Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 996: climb up

The first place on a power list caused an uproar among the interested people.

Regardless of the entertainment media or the ordinary people who eat melons, they are very surprised at Lao Bai's appearance in that position-since the day this list was established, there has never been a screenwriter...or a composer or a writer who can reach the top!

Either a star, a director, or the boss of an entertainment company!

Therefore, there are many doubters about this list.

Regardless of Mao Xu and Wang Qun who didn't deal with Sun Peng, or ordinary gossip enthusiasts, they almost asked a question at the same time, that is, occupying the top of the power rankings in the entertainment circle. Why is this old vain?

"Relying on his novels, picture books, music and scripts, relying on his unmatched talent!"

In the face of surging doubts, the determined Lao Baichu naturally wanted to stand up without hesitation. Yiye Zhiqiu posted three Weibo on his Weibo!

"Whose script can win 3 billion US dollars in the box office within a year? Whose picture books, TV series, and film works can be enjoyed by both the East and the West? Who else can win Oscars and Grammys? Like to get something from the bag?"

"And in this entertainment circle, who can make celebrities flock to it? Can the major film companies want a script but not get it? But I'm so old..."


"Passed, passed, too much!"

After reading Ye Zhiqiu's latest Weibo, Sun Ya couldn't help but frown, and said with a bit of dumbfounding: "This guy is your firm support. I know that, but such words... can easily arouse people's disgust. You said that this group of people who made the list are also the ones who can't let Xiaopeng come step by step? Last time it was eighth, this time it went straight to the first place...Oh!"

"Cut, what are you afraid of?"

Regarding Sun Ya’s cautiousness, Lin Lin obviously has a different view. She curled her lips and said, “As long as Xiaopeng’s achievements and status are not blown out, he won’t be worth it? And which one of Ye Zhiqiu’s words is not true? We want to mess around, there must be a reason, right?"


Looking at the cousin's disapproval, Sun Ya was also speechless.

Anyway, he is now a semi-senior person in the entertainment industry.

If Sun Peng is like Liang Ren, and he walks step by step on his own, and accumulates enough qualifications and prestige in twenty years, then any big-selling movie can make the media blow it up... At that time, they didn't even bother to talk about it anymore, just objective reporting was enough.

No one will feel shocked, and no one will feel that something is wrong.

However, the name Lao Bai has risen too fast, and it is almost at the top of the ranking list, but there are still many people who do not know the name!

If you blow too much, it will naturally attract countless sunspots.

We must know that there are many people who don’t like a certain star, or even hate a certain star, and there is no good reason, perhaps because of their false report, perhaps because of a work, and some because they are too young to earn money. Too much wait. And Sun Peng’s situation is undoubtedly their favorite...

"Well, stop fighting."

Hearing a little impatient, Sun Peng simply came out and said: "It doesn't matter, no matter whether it is blowing or black, it will not have a half effect on me! Is it because some people are black, those film companies will not accept my script? Does it mean that stars are not willing to play my role?"

"Nonsense, of course impossible!"

Without hesitation, Lin Lin shook her head.

"Hehe, isn't that enough?"

After shrugging his shoulders, Sun Peng said with a smile: "So, this kind of thing is just fine... By the way, the second sister, I have already written the script for "Die Hard", and the director of Chen Da I have figured out who it is, and you can start talking with him."

"Oh? Who is it?"

Hearing what Sun Peng said, the agent was also curious.

"Haha, actually an old friend of ours."

Blinking his eyes at the second sister, Sun Peng said with a smile: "Do you still remember the movie "The Impossible Task" that we collaborated with Benma Pictures? Chen Guangrong asked me to get the script this time. To help the director of that movie..."


Beijing, in a humble cafe.

Slowly sipping the coffee in the cup, Bian Lin's tongue was full of bitterness.

By his side, sitting by his own agent and wife, and sitting opposite him, sitting by a well-known film investor in the industry. What they have been talking about just now is the action film script that Bian Lin spent two years polishing up-unlike other claims that it took several years or even ten years to write a script, Bian Lin really spent two years. Years, a little bit of improvement and polishing.

It can be said that this book has devoted all his efforts.


"Sorry, side guide, if the investment is about 100 million yuan, it's okay, but 250 million yuan..."

Although looking at the other party with an apologetic face, an expression of disapproval was faintly visible in his eyes. In addition to the coolness, Bian Lin's heart was full of bitterness.

In the past two years, the old side's life has not been easy.

In fact, since the box office of "Mission Impossible" did not meet expectations, especially after being a bit worse than the same period of "Identity of Byrne" and "Hurricane Rescue", Bian Lin has been a bit aggrieved. But when the other two got the sequel scripts from Lao Bai, but the sequel to "Mission Impossible" was still unable to start, even after being firmly rejected by Lao Bai, some bad rumors began to affect Bian. forest……

Lao Bai is not satisfied with "Mission Impossible" and refuses to provide a sequel script!

Who carries this pot?

Tang Long is just an actor, and Benma Pictures is a top film company. It is clear who will carry the pot...

Of course, once a scapegoat is not too big an impact.

But I couldn't stand the old side. Then the next two films performed poorly and lost at the box office. One of them couldn't even get the investment back! Even the well-known veteran director, Bian Lin was greatly affected, especially when he needed a large investment, the film companies began to hesitate.

The entertainment circle is such a realistic place.

For example, Liang Ren, a movie comes down with scary pay and dividends, but the film company is still eager for him, and he can't wait to smash the money into someone's home to ask for a film.

The reason is very simple, Liang Ren can make money!

But when he got to Bianlin, he only needed 250 million production fees, which completely stumped him-because of the poor performance in the first two or three times, the production company didn't have enough confidence in him. In fact, if it were not for the fame accumulated in the previous years, would anyone be willing to invest in him?

"Old side, don't be discouraged."

After sending away the lukewarm investors, the agent quickly comforted Bian Lin: "If this doesn't work, let's try other ones. I think there will always be someone who knows the goods..."

"Jingle Bell……"

At this moment, Bian Lin's cell phone rang suddenly.

Somewhat distractedly, he picked up the phone, turned on without looking at it, and asked: "Hello, hello, I am Bian Lin...what?! Old Chen, you, did you lie to me!?"


"No, no, I understand, thank you, thank you so much!"

After hanging up the phone, the excitement on Bian Lin's face gradually turned into ecstasy, and he hugged his wife next to him and kissed him hard!


Although he was shocked by Bian Lin's actions and even stiffened all over, the body of the agent who quickly reacted quickly softened. Until Bian Lin released her, he asked equally excitedly: "Old side, could it be said...that side really agreed? Isn't it a joke?"


Bian Lin's happily laughter gave his wife and manager an answer.

"Go! Let's go to Tang Long! Go to Benma Pictures!"

There was a light called hope flashing in his eyes. Bian Lin stood still abruptly, took a deep breath and looked up at the sky: "Since Lao Bai is willing to give me another chance, then I will use it. The facts tell him that wherever I fall, I will get up from..."

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