Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1859: Shares

Of course, Sun Peng deliberately took Xiaobai and the others to see Peach Blossom Island.

And the facts have also proved that the birth of Peach Blossom Island is indeed useful, and it immediately attracted back the players who had cleared the game before and gradually lost their enthusiasm.

So in the evening of the next day, the number of simultaneous online users exceeded 226!

Exaggerated figures.

Under normal circumstances, only competitive games can have so many players online at the same time. For games like "Old White Heroes 3", more than two million simultaneous online games is a miracle.

So the news came out, attracting more passersby players.


The most important thing is the launch of the online mode, so that players who like "The Legend of the Old White Knights 3" finally have a reason to call friends. Especially when they discover that in this arena, you can do whatever you want, as long as there are enough people and strong enough, they can't wait to take action.

On November 2nd, it was not very obvious, but the sales of "Old White Heroes 3" suddenly doubled on the 3rd, and the 4th increased by 60% on the basis of the 3rd...


"in fact……"

Looking at Sun Peng, Chen Maolin smiled bitterly: "If you don't release the task of Peach Blossom Island, it won't affect the sales of the game... I personally think that it is better for the players to explore by themselves."

"Hehe, it's okay, aren't there still several such places?"

The corners of his mouth twitched twice, and Sun Peng said with a smile.

"Okay, don't talk about this."

Seeing that the boss was a little embarrassed, Chen Fengzhi laughed and said, "Anyway, the sales exploded in the first week of November, and 800,000 games were sold in seven days. This is quite amazing."

It's a miracle that the game can still have this result four months after it has been on the shelves.

"The key is the playability, it is too strong!"

Speaking of this, Sun Peng was immediately excited: "Haha, if the stand-alone is only an attractive plot and soundtrack, then there are too many things you can play after you are online. You can join the martial arts, or you can build your own martial arts. Fighting for supremacy with your friends, you can also Xiaoaoshanlin... Looking for games all over the world, there are not as many games as ours, right?"

When it comes to this, Sun Peng is really proud.

Chen Fengzhi and Chen Maolin smiled at the same time, and nodded vigorously. As game developers, of course, they empathize with Sun Peng's words and are very proud.

However, after a while, Chen Fengzhi took a deep breath and said, "In addition to continuing to optimize the game, the focus is to make more DLCs, especially the stories you wrote, the boss. It would be a pity if you can’t make it Up."

"Yes, the point is that these plots don't cost much money."

"Well, you can figure it out."

Waved his hand, Sun Peng smiled casually.

Of course he knows Chen Fengzhi's plan, and he also knows that those so-called dlcs are actually adding a part of the plot, which is not a big deal. Especially all the new plots are based on the original map, most of the materials can be directly applied to the original, but it is necessary to add some new characters and make some cutscenes.

So after thinking about it for a while, he said again: "But one thing, dlc can be sold, but the price can't be too high! Our game 498 is already very expensive."

"Don't worry, boss, the price is eighteen yuan each, which is very cheap."

"that's OK."

After the three chatted about "Old White Knights 3", Chen Maolin finally couldn't bear it and brought the topic to today's business: "Boss, our new game has been planned. Would you like to read the planning book?"

After saying this, Chen Maolin took out a thick stack of documents, and his eyes began to sparkle with expectation.

This game is his long-awaited new work.

The boss did not intervene at all, and Chen Maolin led the planning team to complete it. It took more than a year, and Chen Maolin did not know how many nights he had spent for this.

It’s just that under Chen Maolin’s gaze, Sun Peng didn’t mean to pick up the planning book at all. He just squinted and said, “I don’t need to read this. You guys. To be honest, I think you should also know that "The Legend of Old White Knights 3" is the game I want, so I know what it should be like. I can write plots, soundtracks, and even propose specific gameplay for you. This new game is an urban genre, I really don’t understand it!"


After a shock, Chen Maolin's expression became a little nervous.

Perhaps seeing his worry, Sun Peng smiled and quickly said: "But as long as you think it’s good, don’t worry about my opinion, just let it go! Anyway, the company now has enough funds and should support it. Can you afford to make this new game?"

"Of course, there must be no problem!"

After facing Sun Peng's probing gaze, Chen Fengzhi nodded vigorously after taking a deep breath.

The big sales of "Lao Bai Qun Xia Chuan 3" has brought huge returns to Lao Bai Studio, especially now that the online online mode is online, it will inevitably bring them a steady stream of pure profits. You know, this kind of large-scale rpg game has a long life, and after adding the network mode, it is not surprising that it will be popular for two or three years!

Not only Chen Fengzhi they have confidence, Sun Peng also knows it well, after all, the a5 on earth is the best example...

Chen Maolin's new game investment is between 1 billion to 1.5 billion Chinese currency, Lao Bai Studio can fully afford it! As for whether to invest hundreds of millions or even more than a billion Chinese dollars to promote the game after the game is finished, or to spend tens of millions of dollars, it depends on the quality of the game and the economic situation of Lao Bai's studio at that time.

Sun Peng's clear statement finally made Chen Maolin breathe a sigh of relief, with a happy smile on his face.

"Old White Heroes 3" is really good, as the "father" of the game, of course Chen Maolin would be extremely proud of it. But I have to say that it is not his game after all!

The planning, story, and even many gameplay methods were proposed by Sun Peng. Chen Maolin hopes to make a game of his own, which is the natural idea after the success of "Old White Heroes 3".

Regarding this, Sun Peng smiled slightly and suddenly said, "By the way, you two, I want to ask your opinions on something."

"Huh? You said."

After the eyes of the two people came together, Sun Peng said leisurely: "You should also know that tt game platform has always had some thoughts about Laobai Studio. A long time ago, I made a request to buy shares, but I have always They didn't agree."

"...Of course we know this."

Chen Fengzhi's eyes suddenly sank, and he nodded solemnly.

In Sun Peng's words, they don't want their work to be interfered with by the outside world, especially the **** capital, so they always refuse. But now that the boss suddenly mentioned this matter, they couldn't help feeling nervous.

Sure enough, when they licked their lips at the same time, Sun Peng continued with a smile and said: "Now "The Legend of the Old White Knights 3" has been a great success. I want to hear your opinions..."

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