Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 974: box office

Not surprisingly, as expected.

But the difference is that Sun Peng is in a very good mood today. He looked at Chen Guangrong’s round face and was particularly amiable. He just thought a little and smiled and said, “I’m sorry, I don’t write the script of TV drama anymore. ...But I still have a lot of thoughts on movies related to the police."

"Huh? Convenient to talk about?"

After listening to Sun Peng's words, Chen Guangrong's eyes suddenly brightened like two big light bulbs!

With a slight smile, Sun Peng picked up the teacup on the table.

Did not speak.

However, Chen Guangrong was shocked, and immediately reacted, and said with a dry smile: "Ahem, sorry, I missed your time with Teacher Sun today! Otherwise, about this matter, I will let Xiao Zheng He go back. How is your communication? She is from the Public Relations Department, which happens to be right!"

While talking, Chen Guangrong also secretly scolded himself for being stupid!

Lao Bai, now a movie is worth billions of dollars in the box office. One can imagine how valuable the script is. Can you ask it casually? Although Zheng Jia is his own subordinate, let's not talk about the relationship between private affairs and official affairs, just say that this position in the public relations department is very important to them?

"Hehe, of course no problem!"

After blinking, Sun Peng smiled and put the tea cup down.

After a few more greetings, Sun Peng saw that the other party had understood, so he got up and left. He personally sent Sun Peng out of the branch gate, and after watching him drive away, Chen Guangrong smiled bitterly and shook his head and said to himself: "Old man, old man, this is what I can do. It’s just luck..."


"Hehe, maybe someone found him again, right?"

Driving the car out of the gate of the police station, Sun Peng glanced at the distant building in the rearview mirror and couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

Whose situation is really similar to that of the year.

If a real senior in the police circle finds Lao Bai and says he wants him to write a script or something, Sun Peng might actually believe that the other party is for propaganda, but Chen Guangrong, a branch chief in the capital, finds himself and kills Sun. Peng didn't believe it was purely for official business!

As far as his position is concerned, he really doesn't make this sense.

So to say it is nothing more than to ask for a script for his friend, like Zheng Jia's direct superior back then! Moreover, people didn't mention it until I met myself by chance. I guess I didn't find a reason in normal times. I said it so smoothly today that it doesn't matter if it is not.

It’s just that I’m happy today. I think it’s to give Chief Chen a face, and by the way, I can add a job performance to Zheng Jia. Anyway, there are too many scripts about the police, so just give them any one.


Sun Peng faintly felt that he should find more reliable film companies.

Although the cooperation with Lotus and the Forbidden City is very pleasant, especially with the box office sales of "The Matrix" and "Hurricane Rescue 2", and the filming of "Assassin League" and the smooth progress in the later period, the relationship between everyone seems to be closer, and The two companies are almost responsive to Sun Peng. But some time ago, regarding the sequel copyrights and scripts of the two films, the tossing back and forth also made Sun Peng see some hidden crises...

It is not appropriate to say that the crisis is actually, it should be trouble.

"Find two more capable jobs and have a larger choice."

After pondering for a while, Sun Peng suddenly remembered what the other party had said when he met with Chen Guangrong just now, and quickly used the headset to get through his senior brother's phone: "Brother Chen, I have been busy with Jiajia's pregnancy in the past two days, and he has no thoughts. Pay attention to the box office... How about the first weekend box office of "The Lion King"?"

The answer to Sun Peng was Chen Muchen's hearty laugh: "Haha, we just knew that your wife was pregnant, so we didn't call you... I thought you forgot this movie!"

Sun Peng rolled his eyes and said angrily, "How is it possible? With an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars, and DreamWorks is still one of the big heads, how could I have forgotten it? But listening to your tone, the results seem to be pretty good?"

"Not only good? It's a big seller!"

Taking a deep breath, Chen Muchen's voice was extremely happy!

Knowing that Sun Peng is driving now, Chen Muchen also made a long story short, simply giving a brief account of the situation in the past few days after "The Lion King" was released. After listening to the box office results of this animation, Sun Peng couldn't help but slapped his tongue and exclaimed-Niu made a big deal!

In the three days of the weekend, "The Lion King" hit a box office of 660 million yuan in China!

This result is of course great, but it is not amazing. After all, when the previous "Hurricane Rescue 2-True Lies" was released for the New Year, it won nearly 2 billion box office in seven days! And that year's "Frozen" was also released on the Christmas file, and the five-day score was as high as 860 million...

On average, everyone seems to be the same.

Moreover, the word-of-mouth of "The Lion King" is the same as that of "Frozen". It instantly reached the top of this year's animated movie, stepping on all the previous Hollywood movies. So after the first weekend with the highest box office results in general, the box office stood at 130 million on Monday, nearly 120 million on Tuesday, and barely fell to 110 million on Wednesday...

There is no doubt that "The Lion King" seems to be smooth sailing in the pursuit of "Frozen".

And not only in China, other countries are also catching up with "Frozen"!

In another major box office, North America, the world's second largest market, "The Lion King" scored 71 million US dollars in the first weekend box office, smoothly surpassing "Frozen", and the reputation is no worse than Aisha and Anna. !

Britain’s 8.6 million, France’s 4.6 million, and Germany’s 9 million. The total box office in Europe is 30 million, which is so close to the two little princesses of the Allendale kingdom.

In Asia, Japan’s first weekend score was 1.4 billion yen, while South Korea’s number of audiences in theaters was less than 500,000...

In these major global movie markets, the results of "The Lion King" and "Frozen" have formed a mutually explosive situation!

After listening to Chen Muchen's introduction, Sun Peng's heart couldn't help but jump: "In other words, the box office of "The Lion King" is almost equal to that of "Frozen?"

I'll take it. That's great!

Originally, Sun Peng was still a little worried, worried that he would be "unacceptable" if he moved the animation of the 1990s to this era. That would really ruin the classic "The Lion King". Unexpectedly, as soon as the box office results came out, they would even be tied with the "indigenous" Frozen of this era?

"Same? It's almost the same if there is no accident!"

Regarding Sun Peng's not-so-sounding speculation, Chen Muchen had enough confidence, and he laughed and said: "The box office results were similar a few days ago, and the ratings of the Internet and film critics are similar. The final box office is definitely not bad. ! The only question now is whether "The Lion King" can complete the mission of "Frozen" and break a new record for animated films..."

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