While the two of them were talking, Shangguan Yun ran over, "Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, my father is looking for you in a hurry!"

"Oh, what's the matter?", as for Shangguan Yun having to call him brother-in-law, he couldn't help it.

"I don't know, you and your sister are going over quickly!".

After listening to this, Lin Feng followed Shangguan Yun to the palace hall and went to see Emperor Shangguan, and when the old emperor saw them coming back, he hurriedly said to them: "It's not good, it's not good."

"What's the matter, Father?", Shangguan Yufeng asked as he looked at the old emperor's eagerness.

"The Lido Dynasty suddenly saw that the power of our dynasty was thin, combined with the Happy Sect to attack our dynasty, and the disputes between the secular sects generally do not care, it turns out that the Lido Dynasty and we are at peace, in recent years, the emperor of the Lido Dynasty Li Xin does not know what is going on, it seems that he has changed as a person, everyone used to be peaceful, my family Yun'er was also engaged to Princess Lido, why did it suddenly change?", the old emperor continued.

Happy Sect?Lin Feng thought of the few guys he cleaned up yesterday.

"Don't worry, I'll solve it!", Lin Feng said lightly. "That's great", the old emperor knew Lin Feng's strength, and raised his hand to destroy a sect, what are you afraid of, Happy Sect? The old emperor called them over just to let Lin Feng help, but he was embarrassed to speak.

"What are we going to do?", said the old emperor, "and in a few days they will call, and I have arranged for the city to be guarded to strengthen its precautions."

"But Emperor Lido has suddenly changed his temperament, don't you think there's something strange about this?" asked Shangguan Yufeng.

"Yes, I also find it strange," said the old emperor, "either to be coerced, or to be poisoned or controlled


"I think so, if that's the case, don't hurt Emperor Lido," Emperor Shangguan said.

"Yufeng, Xiaoyun, you come with me this time, you can also exercise and test what you have learned", Lin Feng said.

"Okay, okay", Shangguan Yun said happily.

"What?Yun'er has improved?", the old emperor wondered, he knew Shangguan Yun's strength, but he didn't know that Lin Feng helped them break through.

"Yes, my brother-in-law helped us break through to the pinnacle of foundation building, and even the elders of the sect are not afraid," Shangguan Yun replied.

"This, this...", the old emperor was so excited that he couldn't speak, he was so excited that he burst into tears, his strength was higher than his middle stage of foundation building, their dynasty was hopeful, he had not been strong enough before, and he sought the protection of others, but now he finally came out, how could he not be excited.

"Thank you so much, the benefactor's great kindness cannot be repaid", the old emperor said to Lin Feng, "I will marry Yufeng to you." The old emperor really couldn't think of anything to repay Lin Feng, Shangguan Yufeng looked shy when he heard it.

"This... No need", Lin Feng directly refused. Shangguan Yufeng was a little disappointed after hearing this, her face was a little distressed, she knew that she was just wishful thinking.

"That, this time I will bring Shangguan Yun and Yufeng to meet the enemy, and later consider that your dynasty will set up a guard organization, with Shangguan Yun as an instructor, so that more people can improve, so that the overall strength of the dynasty will surpass the sect, and it will not rely on the sect in the future. Lin Feng diverted the topic.

"It's a good idea, it's a good idea, and now Yun'er has the strength. The old emperor said, "We will first issue an announcement, recruit capable people, conduct assessments, assess ability, and loyalty, and then cultivate them, we will build momentum, and the Happy Sect and the Lido Dynasty will hesitate when they see it, so that they can also surrender without a fight."

Lin Feng said to Shangguan Yufeng and Shangguan Yun: "Let's go to the Happy Sect to show your strength." "。 Shangguan Yun was a little impatient and wanted to test his strength.

"Okay", the two hurriedly agreed.

"After solving the Happy Sect, go to the Lido Dynasty again, Shangguan Yun, don't you want to see your Lido princess daughter-in-law?", Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Hmph!", Shangguan Yun made an angry look.

Lin Feng didn't continue to tease, Lin Feng took the power of the gossip in his hand, and came to the Happy Sect in a blink of an eye, and the place where he fell was just before the Great Hall of the Happy Sect, Shangguan Yun was surprised that he was able to arrive in an instant.

The disciples of the Happy Sect in front of the Hall of the Happy Sect were all startled when they saw someone suddenly appear in front of them, and they all gathered around, all holding their weapons in their hands, and another disciple turned around and reported to the master, "Who are you?"

"I'm here to ask for debts," Lin Feng replied.

"What kind of debt, dare to trespass into the Happy Sect and look for death?"

"What are your masters, call them out!".

"You can see it!Try my guy!".

"You solve it", Lin Feng said to Shangguan Yun.

"Haole", after Shangguan Yun finished speaking, he lifted his sword and went up, and without saying a word, he used the dragon chanting swordsmanship, only to see the sword light flash, turning into countless sword rays, and swept over like meteors, and more than a dozen disciples of the Happy Sect were injured and fell to the ground.

"Ah, I'm so powerful?", Shangguan Yun looked at the sword in his hand, surprised by his strength.

"What kind of person, dare to make trouble in front of my sect", a voice came from a distance, and a group of people came over, led by several old men, it seems that they are the head and elders, followed by many disciples.

The leader came to Lin Feng, "Who are you, dare to make trouble with my Happy Sect, I, Li Haifeng, am not a vegetarian!".

"Master, don't talk nonsense with this kid, take down this kid", said the old man next to Li Haifeng.

"I'm here to ask for a debt!", Lin Feng said coldly.

"What kind of debt do you want, my Happy Sect never owes people debts!", Li Haifeng said.

"Are you colluding with the Lido Dynasty to attack Gaochang?", Shangguan Yufeng asked Lin Feng.

"So what?", Li Haifeng said.

"Second question, how could Emperor Lido suddenly change and cooperate with you?", Lin Feng asked again.

"Haha", Li Haifeng laughed, "Since you are dying, it doesn't hurt to tell you, then Emperor Lido was sent a soul by me, and only listened to me." "

"How many evils have you done over the years, how many good women have you harmed, can you be convicted?", Lin Feng said.

"Guilty?haha, since you have finished speaking, then you will take the death, this little beauty is left to the head of Ben", Li Haifeng said with a smile.

Lin Feng turned his head and swept Shangguan Yufeng out of the corner of his eye, Shangguan Yufeng knew the meaning at a glance, and stepped forward with the Feifeng Sword.

"Yo, the little beauty has sent it herself", Li Haifeng said with a smile.

Shangguan Yufeng didn't say a word, and directly used the most powerful move of the Flying Phoenix Sword, Feifeng Aotian, and under the sword qi, an invisible coercion suppressed Li Haifeng.

Li Haifeng was startled, hurriedly raised his sword to resist, and a crisp sound of weapons colliding sounded, Li Haifeng was shaken back a few steps, a mouthful of old blood spurted out, and his hands trembled.

"It's not good, the peak of foundation building!", Li Haifeng said in surprise, although he is also the peak of foundation building, but as soon as he received the move, he knew that he was not as good as Shangguan Yufeng, and it was also the peak of foundation building, and the gap was still very large, Lin Feng's professor was required by the level of Mahayana, Li Haifeng saw that he was not an opponent, and hurriedly shouted: "Let's go together!"

When the elders and disciples in the back heard this, they attacked one after another.

Shangguan Yufeng was a little happy to see that Li Haifeng had been repelled, but when he saw a group of people coming, he was bottomless, and unconsciously took a step back.

Lin Feng raised his hand and snapped his fingers lightly, only to see a powerful suction force like a tornado, sucking all the people of the Happy Sect into the air, and then disappeared.

"Brother-in-law is amazing!", Shangguan Yun looked at Lin Feng with admiration on his face.

"You have to hurry up and cultivate, and be careful of spanking." Lin Feng grabbed Shangguan Yun's ears and said.

"Okay, okay", Shangguan Yun covered his ears and stuck out his tongue.

"By the way, Lido Dynasty, then you go and tell me about the situation," Lin Feng said.

"I'm not going!", Shangguan Yun refused.

"That's your father-in-law, your daughter-in-law, don't you want to see it?", Lin Feng asked.

"Don't go, don't go, I'm still young. "

"Yun'er, you better go, after all, it's your future daughter-in-law's house," Shangguan Yufeng said.

Lin Feng grabbed Shangguan Yun again and said, "If you don't go, your kung fu will be wasted, and if you go, you will be rewarded with a magic weapon."

"Really?" Shangguan Yun asked.

"Of course".

"Then I'll go, I'll go. Shangguan Yun hurriedly replied.

"Then I'll teach you a sword duel, so that you can fly with a sword and soon reach the Lido Dynasty," Lin Feng said.

"Really, really, it's so good", Shangguan Yun couldn't wait to go immediately.

Lin Feng taught the mantra to Shangguan Yun, and as soon as Shangguan Yun learned it, he used it, after all, how attractive flying is to children, he can't see it in a blink of an eye.

"This guy!", Lin Feng sighed.

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he took Shangguan Yufeng and quickly returned to the palace.

After coming back, Shangguan Yufeng told the old emperor all about the situation, and the old emperor was excited, which was tantamount to saving their dynasty, "Thank you so much to Lin Xianren, if Lin Xianren has any requirements, Lao Yu will do his best." "。

"You're welcome, I'm going to the land of the demon clan tomorrow," Lin Feng said.

"Ah, what is the Immortal Master doing in the Demon Clan?", the old emperor asked.

"Take one thing," Lin Feng replied. Shangguan Yufeng guessed that Lin Feng was going to take the drawings of the Ashoka Secret Realm.

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