Lin Feng looked at the bottom of the tower, but there was nothing, it seemed that he had come early, and the person surnamed Cao had not yet come.

Walking out of the square, there was a row of façade rooms in front, one of which said Huajia flagship store, Lin Feng walked in curiously, there were all kinds of machines inside, some big and some small, it seemed that this was the technology of this place, Lin Feng stepped forward to take a look, touched it, and there were moving images on the machine.

For Lin Feng, these technologies are more advanced than this, the communication is direct divine communication, and they are flying when they walk, so they don't need cars, planes, or mobile phones at all, they can communicate with one thought, and the video output is also to open up chats and play videos on their respective minds. There is no need for any medium, and here it needs to be through the medium.

This is a world of science and technology, Daewoo Continent was a world of science and technology 10,000 years ago, which Lin Feng did not expect, and the appearance of the world of science and technology has a sense of familiarity in the depths of Lin Feng's mind, a feeling of going home.

He didn't know where this feeling came from, but it had become so familiar from the moment he came here.

A woman walked over and saw that Lin Feng was dressed strangely, not like the clothes here, she thought Lin Feng was cosPlaying, so she said to Lin Feng, "Sir, what kind of mobile phone do you want?"

Mobile phone?, it turns out that this is a place that sells mobile phones, this is called a mobile phone, Lin Feng only understood, Lin Feng pointed to a mobile phone and hurriedly said: "I'll take a look first, this one."

"Okay, sir, you look at it first", the salesman took out his mobile phone and handed it to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng picked up the phone, opened the phone and played, and it would be operated after a while.

Through the network and content of the mobile phone, Lin Feng quickly grasped the situation of this world, Lin Feng entered the network through his spiritual power and divine sense, and his divine consciousness was naturally connected, since his divine consciousness could directly connect to the network here to obtain any information, soon a large amount of information, astronomy, geography, foreign languages, mathematics, and so on all knowledge were understood by Lin Feng. In just one hour, he had mastered all the known scientific and technological knowledge of the Daewoo Continent 10,000 years ago.

Especially the history, Lin Feng understands and records them one by one, but there are not many records of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, and I will learn more about it later.

According to what Lin Feng knows, this is Xia Guo, and you must have a place to live here, and then get a household registration and ID card, otherwise it will be difficult to move an inch.

Of course, you have to have money first, Lin Feng looked for the shop to see if he could exchange some money, after all, he had a gold coin treasure.

After a shop, it was an antique shop, Lin Feng walked in, there were all kinds of antiques around the store, and there was a middle-aged man sitting there in front of the counter waiting for customers to come to the door, and when he saw a customer coming to the door, he immediately greeted him.

"Sir, what do you need?".

"Well, I have a baby, can you accept it here?" Lin Feng asked.

"What baby? I'll see."

Lin Feng took out a low-grade spirit stone, about the size of an egg, and gave it to the boss, "This."

The boss took it and took a look, at first glance, the boss thought it was some kind of glass product, when he held it in his hand, the aura of the spirit stone entered his body through the boss's hand, making him extremely comfortable, and he felt that his asthma was cured, and he looked at it repeatedly with a magnifying glass, but he didn't know what material it was, not jade crystal.

The boss doesn't know what it is, but it must be a treasure, not only rare but also curable, estimated to be worth tens of thousands. The boss thought so in his heart, but asked Lin Feng, "How much do you sell it for?"

Lin Feng didn't know how much it was, he thought it was cheap, but it was hard to say, so he said: "Boss, you can do it".

"Then 200,000", the boss gave a very low price, wanting to deceive Lin Feng.

Lin Feng agreed, "But we don't have a card and a mobile phone, can we give cash?"

"Okay, you wait", the boss saw that Lin Feng agreed and hurried to the safe to withdraw the money, for fear that Lin Feng would regret it.

After a while, the boss took the money and put it into a cloth bag, a total of two stacks, each stack of 100,000 yuan.

After Lin Feng took the money, he turned around and came to Huajia mobile phone store again to buy a mobile phone.

The clerk saw that Lin Feng was here again, and he hadn't bought it after playing for a long time before, so he wasn't very enthusiastic.

"Buy a mobile phone, get a card", Lin Feng took out a stack of money and said, the clerk saw the thick stack of money, and immediately greeted him with a smile.

Lin Feng chose a mobile phone - Huajia MT5. Although Lin Feng doesn't use a mobile phone in his world, he still needs to use it in this world 10,000 years ago, the so-called local customs, otherwise how can he communicate with the people here?

After buying the mobile phone, after walking out of the door, a few steps, there was a small restaurant in front, seeing the restaurant, Lin Feng remembered that he was a little hungry, although he could eat or not to cultivate immortals, but for all kinds of otherworldly food, he still wanted to taste it, I don't know how the food here is.

Lin Feng came to the restaurant and ordered a noodle, the store said it was called biu noodles, tasted it, it was rough, but it was not unpalatable, it could only be said that it could only be eaten. Lin Feng sighed, reluctantly eat, after all, it was just a small restaurant.

After eating, Lin Feng walked along the street again, for him, he had absorbed so much knowledge here, and no one would notice the difference if he mixed here. Lin Feng thought about finding a place to rent and settle down first.

Although it is 10,000 years ago, it may be a parallel time and space, and what happened in the past may be different, so it can only be said to be a reference. For now, first settle down, otherwise you won't have a clue about flying around.

After walking a short distance, Lin Feng suddenly saw a store in front of him, which was a breakfast shop, selling steamed buns for breakfast and the like, and wrote a sublease at the door. Lin Feng thought about it, rented it and opened a medical clinic by himself, then treated people, and then harvested points. He didn't want to go back to the Tiankun Continent, it was really difficult to be entangled by Princess Yufeng, and it was a good plan to go up.

Walking into the breakfast shop, the store is very large, with two floors, a place to eat breakfast below, and a place to rest above.

"Is there a transfer here?" Lin Feng shouted inward.

"Yes," a young man came out of it, presumably the shopkeeper.

"Can we take a look?", Lin Feng asked.

"Yes, go up the stairs to the second floor, see for yourself," said the shopkeeper.

There was nothing to see below, Lin Feng and the others went directly to the second floor, and there were three rooms on the second floor, which was relatively spacious. One room for goods, two rooms for accommodation. The room is 20 square meters, and Lin Feng is more satisfied.

Downstairs, Lin Feng asked the boss how to transfer.

The boss replied: "The rent is 300,000 per Chinese New Year's Eve


"Such a boss, I will pay 100,000 yuan in rent first, and then pay it for three years in a few days, or I have gold coins here, can I count it?"

"Take the gold coins", the boss was a little skeptical.

Lin Feng took out ten gold coins at once, each about 100 grams, about 50,000 yuan each.

The shopkeeper looked at it, picked up one and bit it, sure enough, it was golden, and he was not afraid that Lin Feng would cheat, and he couldn't run away from renting it.

Soon the shopkeeper signed a contract with Lin Feng, and the shopkeeper accepted 100,000 yuan and ten gold coins and happily explained, left the key and left.

Lin Feng settled down, and then solved the problem of household registration book and ID card, which was difficult for Lin Feng, he mastered all the technology, and directly hacked the hacking technology to add the household registration, and Lin Feng had already mastered the hacking technology, and soon built a file in the household registration database, and all the associated information was supplemented one by one, seamlessly, and even the paper part was printed and put away.

In the afternoon, Lin Feng went to the police station to report the loss and reissue the household registration book and ID card, which were all in the file, and the police station was also efficient, and it was completed in a total of one hour.

When I got back to the shop, it was getting late, so I washed up and settled down.

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