For Liu Chang, this day was really wonderful.

Anyway, when she heard from Sun Peng that Lao Bai would no longer write scripts easily, she was stunned for a long time and couldn't speak. Until she left the seaside villa where Sun Peng lived, there was still chaos in her head, and she did not fully wake up from what Sun Peng said.


Of course Liu Chang asked several times, but Sun Peng dismissed it lightly.

Of course, this sudden decision made Liu Chang difficult to understand. If it were not suppressed, she really wanted to yell at her boss to vent her anger and anxiety.

It's just a pity that Liu Chang is too calm.

She also knows Sun Peng's temper very well, knowing that just like when he suddenly decided to close his pen and stop writing those pop songs, other people's opinions were of little importance to Lao Bai, and he would not consider it half!

So Liu Chang, who was a little confused, decided to leave first and come back to discuss this issue with his boss.


"What is this guy thinking about?"

When he got out and got in the car, Liu Chang's mind finally became clearer. He sighed and his brows were still locked tightly: "Could it be that he was stimulated by something, or was it... Jiang Lang was exhausted? How could it be possible? Haha..."


If he could hear Liu Chang's self-deprecating laugh at this moment in the air, Sun Peng would definitely give a thumbs up at the other party and give him a good compliment.

That's right, Jiang Lang is really exhausted!

Although in the past ten years, Lao Bai or Laobai didn't know how many Sunspots had been slapped in the face, and kept telling them that their talents were endless, and seemed to have an end forever.

But this time Sun Peng must admit this, he is almost "emptied"!

There are still a lot of movie scripts that he didn't bring out in his head. To be honest, even if you only pick out the high-scoring movies, and take out ten movies a year, it will be at least enough for another 20 to 30 years. But Sun Peng also knew that if he really continued to do this, one day he would completely collapse the myth of Lao Bai and continue to usher in failure.

Again, the times are different.

Although the classics are always classics and will not fade due to the passage of time, there is one thing that must be admitted, that is, most classics belong to a certain era. If you break away from the background of the era, you can give him a classic. Status is to find yourself uncomfortable.

For example, if "Star Wars", which has countless fans on earth, is released in the 21st century, what will it be like?

A group of people fighting with glowing swords? Are you going to laugh at the audience?

But in the 1970s of the 20th century, such a setting was so cool and so exciting. And when countless fans accepted it, no matter how the subsequent sequels were to be used, everyone would take it for granted, and no one would feel offended.

There is also the 83rd edition of shooting sculptures, which is sought after by many people on the Internet. In that era of lack of entertainment, people in the mainland could empty alleys, and the whole country was "vaguely dreamed and seen before"... and even discussed the new version of shooting sculptures every time. Sometimes, there will always be many people who jump out and scold them for rubbish, and then compare this version...

The 83rd edition is really good, but is it really enough to hit all new editions?

Do not make jokes!

Those who can say this are either just talking about feelings and not being practical; or looking at the present is not pleasing to the eye, only knowing to take the previous things to satirize the present. For example, the bearded eagle shooting, apart from the fact that the male and female protagonists are really unpleasant, what is not better than the old version? There is also the song "Heaven and Earth Are in My Heart", which old song can match?

So, some people are really black for the sake of blackness!

If you don't believe it, move out the 83rd edition of the shooting sculpture, and see how many people can insist on seeing the end from the beginning, and still watch with relish, immersed in it? Just like those classic old movies, no matter how great the artistic achievement is, there are very few people who can watch it...

Okay, too far.

People around Liu Chang and Zheng Jia, or fans all over the world, think that Lao Bai is omnipotent, and the creativity in his head is endless. This is the past ten years, Sun Peng has used a book Short stories, scripts, and songs give them an inherent impression.

But Sun Peng himself knew that there were really not many scripts in his mind suitable for this world and this era.

For example, for the "Jurassic World" currently being filmed by Wei Xiaolin, Sun Peng originally had four scripts to come up with, but "Jurassic Park 2" and "Jurassic Park 3" would not be mentioned. The producers used to collect money, a batch of rubbish, but Sun Peng, the epoch-making movie script of "Jurassic Park", was unwilling to shoot it for Wei Xiaolin. What was that for?

The reason is simple, the movie itself is too simple.

For the audience in the 1990s, the sight of dozens of dinosaurs running wildly and huge long-necked dragons walking by the water was extremely shocking. The ferocity of a few Velociraptors and a Tyrannosaurus Rex was enough to make them feel nervous and exciting in the theater, which was very enjoyable.

But in this era, would you try "Jurassic Park"?

Audiences who have seen all kinds of monsters on the big screen of the movie, or even on the small screen at home, will definitely teach Sun Peng a hard lesson, let him understand what is the irreversible torrent of the times!

After watching the big monster like "Godzilla", only the scale of "Jurassic World" can make the audience feel.

So this is Sun Peng who gave "Jurassic World" to Wei Xiaolin to shoot, but he gave "Jurassic Park" to Benma Pictures and asked them to find another director to shoot a miniseries. the reason.

Using modern technology to shoot "Jurassic Park" would not cost much at all.

The Jurassic Park series is like this, and other movies are actually the same. Some movies that rely purely on plots and action scenes to win, such as "Bourne's Identity" series, "Hurricane Rescue" series, and "Die Hard", as well as magical themes, almost what it is It's all applicable at all times. Just make some fine-tuning and make the scene bigger.

But for most science fiction and drama movies, the characteristics of the times are too obvious, and it is not easy to adapt them well.

At least for Sun Peng, he was not interested in taking this risk.

After he has moved most of the movies he approved, the rest is either personally disliked or personally felt inappropriate. Taking a movie from thirty years ago, even more than ten or twenty years ago, to filming today was originally a very risky thing. What's more, for the current Sun Peng, he has also lost the motivation to continue taking risks.

Of course, it just doesn't have the motivation to carry it to others.

After all, Sun Peng is still very interested in being a director to shoot movies, so if nothing else, although he will not frequently write scripts for others in the future, he will definitely write if he uses it!

By the way, there is also the "Sunflower Story Collection" series, that Sun Peng also intends to continue writing, because he really does not want to see someone ruining the classics he brought from another world...

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