Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 983: It's simple!

Sun Peng used the term gambling agreement too inappropriately.

At least it is definitely not appropriate for him, because he is not a small screenwriter who just debuted, nor is he the kind of script that has great confidence in his own script, but he is at an absolute disadvantage in the negotiations with the film company. Other screenwriters with harsh conditions are not accepted.

So after a bitter smile, Sun Ya quickly corrected this statement.

However, after considering the step-by-step agreement for "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe", Sun Ya was quite in favor of it. Because she knows exactly how confident Sun Peng is in this film. In this case, as long as you are bold, you can get more benefits from the film company...

"In fact, relatively speaking, Haimensi Pictures has more courage."

On the way back to the hotel, Sun Ya explained with a smile: "But it's only a relative point of view, because they are more generous than Haggs when it comes to film investment, but when it comes to your share ratio, It's more stingy than others...Haha, this is the fact that bear and fish cannot have both."

"It's okay, I can take less."

After listening to the second sister, Sun Peng rubbed his temples with a headache.

With his statement, in fact, the negotiations with Haggs immediately made a breakthrough. After all, Sun Peng said that he did not have any additional requirements for film investment, but only participated in the film box office share and a small part of the later period share, and the step agreement It can also greatly reduce the risk caused by its super high share.

Therefore, the speed of the subsequent negotiations will certainly be accelerated.

But the reality is not a TV series. Even if Mr. Pierce is interested in Sun Peng's proposal, it is still impossible to agree on the spot. Even if Haggs Pictures agreed, the details of the subsequent discussions will definitely continue for a long time-this is not because Sun Peng is in a hurry, so the progress can be accelerated.

In addition to "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe", the Little Wizard Han Bo series is what Sun Peng values ​​most.

Regarding the domestic South China Sea or the Lotus side, there is no big problem with the amount of investment and the share to Sun Peng, but he hasn't reached agreement in other aspects.

To put it bluntly, these companies are still not strong enough.

You know, Harry Potter after the adaptation is dressed in the coat of the Chinese wizard, and the Chinese culture now does not have the influence of Western wizards in the world. It would be too difficult to rely entirely on movies. So what Sun Peng wants is for them to go all out to support the global promotion of the Little Wizard series in novels...even comics, games and other fields!

But no matter the Lotus, the Forbidden City or the South China Sea, it is obviously difficult to do this.

"So, do you want to do that?"

He didn't even bother to pay attention to what the second sister said behind him. Sun Peng subconsciously touched the purse next to him, tapping on it with his fingers...


The next day and the whole day belonged to the TV station.

Although tomorrow is the Oscar, Sun Peng is not idle today, but has to accept two interviews. This morning this is a longevity show on cbs TV station, and is also the top American host Anne? A TV show hosted by Vincent.

The style is quite relaxed and pleasant, but it is not a spoof talk show.

The key to Sun Peng's participation in this program is that his ratings are high enough, and he ranks in the top ten of the weekly TV program ratings all year round. Each issue of tens of millions of viewers watched, in addition to making the name laobai louder, it is also very good for the next movies to be released in the United States...

Hey, who said that Americans don’t like to watch serious shows?

So when participating in this kind of show, Sun Peng's mentality was also very relaxed, at least not to worry about the host suddenly asking some weird questions. And also not surprising Sun Peng, the other party really focused on the main problems in front of the Oscar that was about to begin...

"Personally, I certainly hope to win the prize."

When the show was half recorded, he knew that the show would be broadcast before the Oscars, but Sun Peng still smiled calmly: "And I also believe that in all cartoons this year, "The Lion King" It should be the best!"

At this time, Sun Peng really never thought about being humble.

There is a huge gap of more than 300 million U.S. dollars from the second place in the box office of the five candidate animated feature films. And even without considering the box office factor, Sun Peng couldn’t think of any one that could be compared with the classics on the earth-again, if the time frame is expanded to 20 to 30 years, "The Lion King" is really true. It may not necessarily be able to dominate the king, but Fang will do it this year.

"Haha, what about the best original song and the best soundtrack?"

As the host raised another question, Sun Peng pondered slightly, then shrugged and smiled: "Same, I hope I can win the award again. But the competition for this award is not just cartoons, so I can only say whether or not Winning, I am very satisfied with my work!"

At the critical moment, Sun Peng did not dare to continue to harden his neck.

"The Lion King" has indeed won Oscars for best original song and best soundtrack, but this world has released two films this year, and the music in it is also created by American masters. Sun Peng had heard it, and it was really shocking, so he really didn't dare to say it all at once.

After some random talk, the host finally let go of Oscar.

Then the topic naturally turned to Sun Peng's next animation plan and music creation. Sun Peng also patiently answered these questions little by little. Animations are naturally "ZooCrazy" and "Mulan". The former is completely handed over to Kaboka, and Hollywood animation companies operate their best themes; while the latter is produced by an animation company within DreamWorks United Nations. It is the first independent part and an important step in accumulating experience.

At this time, Sun Peng would certainly not forget the publicity.

As for the next music plan, when Sun Peng announced that she would build a brand new English album for Chen Feifei this year, there was a burst of cheers on the set, and the applause was much more enthusiastic than before—some surprise, but it also made Sun. Peng knows Chen Feifei's influence in the United States, and her fans in this room are probably indispensable!

However, this was originally in Sun Peng's plan, and it was not deliberately to please the fans.

And as the last album he created for Chen Feifei, it is also the penultimate English album. Recently, Sun Peng has also started to search in his head, preparing to give Chen Feifei a perfect ending...

Obviously, Annie? Vincent probably knew that it was not easy to ask Sun Peng to come here once, so it was almost a question that was asked immediately afterwards, and gradually turned the topic to Sun Peng's identity as a writer. It's just that the Americans have no interest in martial arts novels, so they focus on his picture books and the two little wizards.

"Seriously, I really like "Han Bo and the Philosopher's Stone", and I am also watching "Han Bo and the Chamber of Secrets" recently!"

Speaking of the Little Witcher series, Annie? Vincent said seriously: "There is so much imagination in it. I can't wait to see the third one! But it's a pity that my two sons don't seem to be too interested in it. I don't even want to try to read it...Haha, maybe it's because they are all thirteen years old and they prefer magicians."


For the host's later remedy, Sun Peng barely managed to control his expression!


Then he is the best time to watch Harry Potter, okay?

In the final analysis, it is the Western culture that occupies the dominant position, especially in their homeland. So when Sun Peng’s picture books are all Western themes such as "Frozen", or less obvious such as "The Lion King", it can naturally become popular, but once the theme becomes a wizard...

Even the boys, don’t look at you straight!

Just when Sun Peng's mouth twitched slightly, and secretly wanted to curse, the host continued to smile; "So I am looking forward to, when will Mr. Laobai be able to write a set of themes of the magician? Believe me. It will be very popular with children..."

"Magic? Very simple!"

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