Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 895: New York again

"...Sorry, Editor Zheng."

While enjoying the dedicated service of the massage technician, Sun Ya said casually: "Lao Bai's new book this time is not a martial arts novel, and it is not even a routine with ordinary online articles, so I am afraid it is not suitable for your book!"

"But didn't you say it, is it pure text?"

Hearing what Sun Ya said, Zheng Ye was of course anxious immediately. According to the tacit understanding between Lao Bai and the two publishing houses, the text version of the novel is given to the Shuxiang Publishing House, and the picture books for the children are given to another house. Isn't this all set?

To be honest, he couldn't help but worry.

After working together for so many years, how can Zheng Ye still not understand what this new book of Lao Bai means?

Money, influence, and of course the personal performance of the editor!

When I think that if Lao Bai’s new book is handed over to other publishers, what I lose is not only the huge annual editor bonus, but also the trust of the leader — you can’t keep such an awesome author, you still have What is it for?

"It's words, but not martial arts novels!"

Taking the phone away from her ear a little, Sun Ya lazily explained: "Furthermore, Editor Zheng, we seem to have not promised that the new book will be published in Shuxiang Publishing House, right?"


After listening to Sun Ya's words, Zheng Ye was speechless.

However, after a pause, Zheng Ye immediately began to persuade him with all his heart. Of course, the words are nothing more than how happy your previous cooperation is, how strong the promotion strength of Shuxiang Publishing House is, and that your continued cooperation will benefit both parties and so on. If it was Sun Peng, who was so touched by the feelings of others, he might really be embarrassed to refuse, but what makes Zheng Ye extremely regrettable is that this time he faced Sun Ya, who was like a rock!

Sun Peng himself knew his shortcomings, so he didn't talk to him at all!

As for the background of a lawyer, in the past few years, I have been a lady broker with countless rejection experiences. At this time, I was naturally indifferent to Zheng Ye’s emotional card, but quietly nodded after listening: "I understand, Editor Zheng, you said I understand all of this. But this is a new attempt by our old teacher, so you must be cautious when choosing a publishing house, and the positioning of your company and this set of books is indeed a bit inappropriate..."

"A set, you mean it will be a set of books?"

Before Sun Ya could finish her words, Zheng Ye had already sensitively discovered the key points in her words and asked in surprise.

"Yes, one set, at least seven copies!"

Nodded, Sun Ya's mouth showed an inexplicable smile: "But this time, he doesn't plan to do it all at once. Instead, he will write and publish slowly, maybe once a year? Haha, now It's not good to say anything!"

"Seven full set? One book a year?"

When he heard this, Zheng Ye's breathing suddenly became heavier!


Those martial arts novels written by Teacher Lao Bai before, even the two or three of the longest Tianlong, are only three! And according to Zheng Ye's experience, although the content of these novels is good at winning games, there is no doubt that the longer the length, the more exciting, and the higher the sales of the entity!

To put it bluntly, these are seven gold mines!

As if he had guessed Zheng Ye's thoughts at this time, Sun Ya said with a smile: "So, which publishing house this new book is published in, we still have to carefully select it. After all, Editor Zheng, you should also know this. In the past two years, my Lao Bai’s reputation has grown a lot, and the conditions given by many publishers are also amazing!"


When he heard this, Zheng Ye didn't understand what was going on. Only after a brief sense of powerlessness, he still wanted to work hard and whispered: "Miss Sun...Then can I visit Teacher Lao Bai directly?"

"Editor Zheng, sorry!"

Sun Ya had already guessed what the other person was thinking, and smiled slightly: "My old Bai just left for the United States yesterday and is not at home now. As you know, he has such a good relationship with Chen Feifei and Chen Tianhou. They will be their last concert this year. The meeting will still be in New York, so why should I go to the show..."


"Brother Su, someone will pick us off the plane, right?"

When the flight was about to land over the New York Airport, Liu Cheng suppressed his excitement and asked his companion Su Yue in a low voice. Compared to Liu Cheng, who was just 24 years old, Su Yue, 30, was older and more knowledgeable, so he had always been convinced by the bodyguard leader Su Yue.

"Ah, of course!"

Because he was about to leave the first-class cabin that he took for the first time in his life, Su Yue, who was a little regretful, was feeling sad at the moment, and he suddenly said in a low voice: "Why did our boss come to New York? Even us. The bodyguards buy first-class seats. Can no one pick up the plane? What do you think?"

"But... Didn't our boss say that if the other party is unwilling, he will buy it himself?"

Scratching his head, Liu Cheng didn't quite understand.


Rolling his eyes, Su Yue was speechless.

If your boss's face is not big enough, will someone buy you a first-class ticket? The price is several times worse! But when he thinks of his boss's generosity, Su Yue's heart is also very hot. After he has been discharged from the army, he has been a bodyguard. Isn't the picture just a good boss?

Now this old teacher is well-known and generous. He usually treats his brothers as kind and treats them as friends. To be honest, Su Yue is very satisfied with this job. The only thing that made him a little anxious was that since he took the job, he hadn’t taken any less money, but the boss stayed at home almost every day and went out once or twice a week. This was always for him. The feeling of eating rice...

"Xiaosu, Xiaoliu, get ready!"

Just when Liu Cheng wanted to ask something, Liu Chang in the front row suddenly turned his head and said, "Wait somebody will pick us up at the exit, Xiao Su will follow Teacher Lao Bai, and Xiao Liu will go get the luggage!"

"Okay, Sister Liu."

He respected the boss' assistant Su Yue very much, and nodded sternly without asking more questions.

But the young Liu Qiang was curious and courageous. He blinked his eyes and asked, "Sister Liu, is Chen Tian picking us up later? Wow, can you see her in person?"

"Chen Tianhou? Come to the airport to meet us?"

After listening to Liu Qiang’s question, Liu Chang was taken aback for a moment, and Liu Chang laughed and said: "How is it possible? How can we keep a low profile if she comes to pick up the airport? It should be the staff of Samsara Records..."

At this moment, Sun Peng, who had just been woken up by Liu Chang from his sleep, finally came to a sense of relief, and suddenly broke in and came in: "Sister Chang, let's wait a little longer at the airport!"

"Ah? What's wrong?"

"Ha... wait for a few people!"

Yang Tian hit a hate, and Sun Peng lazily smiled: "Some friends flew over from Los Angeles and landed just fifteen minutes later. We will wait for them a little bit. Anyway, the same one is going to go. local……"

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