Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 827: charity dinner

"Forty thousand copies sold on the first day? Oh, this is really a bleak number."

After reading the message from Mu Hua, Sun Peng blinked and let out a sound similar to exclamation.

If it is any other newly released game, except for the super masterpieces of those big manufacturers, daily sales of 110,000 yuan is definitely considered a success. If it is a company on the verge of bankruptcy, such a figure can even bring them back to life! But for Jiapeng Games, with the comparison of the first three games, the number of 110,000 on the first day of launch is undoubtedly too shabby.

So when Sun Peng opened those well-known game forums and related game media, and began to search for news about "Fortress Night", all the sensational news came into view!

"The first day of the new game "Fortress Night" has a bleak sales day."

"The fourth game of the company under his name encountered Waterloo, and Lao Bai's road to the game was not smooth."

"The first day of sales in China is over 40,000, and overseas is 60,000. Is this another game aimed at overseas production?"

"Fried cold rice again? It was cold on the first day when the Jedi was replaced with a cartoon style."

"A pointless repetition, Lao Bai made "Fortress Night" to occupy the entire market of the Battle Royale game?"

"If you look at the game alone, you can't see the meaning of the name "Fortnite" at all. It's just a cartoon version of the Jedi."


"Tsk tsk, didn't you say something nice?"

Looking at one comment after another with interest, Sun Peng couldn't help but curled his lips, slightly regretful in his heart. So after shaking Erlang's legs and thinking for a while, Sun Peng finally sent a message to Mu Hua: "Sister Mu, how long will it take for the fortress mode of Fortnite?"

"The fastest one and a half months, the slowest two months!"

Perhaps because the time in the capital was in the morning, Mu Hua almost returned in seconds.

"That's good, get it online as soon as possible!"

After pondering for a moment, Sun Peng replied with a smile, and then put the phone away. In his previous life, he had seen others play "Fortress Night", and then experienced two or three of them by himself. He had no interest at all. Therefore, it is difficult for Sun Peng to say exactly why this game is so successful in Europe and America. the reason. However, Sun Peng believes that the so-called painting style and construction mode are definitely only one of the reasons. The most basic fortress mode of "Fortress Night", that is, the gameplay of building a fortress and resisting monsters at night, must also be one of the reasons!

It's just that there is no experience in doing this mode, and it's just a little bit of play when it comes online.

"Hehe, watch it slowly."

After reaching a conclusion in his mind, Sun Peng twisted his head out of the car window, quietly admiring the Thames River in the afterglow of the setting sun. He believes that the success of "Fortress Night" on the earth must have his reason, but now because there is only a battle royale mode, and the repetition of the Jedi and the wilderness is too high, it is difficult to show it for a while. When Mu Hua and the others have completed the fortress model, Sun Peng believes that essential changes will definitely occur...

"Dapeng, here it is!"

Just when Sun Peng was in a leisurely trance, Zheng Jia next to him screamed in excitement and woke him up from contemplation.

Turning to look out of Zheng Jia's window, he really has reached today's destination-the Aoba Hotel in London. And just as Sun Peng's rented car stopped, a familiar figure quickly greeted him.

After getting off the car one after another, Sun Peng glanced at the young girl and then smiled and asked, "Pretty pretty, sister Feifei has arrived?"

"Lao Bai teacher, Miss Zheng."

First, she bowed slightly, and then the young girl smiled respectfully: "Sister Feifei is one of today's heroines. Of course, she should arrive earlier. She has already entered... She specially asked me to wait for you outside."

"Thank you, pretty."

The assistants of Zheng Jia and Chen Feifei were obviously also quite familiar, blinked at each other and smiled.

Meng Liangliang took out the invitation card he had prepared long ago and placed it in Sun Peng's hands, and then walked towards the hotel entrance with them and said in a low voice: "Two teachers, today’s charity dinner is hosted by a fashion magazine. So there are a lot of local British celebrities, and some Hollywood celebrities...In addition, if Mr. Bai is interested, he can take some small things later. It’s not too expensive, just feel free."

"Ok, I see."

The steps under her feet paused for a while, and Sun Peng smiled and nodded at Meng Liangliang.

He knew this was Chen Feifei, who knew that she and Zheng Jia had hardly attended any charity dinner, so she asked Meng Liangliang to remind herself that it was best to spend money to buy something later. As for the cost, it doesn't matter, just remind Sun Peng that it doesn't need to be too high, just have a meaning.

Walking to the welcoming area at the entrance of the hotel, Sun Peng showed his invitation to a tall white man.

After checking the records prepared in advance, the other party immediately smiled respectfully: "Welcome to you, Mr. Sun, Miss Zheng, your seat is at table three...just in front of the stage."

"Okay thank you."

Smiling and nodding, Sun Peng led Zheng Jia and walked inside.

Behind them, the tall white man frowned, and began to work hard to recall the two names of Sun Peng and Zheng Jia, trying to find the memory of them in his mind—Hua Xia who was able to be at the same table with that queen. People, of course, will not be simple characters! But no matter what he thinks, he can't seem to remember that he ever heard these two names, as if they just came out of thin air...

Declining the invitation to sign and keep the photo, as soon as Sun Peng and the others entered the gate, Chen Feifei, who had been notified, greeted him.

"Tsk tusk, you two are having fun this time, right?"

Going to the countryside, Chen Tianhou came up to give the two a hug, then gritted his teeth with envy, "It's almost a month now, do you really plan to continue playing and make your honeymoon a honey year?"

Such days are simply Chen Feifei's dream life.

It's a pity not to mention the workload that she has never reduced, just this face, unless you go to some small countries such as Africa or South America to the extreme, otherwise you will be watched everywhere. So even if I go on a trip, I can only find that special place to play.

Hearing what she said, Sun Peng was immediately happy: "Haha, that will definitely not be, but I will definitely continue to play for a while, and then check the situation, and then go back when I get tired."

Sun Peng didn't feel much here, but he had to consider Zheng Jia's feelings.

Don't think that travel like Sun Peng and the others is pure enjoyment, and they won't get bored. In fact, man is a kind of social animal, it is impossible for a long time to be separated from family and friendship, and live only by love. So after playing outside for a long time, I will naturally feel homesick and want to go back to the place I am most familiar with...

The golden nest and the silver nest are not as good as their own dog nest. This is the truth.

So if you have to set the tone for this trip between himself and Zheng Jia, then Sun Peng’s idea is to do whatever he wants-if you are not tired of having fun, then keep going like this, and if you are tired of having fun, you can go back to China at any time. In short, you can do whatever you want, no plan, and no interference from the outside world!

So hearing what he said, Chen Feifei's envy immediately rose to the level of jealousy and hatred!

It’s just that it’s obviously not the time to express anger. Chen Tianhou gave Sun Peng a fierce look, then bit his lip and whispered: "Huh, just scream you...well, since it’s all here, I’ll give You introduce some friends to..."

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