"Ding" "

The host will fail to kill the protagonist now, and failure will cause the destiny to shoot, because the host only obtains the protagonist's 9500 luck, and has not exceeded the protagonist, only if the host's luck exceeds the protagonist, can it be 100% hunted."

"If the host successfully hunts the protagonist now, it will directly obtain his remaining qi luck, and 50,000 points."

"In that case, let's let him live for a few days first."

"I can't let my previous efforts go down the drain because of a momentary impulse."

"And you can also take advantage of this time to put more wool on him, and now it is only 50,000 points to kill, which is too little."

Li Yu calculated in his heart.

Li Yu, who figured it out, was not so angry anymore, he was angry with a dead person, it was not worth it.

If you don't kill now, you can find trouble for him!

"Manager Wang, kneel or not kneel to see yourself, although my senior brother has just come down from the mountain, but people are in the middle of gathering qi, I believe you should know the meaning of the middle stage of gathering qi."

"It's not that I don't intercede for you, but I don't have the right to speak in front of my senior brother."

Li Yu looked at Manager Wang in front of him and said.

Manager Wang heard Li Yu's words and pondered for a moment, and his eyes shone brightly.

Wang Fugui, who can become the manager of the Modu Hotel in his forties, is definitely not an ordinary person.

On the surface, Li Yu's words were to make him soften.

But he also heard another meaning, that is, Ye Fan and Young Master Li in front of him did not deal with it.

He also told him that Ye Fan had just come down from the mountain, which also showed that he had no backers.

Although he is a martial artist in the middle of gathering qi, this does not prevent him from taking revenge.

He is still physically in the middle of his qi gathering, and he will still be afraid of thermal weapons.

After thinking clearly, Manager Wang immediately changed his face with a smile and knelt directly in front of Ye Fan.

"This master is indeed my fault just now, it is my dog's eyes that look down on people, I hope you can forgive me."

What the manager was thinking at the moment was that they were all people who were going to die anyway, and it was a big deal to kneel.

Ye Fan looked at the manager kneeling in front of him, and his heart was very happy.

"Get up, just know it's wrong."

Ye Fan didn't want to push him too hard, after all, he would have to mess around in the magic capital in the future.

Maybe it will be useful to him later.

Li Yu said at this time: "Okay, everything is taken care of, then let's go to eat quickly."

"Manager Wang, lead the way."

Wang Fugui still said with a smile: "Okay, please here!"

Li Yu looked at Wang Fugui in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this Wang Fugui is a ruthless person.

Being so humiliated can continue to be treated with a smile, it seems that Ye Fan's trouble this time is not small.

I just don't know if Wang Fugui's retaliation this time will backfire.

At that time, arrange for someone to observe secretly, he does not want things to get out of his control.

Wu Mengxin's company.

"Grandpa, how did you have time for my company?"

As soon as Wu Mengxin calmed down his collapsed emotions, his grandfather came directly to his office.

"Why do you still have the face to call me grandpa?"

"Call you and you won't answer, let you go to Ye Fan to apologize, you won't go, if the old man I personally come to invite you, will you move?"

"Do you still have my grandfather in your eyes?"

As soon as Old Master Wu came in, he angrily reprimanded Wu Mengxin. Lin

Wu Mengxin's emotions, which had already calmed down, collapsed again.

Tears directly filled his eyes, flowed out, and cried and said: "Grandpa, do you have an iron heart to ask me to go?"

"Okay, I'll listen to you and I'll go."

"I just hope that you won't regret the decision you made this time by then."

After speaking, Wu Mengxin turned and left.

Old man Wu looked at Wu Mengxin, who was finally willing to go to Ye Fan, and was very satisfied in his heart.

For what Wu Mengxin said, he didn't pay attention to it at all.

Instead, he said disdainfully: "I will regret it? I regret that you didn't stay with Ye Fan earlier. "


"Miss Luo, you are my ancestor."

"Come on, tell me what your reason is today?"

"You asked me to say what good are you? You didn't block yesterday, you didn't block the day before yesterday, you blocked me today, you know? You blocked the highway today and blocked the people coming from the center.

"I know you have backers, you are not afraid, but you think about it for us ordinary people who are fighting."

"You make mistakes and you have a backer, they won't do anything to you, but they will punish me!" I've struggled for decades to get to where I am now, and I want to climb up again.

In the office, Luo Lili listened absentmindedly to her boss's criticism and complaints.

"Chief, I did it to catch criminals when I blocked the highway." Luo Lili defended herself.

"Okay, catch the criminals? And what about the criminals you caught? What about criminals?

"You didn't catch the criminal, so do you have any evidence?"

"You don't have anything, you give me nonsense."

When Director Liu heard Luo Lili's defense, he became even more angry.

You can give him a valid reason, and he won't be so angry about it.

"Eh.... This one... It turned out to be a misunderstanding.

"But! I'm also doing this to prevent potential dangers, what if that's true? Luo Lili said with a hard mouth.

"People are speeding and blocking highways, how did you come up with it? You're doing the same as a runaway prisoner.

"Don't you know that there are cameras on every stretch of the road?" Wouldn't it be possible to check his license plate?

"Fortunately, the leader did not blame this time, this matter is over, I ask you to be safe."

"Don't think I'm talking too much, I'm also for your own good, if you offend the big man one day, your family will also be unlucky."

"Know what?"

Director Liu looked at the absent-minded Luo Lili and persuaded.

"Got it!"

Suddenly the door was knocked open, and a policeman said: "Chief, Captain Luo, excuse me, someone here called the police, and he asked Captain Luo by name." Luo

Lili heard that someone was specifically looking for her to go to the police, and her absent-minded emotions were directly swept away, and she ran out with excitement on her face.

"I'm coming, which?"

Director Liu looked at the scene in front of him and sighed helplessly.

Alas, this silly girl, this silly girl.

Let's hope nothing happens!

This girl also didn't think about it, how long had she been here, how could someone call her out for the police?

This is to use her as a gun.

Director Liu did not persuade her, and even if he did, he would not necessarily persuade her.

And her backer background is so big, no matter how in the end, she will not have an accident.

Luo Lili, who received the police call, was very happy to hear the words of the police officer.

"Are you sure you really found the person who broke into multiple hotels that night?"

"Don't worry, our police will definitely strictly protect the privacy and safety of witnesses."

"I'll send the police to arrest him, and you'll disappoint you enthusiastic masses."

Luo Lili said firmly.

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