"Haha, one more hour!"

Rubbing his hands vigorously, Wu Zhigang excitedly said to his girlfriend next to him: "The game has been downloaded, just wait for it to be activated on time at twelve! Baby, shall we play online or..."

"Online? No, I want to read the story first!"

After listening to Wu Zhigang's words, the girl shook her head without hesitation.

She is not really interested in games or anything. This time she asked her boyfriend to buy herself a copy of "Old White Heroes 3", which was originally for the plot written by Lao Bai. Maybe after going through all the plots in the future, she will play online with her boyfriend, such as cooperating on small tasks, but now it must be listening to songs and watching stories!

So after looking at the computer screen in front of Wu Zhigang, the girl blinked and said, "By the way, when I played the second part last time, what kind of modifier software you downloaded to me, now give it to me again. Next one! I want to play in the afternoon, but I don't want to work hard to fight monsters."


The corners of his mouth twitched several times, and Wu Zhigang was speechless.

Modifier, a must-have software for many people to play games. Through this small software, the life, physical strength or internal strength of the game character can be locked, and they can be beaten casually without death; or various attribute points can be modified and piled directly to the highest value; It can also activate the one-hit kill function, no matter whether the mob or the boss, it will be a single shot...

For Wu Zhigang, the modifier is of course rubbish.

What is the fun of playing games with that thing? Especially for RPG games like "The Legend of the Old White Knights", isn't it the pleasure of playing the characters you created to grow up step by step and defeat one enemy after another?

Push it directly with the modifier, there is a gross meaning?

But looking at his expectant girlfriend, Wu Zhigang also knew that he couldn't ask for too much. Other girls are willing to play games, and they still play games with him. This is pretty awesome. It is really too much to ask her to enjoy the process of playing games just like herself.

So after a secretive smile, Wu Zhigang still replied: "No, the modifiers will only be made by masters after the game comes out. Now the "Old White Heroes 3" has not been activated, where is the modifier? But don't worry, Soon, it's only a day or two at most."

"oh, I see!"

Listening to Wu Zhigang's words, the girl suddenly lost the interest in waiting in front of the computer, and said with some excitement: "Forget it, I will not play today. When the modifier comes out, tell me , I will start again..."

Without the modifier, she has no motivation to play.

"Don't, baby."

Hearing what the girl said, Wu Zhigang suddenly became anxious: "Otherwise, I will play and watch, this is all right? Anyway, you just watch the plot and listen to the music. And my skill is so high, it's not much slower than using a modifier. ."

Girlfriend stopped playing games? That's it?

Wu Zhigang has been looking forward to "The Legend of the Old White Knights 3" which officially started today, and the company is also very kind. He doesn't need to work overtime this weekend. He has already planned for two days!

If his girlfriend doesn't play, how can he play?

If you want to use your ass, you know that if you are alone in the game, the possibility that your girlfriend will stay by yourself is almost zero. Wu Zhigang can be sure that it won’t take long for his girlfriend to get bored, and then tell him to go shopping outside, or go out to eat, or just watch a movie together...

Speaking of which, today there is a white animation released!

So the best way is to let the girls join in, so that everyone can play the game more comfortably.

However, the girl did not agree with his suggestion. She frowned and shook her head and said: "No, then I have to start over when I play by myself, it's boring..."

"No, I'll just copy an archive for you!"

Upon hearing this reason, Wu Zhigang immediately said anxiously: "Make sure you start from wherever you see it when you come back to play. There is nothing wrong with it!"

"OK then."

After hesitating, the girl finally nodded.

Although she prefers to control the characters by herself, but seeing Wu Zhigang's appearance, she also knows that her boyfriend is really looking forward to this game for a long time, so she should accommodate him for two days!

After seeing her nodding, Wu Zhigang was overjoyed and quickly said: "Haha, I tell you, this game is really fun, let’s not say anything else. The pre-sale quantity alone has already set an astronomical record before it hits the shelves. More than four million sets..."


"Dad, can you go faster?"

Seeing that Zhao Zhihuo was still sluggish, the little girl was very dissatisfied and raised her mouth. She couldn't help but complain in a low voice: "I would have asked Lili and the others to see it together. How can we buy popcorn and coke when we get there?"

"Uh... well, I'll go faster."

Eyelids jumped twice, and Zhao Zhihuo nodded helplessly.

He also wanted to go to the theater soon, but look at the weather, it was over 30 degrees high at noon! If you go fast, you can arrive earlier, but when the time comes, you will get a bad sweat, and won't you catch a cold after entering the air-conditioned cinema?

But for the sake of his daughter, Lao Zhao could only speed up.

After arriving at the theater, I took the movie tickets purchased online, bought a big bucket of popcorn and two glasses of Coke, and then the two people sat in the theater and the opening advertisement had just begun.

After watching the patch advertisement of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", the girl who was eating popcorn suddenly touched Zhao Zhihuo's shoulder: "Dad, can you please do something?"

Zhao Zhihuo was thinking about the trailer on the big screen just now, and he immediately said with joy: "Huh? What's the matter? Do you want to watch a Harry Potter movie?"

"No, it's half a year before the release!"

Pouting, the little girl shook her head vigorously and said: "I want to buy a game to play, but the price is a bit more expensive, and the pocket money saved now is not enough... Dad, sponsor me two hundred!"

Hearing what she said, Zhao Zhihuo suddenly widened his eyes in surprise: "What kind of game is so expensive... By the way, Niuniu, when did you play the game?"

"Hey, just say yes or not!"

"Haha, it's alright."

Seeing her daughter's arrogant appearance, Zhao Zhihuo gave a happy shrug and smiled: "But you have to tell me what game you want to buy. I will see if it suits you to make a decision. Baby, you are still young, and there are many games. Can't play."

"Don't worry, it must be a good game!"

Upon hearing what her father said, the little girl suddenly became excited: "The game that your idol personally planned and produced will definitely be fine..."

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