Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1804: Schedule

No matter how Zhang Yuanming feels, it seems to the outside world that Lao Bai has acquired the cba's veteran and powerful Blue Lions team and became the owner of this basketball team!

The news spread, naturally it was a lot of excitement.

Especially in the major basketball forums, the Blue Lions section exploded instantly, and the popularity surpassed other cba teams, and even the sum of nba teams!

"Damn! What kind of divine development is this, isn't it that the Blue Lions are going to be sold to a Japanese consortium?"

"Yes, yes, I'm still waiting to see the Blue Lions fans go to the home stadium to demonstrate, why did they sell it to Teacher Lao Bai?"

"Hahaha, Teacher Lao Bai has plunged into the basketball hoop. This is going to cross another world!"

"Tsk tusk, today's cba looks good now. It is estimated that the Blue Lions are always stars in the front row every time they play at home!"


The above are almost all the opinions of neutral fans, unbiased, purely eating melons and watching the fun.

Many non-Blue Lions fans are full of strange stories at the moment.

"Lao Bai just came here to be the boss, and he can't play in person. Isn't the Blue Lions just what it should be?"

"Maybe I bought the team just to wait for the appreciation, what does it have to do with the results?"

"Basketball nowadays can no longer be done by money alone. Besides, Lao Bai just bought the team, maybe he would continue to spend money?"


But for the fans of the Blue Lions, today’s news is simply a shocking joy, especially for the young fans, it’s like having a carnival. Posts one after another, the sky is up!

"My God, it turned out to be Old White!"

"The Blue Lions are about to take off, right? Teacher Lao Bai has never failed no matter which field he crosses."

"Calm! Calm! This is basketball, Teacher Lao Bai can't play!"

"One said, if Teacher Lao Bai enters the game, our Blue Lions will never be short of money in the future, right? Isn't this just who we want to buy?"

"Haha, isn't this nonsense? Bai Da doesn't have to do his best or anything. It is enough to take out one or two book royalties every year."

"Are you sure to take out one or two book royalties? Just like those two books this year, the royalties are hundreds of millions of dollars! Is it enough to feed both teams?"

"How could it be possible to rely solely on white money? Isn't the team making money?"

"With Lao Bai as the boss, will the Blue Lions' home court be full?"


"Yesterday, the Internet was very lively!"

When visiting her cousin's house the next day, Lin Lin looked at Sun Peng with an unhappy expression, and said unhappily: "And you two, I didn't even tell me before buying the Blue Lions!"

Posing his lips, Sun Peng said angrily: "Hehe, why would I tell you in advance? Ask you to tell this thing in advance?"

"If you know in advance, I'll also be a shareholder!"

Blinking her eyes, Lin Lin said unhappily: "Although I definitely don't have four or five billion, we can still get one or two billion. It's not bad to be a minority shareholder... Xiaopeng, discuss it and let me be a hundred Part... well, how about a 2% share?"

"Ha ha……"

Continue to curl his lips, Sun Peng is really too lazy to talk about this guy.


What he and Zheng Jia are thinking about now is how to acquire the remaining shares of the minority shareholders and turn the Blue Lions into completely private property. How could they still give shares to others?

Lin Lin knew that there was no play when he looked at his expression, and her eyelids rolled over and said: "I won't tell you, where is Jia Jia?"

"The team just got it, what do you think?"

Really lazy to talk, Sun Peng waved his hand and said, "Okay, she should be with the Blue Lions these days... Stop talking nonsense, just talk about business! "The Avengers" will start shooting on September 15th. , Are you ok?"

"No problem, I'm already ready!"

Taking a deep breath, Lin Lin's expression became serious: "Until the end of the year, my schedule is empty, should it be enough?"

"Well, it must be enough."

The only thing to ponder, Sun Peng smiled and nodded.

Four or five months seems to be too little for a movie of the size of "The Avengers", but don’t forget, Sun Peng and the others have already made enough preparations. It’s just a shot, and there are plenty of special effects shots as long as they are in post-production.

So after finishing talking, Sun Peng frowned and smiled: "This way, after the Chinese New Year, "Tomb Raider 2" can start shooting, right?"

"Well, next April!"

Shrugging, Lin Lin smiled and said: "This time I'm going to film abroad almost the whole time, so I have to wait until it gets a little warmer... If nothing else, they want to catch up with the summer vacation of the next year!"

"Summer vacation? Are you not in time for the Spring Festival?"

Hearing what his cousin said, Sun Peng was taken aback and couldn't help asking.

If the shooting can be completed in July and August next year, and special effects production can start ahead of schedule, it shouldn’t be a big problem to catch up with next year’s Spring Festival. They are actually willing to give up this schedule?

Lin Lin can only shrug her shoulders again, smile and shook her head: "No way, it's too rush. And next year's Spring Festival file has "Avengers", no one wants to head-on with you!"


Hearing what she said, Sun Peng immediately became happy: "I don't want to go head-to-head with "Avengers" in the Spring Festival file, so I plan to find "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "Avatar"? Your heart is also big enough!"

In the summer vacation of the next year, blockbuster movies are gathered!

Sun Peng's script alone has two super ips. No matter which one of "Avatar" or "Pirates of the Caribbean" is, it is not comparable to the "Tomb Raider" series.

Coupled with at least four or five of China's other super masterpieces, and more Hollywood masterpieces, to be honest, after listening to his cousin, Sun Peng couldn't help but squeeze a cold sweat for them!

The script of "Tomb Raider 2", Sun Peng took out Indiana this time? The Jones series, of course, is just the same as the plot. The other styles and special effects are to record you and the times, but after all, they are "old" works. To be honest, he does not have full confidence that it will be a big success.

Especially in the highly competitive summer vacation, I am afraid it is not much easier than the one-week Spring Festival.

However, Lin Lin disagreed with his worry, shook her head and said casually: "Don't worry, this time the investment in "Tomb Raider 2" exceeds 400 million... I'm just talking about production costs, not including film remuneration and announcements Hair and other expenses. It will definitely make the scene very big and beautiful. As long as you don’t touch "Avatar", even "Pirates of the Caribbean" won't be shocked!"

Lin Lin is confident about her new movie.

Sun Peng had no choice but to helplessly shook his head and said: "Well, you can do whatever you want, but you must be cautious when choosing the schedule, and don't take other people's blockbuster movies seriously... …"

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