Ye Fan now had doubts about what the master said before he descended the mountain.

Master said that he is an atmospheric transporter, will do things smoothly, will meet many nobles and confidantes, Hong Yan is a lot, but they cannot develop into confidants.

And these days are also very unlucky, nothing can be done.

"Grandpa Wu, you are Mengxin's grandfather, you must know Mengxin, you give me a way." Ye Fan looked at Old Master Wu on the side and asked for help.

Old man Wu did not refuse Ye Fan's request, thought for a moment and said: "Mengxin, she is different from ordinary women, her personality is very extreme, she doesn't like it, the tougher you are, the more she will hate, especially feelings."

"In this way, in a few days I will plan a heroic drama to save the beauty."

"Although this time the hero saving beauty will not let her agree with you, it can also make her feel good about you a little differently."

"If you want to take her down later, you have to work harder."

"Do you feel okay?"

"This method is very good, then trouble you old man."

Ye Fan heard Old Master Wu's method and felt that this method was very good.

The method of heroes saving beauty is very old-fashioned, but it is very helpful for his current situation.

"Ye Gongzi can feel good."

"Ye Gongzi, you don't have to go back tonight, just live here, and you don't have to work in that Zhang Group anymore, I will arrange a job for you tomorrow where you can have contact with Mengxin."

Old man Wu said.

"Okay". Ye Fan nodded in agreement, and then followed the maid to the guest room.

As soon as he reached the stairs, Ye Fan suddenly stopped and looked at Old Master Wu and said, "Grandpa Wu, I haven't eaten dinner yet, do you have anything to eat here?" "

Although Ye Fan ate some in the Magic Capital Hotel, all he ate were large lobsters and king crabs, these were not full at all, and plus he had just run all the way, he had already consumed it.

"Yes, I will arrange the kitchen preparation now, and it just so happens that I also want to consult Ye Gongzi about something."

"Is Ye Gongzi any taboo?" Old man Wu said with a smile.

"No taboos, I can." Ye Fan replied.

"Then I'll arrange the kitchen to make some casually."

Then Old Master Wu ordered the butler on the side.


"Hey! Hello!

"Is it Captain Luo?"

"It's me, are you?"

"Captain Luo, I am the security guard of Jinhua Villa, I just saw your wanted prisoner Ye Fan, he came to Wu's house, I saw that your report said that he is an extremely dangerous person, I will call you specifically for the safety of the residents of our community and tell you."

"I hope you come over and deal with it soon."

"Well, thanks for the information, I'll be over soon."

"I will not live up to the expectations of your people for me."

"Toot toot,... Toot ..

Li Long hung up the phone, took out the mobile phone card, and casually threw it into the sewer on the side.

Staring at the Jinhua Villa in front of him, he fell into deep thought.

His thoughts and goals for the young master are becoming more and more blurred now.

He originally thought that the young master only wanted to interrupt the so-called luck on his senior brother's body.

And now it seems that the young master still wants to completely encroach on the Wu family, and it seems that as long as he is inclined to his senior brother's strength, the young master is used as a target.

"The young master is really playing a big chess game, but he is the only one who plays chess."

"I don't know what the young master's ultimate goal is?"

Li Long sighed to himself.

Then drive away.

As long as the things that the young master handed over to him can be done, as for what will happen next? It's none of their business.

The young master really doesn't pity Xiang Xiang Yu at all, and treats Miss Wu and this Captain Luo layer by layer.

Originally, Ye Fan would be fine with some money at most.

He actually ran, and he also ran to the Wu family, which involved the Wu family at this time, although this matter had no impact on the Wu family.

But for these families, this matter is very humiliating.

And the Wu family will definitely not accuse Ye Fan, then they can only take revenge on the leader of this incident, Luo Lili!

And Luo Lili is also a person with a very good background.

When the time comes, their two families ......

When Li Long thought of this, he called the young master NB in his heart, so that he could take down the Wu family without much effort.

At this moment, Li Long was full of admiration for Li Yu.

But what made Li Long curious was, how did the young master calculate this step?

The young master has not gone down the mountain for four years, and in the past four years, he has not asked about what happened in the demon capital and taken care of his connections.

It seems that this demon capital is really about to change the sky, and the biggest beneficiary of disrupting the sky and this turmoil is his own Li family.


In Li Yu's villa.

"This won't work?"


"I'm not having enough fun yet! You hold on a little longer, and someone will come for you later.

Li Yu supported Zhang Yaoxi's waist and said with a smile.

Ten minutes later!

Wu Mengxin directly pushed open the door and walked in.

As soon as I came in, I saw the two people entangled in the living room.

Seeing the scene in front of him, he was directly stunned.

After reacting, she still plucked up the courage to walk straight towards Li Yu.

Li Yu saw Wu Mengxin walking towards him and said, "How is it?" Still doubtful of my words?

"Thank you! She should be my killer of my parents. Wu Mengxin lowered her head and said.

Now she was shocked, shocked by the relationship between Zhang Yaoxi and Li Yu, she didn't expect that Zhang Yaoxi and Li Yu actually had such a relationship, and the two were still ...

But she thought deeply and figured it out.

Who is Li Yu? The prince of the magic capital, what he wants does not need to rely on means, he can easily get it by relying on his family's background alone.

"Do you have any plans next?"

Li Yu straightened his body and looked at Wu Mengxin.

"I originally wanted to kill the old man with He Tianyi's hand, but then I didn't feel the slightest pleasure of revenge, and I decided to let him watch his family property being eaten away little by little, step by step into despair."

After speaking, Wu Mengxin took out a bottle of poison and put it on the table next to him.

What she gave He Tianyi was a bottle of sleeping powder, which would not let people die.

"It's given to you, it's yours, you don't have to give it back to me."

"Maybe you can use it later." Li Yu didn't care at all.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll use this poison against you later?" Wu Mengxin said curiously.

"Would you do something so stupid?"

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