Another World’s Fruit Tycoon

Chapter 189: Fermentation

"Sister Na, why don't we apply strawberry jam directly on the bread? In this case, there is no need to completely update the packaging of strawberry bread. Can't it save money for new equipment and packaging?"

Hearing what Xiao Cai said, Qian Lina shook her head: "The core competitiveness of our Xufeng strawberry bread is the single strawberry jam in it. Our bread is just a supplement to strawberry jam, just like playing in childhood. The Water Margin card, is it really important to simply noodles? Not necessarily!"

Qian Lina’s positioning of strawberry jam was very accurate. Although Xufeng improved the packaging of bread afterwards, many people still came for the small packet of strawberry jam. Many people said that in order to collect a lot of strawberry jam, They vomited after eating Xufeng's bread.

After the strawberry jam was collected, many people began to post spoof videos, imitating the strawberry jam videos of Beverly variety show, and these videos quickly became popular.

So more and more people started to collect strawberry jam, using strawberry jam to publish various videos, but a pack of jam is only a few grams. If you want to eat strawberry jam like a lady, you must collect at least seven or eight breads. You can't eat it by yourself.

The happiness of local tyrants is always unimaginable. There is an up master named "Wang Xiaoqianqianqian" who released the following video for the jam in Xufeng's strawberry bread.

"Hello everyone, I’m Xiao Jian, I’m going to do a big thing today. I have piled 500 Xufeng strawberry breads behind me. Don’t ask me how these breads come from. I bought all the bakery around. I don’t need to say how delicious the strawberry jam in Xufeng’s bread is? In order to collect these strawberry jams, I contacted an orphanage to let the children in the orphanage help me collect strawberry jam."

So Xiao Jianjian and many children unpacking strawberry jam appeared in the picture. Soon all the bread was taken apart, and 500 packets of strawberry jam were poured into a large glass bottle.

"Now, my children and I are going to try the most luxurious strawberry bread in history."

So in the next picture, a dozen children are holding a bread, which is covered with thick jam, and the whole bread is spread bright red.

So the most liked message in the video barrage was: "Can I do whatever I want with money?"

"Do whatever you want to do as the idiom solitaire, I will come first, do whatever you want."

"I want to eat this bread too."

"It's a waste, so much bread has been spoiled."

Finally, Xiaojianjian came out and said that all the bread would be donated to the children in this welfare institution. Soon the number of views on this video exceeded 10 million, and Wang Xiaojian was on fire.

Although Wang Xiaojian is suspected of making a show, this video also put him on the position of a line up master.

And more people are beginning to ask for strawberry jam. A small pack of jam is obviously not enough for everyone.

Even under the official account of Xufeng Bakery, many fans come to check in every day, Guiqiu Bakery produces individual strawberry jam.

At the same time, many merchants are eyeing the jam of Xufeng Bakery. Galaxy Hotel is a good example.

In the Galaxy Hotel, the boss Huang Deyuan is holding a meeting for the people under his hand to propose better reform measures to restore the hotel's decline.

"At present, many international big-name hotels have begun to settle in Copper City, which has caused considerable pressure on our hotel. For many years, customers still choose our hotel because many of our hotel services are as good as international chain hotels, and more The local cultural atmosphere."

After a pause, Huang Deyuan suddenly changed his conversation: "But now young people don’t like nostalgia. They like innovation and the style of new international chains. These young people have become the main force in high-end hotel consumption, so we must think about it. Think of new and innovative solutions and see if we can win over these young customers."

After Huang Deyuan finished speaking, the meeting room suddenly fell into silence, and the atmosphere seemed a bit solemn.

"The business of the catering department has declined the most recently. Xiao Feng will start with you and talk about your views." Manager Feng did not expect that the boss would actually use himself.

But now he is completely blank, what can he think of? The hottest thing in the catering industry is of course Xufeng’s strawberry bread.

So Feng Tao thought of Xufeng’s strawberry jam in a hurry: “There is currently a dark horse on the market, and that is the strawberry jam produced by Xufeng Bread Factory. This jam is said to be exported to the United States and is sought after by local upper-class people. If we can take down this strawberry jam, use it as a feature, and launch Beverly afternoon tea or breakfast, then we may be able to restore the current situation."

In fact, Feng Tao himself didn't believe in his own rhetoric, but was afraid that the boss would be held accountable, so he could only now turn his attention away.

"I know this Xufeng strawberry bread is very popular, but I heard that there is no separate strawberry jam sold in China. Who is the person in charge of their company?"

"The person in charge of their company is called Qian I have had some friendship with her before." After Feng Tao said this quickly, he just wanted to give himself two slaps and want you to be prestigious!

After all, Feng Tao had an intersection with Qian Lina before, but when Qian Lina went to the Galaxy Hotel to sell Tongcheng No. 1 juice, he refused without hesitation. Now if she asks someone, Qian Lina may not take care of herself. .

But now that the words have been said, Huang Deyuan nodded with satisfaction after hearing this, and threw the topic to the manager of another department.

In fact, what Huang Deyuan didn’t know was that his old lady had a great relationship with Xufeng’s boss, Zhou Kun. If the strawberry jam matter was asked by the old lady at home, it would be much easier to handle. After all, everyone is Jinlanzhi. The neighbor of the flower is the one in Jinlanzhihua's mouth.

But the industry only knew that Qian Lina was the person in charge of Xufeng Bakery, and Huang Deyuan was not very familiar with Qian Lina, so he missed this opportunity.

After the meeting, Feng Tao called Qian Lina in a nervous mood.

"Manager Qian, I haven't contacted for a long time. That's right. Our Galaxy Hotel wants to purchase a batch of jam from your Xufeng Bakery. I wonder if you can sell this jam to us alone?"

"How many hotels are there to talk about now? Go to Kunyuan Juice Factory for interview? When? Good, I will attend on time."

Feng Tao frowned when she hung up the phone. Just now Qian Lina looked like she was on the phone, and she also revealed that many hotels have the same idea. This is difficult.

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