed!

So even Tim? Hardaway faintly mentioned the Forbidden City and Lianhua's movements, and Sun Peng would not care.

He knew that the other party wanted to make himself scrupulous, so he preferred Paramount in the later roles and movie assignments. What a pity Tim? Although Hardaway's thoughts are good, he didn't touch Sun Peng's thoughts at all...

Pulled away.

On June 15th, "Thor" held a grand premiere at the same time in Los Angeles and Huaxia Modu.

Regardless of the media response or film reviews, it seems quite gratifying.

"Thor" on the earth is a fairly satisfactory movie, especially the final battle is simply disappointing. Anyway, Sun Peng has always wondered whether the cost of more than 100 million U.S. dollars was spent on publicity? The decisive battle between Thor and his younger brother was just a robot-like thing and ended?

So although the original script was used this time, Sun Peng still hoped that Paramount could take the initiative to revise it, make the scene bigger and stronger, and surpass the original.


Tim? Hardaway obviously didn't have this courage, even if Sun Peng clearly told him that it could be changed, the other party still took the original photo.

So apart from the interesting plot, there is really nothing to say on the scene.

It's quite satisfactory and there is no explosive point.

So after the simultaneous release of "Thor" on June 20th in 56 countries around the world, although it successfully won more than forty first weekend box office titles, the three-day box office in North America was only more than 70 million US dollars, and China had only The 790 million Chinese currency is really not conspicuous.

You know, this is a summer vacation.

For example, in the Huaxia Market, there will be at least three major productions released next weekend, which will inevitably lose a large part of the attention of Thor. Therefore, it is almost impossible for this film to get 3 billion box office in China, and 2.5 billion may be a little overhang!

As for the North American box office, about 200 million yuan should be its destination.

This result, Tim? Hardaway will certainly be disappointed. Although he made money, the box office and "Iron Man" are a bit far behind, and they are not at all the same level as "Captain China". Considering that Sun Peng will direct "Captain China 2", Thor's prospects may be difficult to catch up with the superheroes of China.

Tim? Hardaway was a little upset, but Sun Peng was satisfied with the box office.

Compared to the earth, the box office of "Thor" has been much higher. After all, there is a bug-like ticket store in China! So as soon as the box office came out on the first weekend, Sun Peng threw the movie aside, and gave all his energy and time to the "Avengers"...

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