Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 985: assimilate into

Wang Dayan stares at you, which is the paparazzi studio in Wang Qun's hands.

It’s also very interesting. Since he first appeared with Lao Bai, this guy seems to have been doing the same thing-all Lao Bai’s new books, movies, or releases, and even new albums by Chen Feifei and Luo Cheng. At that time, you always have to confront other entertainment media and say something that runs counter to mainstream opinions.

It's either not optimistic, or all kinds of faults.

Although it won't have much impact, the disgusting person can still do it. In particular, the sales of "Han Bo and Lingshi" novels are average... Even if they are only average relative to martial arts novels, in fact, the sales are still enough to beat most well-known writers, but Wang Dayan stares at you and publicizes old Bai Jianglang is exhausted, or he will give up the idea of ​​focusing on script writing.

And this kind of argument is really a lot of people clamoring.

We must know that in this world, there will always be fans who have fans. Sun Peng's Weibo fans have now exceeded 55 million, which is slightly more than the average top players, and people who black him will not. not enough!

This time, Wang Dayan stared at your lightspeed reaction, and immediately made the discussion lively.

After reading Wang Dayan staring at your Weibo and many replies on Weibo, Sun Peng rubbed his chin and said, "So according to them, the quality of my own book is not good, but I put the reason down to the subject matter...I made the Magician version just to fool European and American fans and make a wave of quick money?"

"Hehe, people think it is!"

Shrugging, Luo Cheng nodded with a smile.

Although the king didn't quite understand Sun Peng's thoughts, at least he knew this kid's attitude towards money-of course, if he sold the game company for tens of billions, he wouldn't care about this drizzle. Therefore, Luo Cheng read this kind of nonsense Weibo as a joke.


After shook his head and put down a sentence, Sun Peng put the phone away.

This kind of thing is really not worthy of his attention. And when they walked into the hall of the venue, Sun Peng immediately saw an old friend, and quickly took Luo Cheng and walked over with a smile: "Hi, Francis!"

"Sun! Long time no see!"

After seeing Sun Peng, Francis? Philip immediately stepped forward and gave him a big hug!

After patting Sun Peng on the shoulder, he gave Luo Cheng another hug-because of the collaboration on the song "The Lion King", Francis? Philip and Luo Cheng have also successfully established a relationship. For the man who held more than 20 concerts in Europe and the United States last year, he is now very familiar with the Chinese king of the day.

In Sun Peng's eyes, Francis? Philip is really radiant now.

But this is not surprising, because the success of the two animations "Frozen" and "The Lion King", coupled with my own qualifications and abilities are enough, to discover and lead the two animation Francis? Philip has successfully taken the position, standing at the top of Capoca's animation. Coupled with the fact that "The Lion King" is likely to win several awards today, he is naturally very happy when he is getting blessed.

So after a simple greeting, Francis? Philip immediately whispered: "Sun, when will we start talking about "Zoo City"? Oh my God, your agent's requirements are so demanding..."

"Hehe, is it harsh?"

Before the other party could finish his words, Sun Peng frowned and smiled: "Then I continue to invest in this animation? Or if you think that the expected box office is too low and it is not worth giving me too high a share, I will help you. Find another Hollywood animation company to work with? Haha, it seems that the people from Cardi and Moqun will come to Oscar today, right?"


Looking at Sun Peng's narrow smile, Francis? Philip was speechless.

Of course he knew that if he were silent, it would be very detrimental to the upcoming meeting, but if he was asked to nod now, it would be absolutely impossible!

After tasting the sweetness, who is still willing to share?

Regardless of Hollywood or China, there are co-investments in many major productions, but they are basically for risk sharing. If you know that it will definitely make a profit, can a company like Capocca still not be able to come up with a hundred or two million dollars? Even if the cash flow is not enough, you have to find the bank loan head office, right?

Looking at the other party in a slightly embarrassed look, Sun Peng secretly laughed, and said with the most smile: "Well, we will talk about the animation after the awards ceremony is over... How about? Kaboka's PR progress on Oscars how is it?"

"Quite smoothly, with a great chance!"

Sun Peng gave a step, Francis? Philip quickly followed him down and blinked with a smile.

Although I am very confident in "The Lion King", the company's internal evaluation of the probability of winning is as high as 80%, especially for the best animation of the year award, the possibility of falling behind is almost zero. However, for this Oscar, Kaboka still paid a lot of money for public relations. After all, "The Lion King" has not been completely released, and many countries have just entered theaters.

Winning the Oscar means that the box office will definitely go further.

Francis was full of confidence, and Sun Peng put half of his heart here, and began to chat with the other party. Of course, Laobai's name is now well-known in Hollywood, so soon people will come forward and talk, and Luo Cheng will soon be surrounded by different people.

Hollywood is a Vanity Fair, and Oscar is naturally one of the best places to get to know the great gods.

Speaking seriously, Sun Peng was already one of the focus figures on various occasions when he came to the Oscar last time. But if compared with this time, it is absolutely insignificant—a few of the scripts of last year were so awesome that Hollywood stars could not help but be moved.


When Michael? When Pete walked through the red carpet and came to Sun Peng to greet him, many smaller celebrities could only be discouraged. And when Steve? Lucas finally entered the venue, and when he joined the conversation, there were fewer people around Sun Peng, even Francis? Philip left after a polite greeting.

It's not that I'm not interested, but I can't get in the mouth at all!

Although you are the president of Capocca, aren't people Peter and Lucas really just like Francis? Philip. As for Luo Cheng's words, although there are enough coffee spots, after returning from a trip to the bathroom, he consciously stopped when he saw this situation.

"This kid is getting better and better."

Looking at Sun Peng who was chatting and laughing with two Hollywood bigwigs from a distance, Luo Cheng licked his dry lips and sighed secretly. Although he is the king of music, it is extremely difficult to integrate into Hollywood, but where does this kid need to integrate? It's just that people can't wait to accept him...

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