Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1798: Failed experience

After participating in the Magnolia Award, Sun Peng had a group of "staff".

Of course, they didn't really work for him, and Sun Peng really couldn't afford to hire those people—not because he couldn't get the money out, but because he didn't have the need, and they didn't lack the money.

But if there is something, those people will definitely make a call.

For example, this time, when they sensitively discovered this anti-laobai undercurrent, they immediately notified Sun Peng to remind him to be prepared to deal with it.

Sun Peng also knew very well that on the surface, this undercurrent was anti-Lao Bai, but in fact it was anti-Chinese movies!

The threat of Chinese-language movies to Hollywood is now growing.

When Sun Peng first entered the film industry more than a decade ago, although China’s film standards were not bad, they were basically in the field of literary and artistic films. In the field of commercial films, there was really not much to take apart from the period blockbusters. Get it right.

But now?

Action blockbusters are blooming, even to the point where they are bored to the audience!

Although magic movies and science fiction movies are not at a level, but because of the stimulation of the little wizard, the little wizard, and movies such as "Terminator", they also attracted a lot of capital to enter. Especially the "Jurassic World" currently being filmed, and the "Wandering Earth" that is still in preparation, are all invested in more than one billion Chinese coins.

A large number of top Hollywood talents were invited to China by the well-funded producers.

Without top talent, we will dig!

Without the most cutting-edge technology, we will learn and even invest in research and development!

China Cinema will definitely not lack funds at this time, and the huge and unmatched local market has also given them the confidence to recover costs in the future, just do it!

Anyway, teacher Lao Bai’s script has never failed!

Of course, not everyone can invest in Lao Bai's script, and most people who want to come in and get a share of the pie can only be disappointed. Fortunately, there are some in the movie circle who follow suit. Since they can't vote for Lao Bai's script, they seem to be fine with others, but they will not be so happy when negotiating.

After coming and going, China's big investment will naturally increase.

Of course there will be a lot of failures, and there will even be fraudulent money under the name of making movies, but it is undeniable that there will definitely be some who really want to make a good show!

The efforts of these people will add more confidence to Huaxia Movies-the shooting and release of each movie will allow a group of filmmakers to accumulate a little experience, especially in the production of huge investment. It is very likely that some elites You can stand out from the crowd!

After he really entered this line, Sun Peng discovered this strange development route.

What can you do when your strength is insufficient?

You can only spend money to try it. The probability of success may be very low, but it will never be possible without trying.

This is true for the film industry, as are other industries.

Just like the development of many industries in China on the earth, it was BOE that left a deep impression on Sun Peng. Relying on the constant smashing of money and losses, it can barely be considered in the end. At least the prices of LCD TVs and monitors have hit the level of the price of cabbage...

So now he understands a little bit about the filmmakers who scolded in his previous life-not that he thinks it is right for them to invite some little fresh meat and little fairies to make movies by relying on gimmicks, but think that they are making movies. , Is good for the development of Chinese film.

It spoiled their own reputation and made countless fans scold, but they also left a failed experience.

For example, "Promise", "Magic Capital" and the like, even if it is just to alert some filmmakers or investors, it is a good thing! So we still have to look at things from two sides, there are advantages than disadvantages, and when there are disadvantages, it may have a positive meaning from a certain aspect...

"Haha, what a **** of a bullshit!"

After thinking about it, Sun Peng suddenly laughed and threw away that absurd thought.

When he saw him suddenly laugh inexplicably, Lin Lin was taken aback, and then curiously asked: "Xiao Peng, what do you think so happy?"

"Huh? Oh, nothing."

Shaking his head, Sun Peng smiled casually: "Anyway, don't worry, whether I am like before, or if I am a different person, as long as the film can be made in the end, it will be fine! Anyway, this "Avengers" "After that, I will shoot another "Captain China 2", and I should not get involved in the Avengers series!"

Sun Peng didn't worry about whether he would offend others.

Many of the people I met at today's meeting were Sun Peng's first cooperation, but if nothing else, it should be the last cooperation. There is still a small part that may continue in "Captain Huaxia 2", but that’s when it’s at home Huaxia, who would dare to stand up and stab?

As for this time, it is even more impossible!

"The Avengers" is not only extremely important for Paramount, but also for the Forbidden City and Lotus Pictures. For the movies that the three movie giants are paying attention to together, if someone dared to jump out and stumble upon Sun Peng, he would definitely let the other party know what the difficulty of a career is!

After spending a long time in this industry, Lin Lin naturally understands this, and she knows the prestige of Lao Bai now, not to mention the people in the crew, even the star who plays Iron Man will not be too difficult. So I nodded with confidence, Lin Lin smiled and said: "You can hold it yourself... By the way, "Iron Man 2" will premiere in New York tomorrow, and our crew will walk the red carpet together. You won't sneak in again! "

"Of course not, this is an opportunity to promote "The Avengers", I will be very honest..."


July 15th, Sunday.

"Iron Man 2" held its premiere in New York, and all the leading actors of "The Avengers", led by the director and screenwriter Lao Bai, went to the red carpet together. Is the male lead Tony? Howth platform.

This situation will become the norm in the future.

The premiere of any film belonging to the Avengers series, other Avengers will have to walk on the red carpet, to cheer, increase the topic, and also to increase their exposure to remind the audience of their own exist.

To put it simply, everyone is a relationship where everything is prosperous and everything is damaged.

Only this time, the mood of the starring actors was obviously not very happy, because when the "Avengers" crew as a whole walked on the red carpet, the loudest of the shouts around was Lin Lin, followed by laobai. The others were almost silent.

And the cheers that these two Chinese people get are even better than Tony, the leading actor who walks alone on the red carpet? Hoth is bigger...

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