Another World’s Fruit Tycoon

Chapter 263: George advances

Kunyang No. 1 fertilizer is still a long way from large-scale production. Prior to this, Zhou Kun planned to bring back a few bananas from another world, and it was only then that Zhou Kun remembered that he took away Na Longan, the main cash crop of Sri Lanka, was originally planned to bring a batch of sugar back. It has been three months now, and I don’t know if it will affect the development of Nassi.

When Zhou Kun came to Nas City with sugar, he knew that he was still worrying about it. After three months of development, the city walls of Nas City were much higher. Presumably George was doing well during this time.

"Teacher, did you bring the latest sugar?"

"George, it seems that you have thoroughly stimulated your interest in making money." Zhou Kun was originally just a joke, who knew that George suddenly changed his face.

He said with a panic face: "Teacher, I really yearn for the truth of magic. As long as Nas City is back on track, I will give up everything here and continue to learn from the teacher, and I will never go astray."

To be honest, Zhou Kun didn't understand George's mentality of showing off his wealth without knowing it. Isn't this kid really telling the truth?

"I have all refined the last batch of candies into white sugar, which is a thousand catties. After that, I may focus on experiments, so the frequency of coming to Nass City is not that high."

"1000 catties so much?"

The sugar brought by the teacher last time directly conquered all the nobles around Nas City. After all, this sweet and white sugar is completely in line with the identity of nobles. At present, the best syrup on Omu Continent is just amber. Honey or fructose, no sugar can be granular like the white sugar refined by the teacher.

Although the price of this batch of sugar is very expensive, you can get a cup of sweet black tea with a little, and it has become the favorite of the nobles in the surrounding cities.

"George, although I know that operating Nass City is the choice you made when you had no choice but to give up your pursuit of magic. Now Nass City has gradually restored order, George, your The magic lesson cannot continue to stagnate."

Zhou Kun only remembered here. It seemed that he still had a jar of the latest apple spicy cabbage pickled by Aunt Zhou. This thing was too irritating, so Zhou Kun left it at Quinn’s and never ate it again.

"George, the teacher helped you configure a brand new potion. Would you like to try it."

George looked at the fiery red potion in the teacher's hand with a slight covet, which was filled with several magical materials that George had never seen before, but judging from the magic elements that continued to overflow from it, it was worthy of another masterpiece of the teacher.

It's just that after George tasted a bite of kimchi, he fell straight down again, and a total of strong white wine flavor came from the kimchi.

Zhou Kun estimated that in order to effectively sterilize and extend the shelf life of kimchi, Aunt Zhou put a lot of white wine in it. Poor George could not even hold a glass of wine. Even the white wine used to make kimchi was enough for him to drink a pot.

Fortunately, George's drinking capacity has been developed, and the time to recover this time is much better than the first drinking.

When George woke up, he began to recall what had just happened. A strange smell in his mouth helped George remember his previous memories. It seemed that he had taken the magic potion developed by the teacher and fell asleep again.

George was surprised to find that he had been promoted again. In fact, the effect of kimchi brought by Zhou Kun is not very great, but because George has been in the magician stage for a long time, and since he has managed the city of Nass, he has been accumulating magical elements. Kimchi has become a key factor in causing the qualitative change of George’s magic. The previous accumulation is a process of quantitative change.

"George, it seems that you did not waste your studies when I was away. The teacher is very pleased." Zhou Kun understands a truth. If you want a horse to run, you must graze the horse. For George, no matter how much money you make. It's better to give him a smooth upgrade in magic.

With the improvement of the magical realm, I believe that George will continue to help himself in the next period of time.

"Teacher, have I really become a great magician?"

George didn't expect that he would be promoted to the realm of a great magician so easily. You must know that the reason why George wanted to become a magician was that he witnessed a magician in Blue City by chance.

Have you reached your childhood goal now? But then George felt dull for a while. It turned out that he felt like this after losing his goal. Does he really love magic?

Zhou Kun witnessed George's joy from the beginning to the loss afterwards, knowing that the child had started to make up his mind again.

"George, what exactly is magic to you? To explore the truth of magic, such a sacred thing, really can only be measured by the realm of the great magician and magister? The teacher is very disappointed in you."

Sure enough, after Zhou Kun's nonsense, George seemed to have found his faith again.

"Teacher, you are really right to mention something. An excellent great magician like you has not stopped searching for the truth of magic. What qualifications do I have to be proud of a little great magician He even began to question the purpose of learning magic. George really shouldn't."

"George, take me to Nass City for a walk. I really want to see your recent achievements." After so many pretends, Zhou Kun has mastered the plausible skills. The key element to maintain a sense of mystery, so he shifted the topic to Nas City again.

"Okay, teacher!"

George feels that his teacher is really an extraordinary legend. He just dialed a few words of himself and he found a new direction in life. It is precisely because of the teacher's pure pursuit of magical truth that he contributed to it. Given the teacher's current achievements, there is still a long way to go.

Three months is not short or long. After this period of recuperation, Nass City has lost the tragic scene of starvation and death everywhere. The people regained their lives and began to organize several bazaars spontaneously.

George even delineated a trading area in the official name, so the small-scale market gradually developed into a trading center. Zhou Kun's goal today is here.

"Master George, you are here. This is the dried fish prepared by our family. Please accept it!"

"This is the pickled wild vegetables made by my family, please don't dislike it."

"this is…"

George, who had just appeared in the trading center, was instantly filled with things sent by the residents. Originally, Zhou Kun was planning to make fun of George. Being loved by the residents shows that he, the city owner, did a good job, but Zhou Kun was ready to speak. Frozen there.

Isn't the papaya stuffed in George's hand?

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