"But I have promised less money for this matter, and it is not okay for me to break the contract unilaterally." Old man Wu said embarrassedly.

"But Ye Gongzi if you want to save the little girl, it's not impossible, you can go by yourself."

"My granddaughter should still be on her way to the hotel with less money."

"However, I hope Ye Gongzi will not expose your identity when you go."

"This is also to put an end to the trouble of finding us later with less money."

After Old Master Wu finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and showed the photo of his little granddaughter to Ye Fan.

Ye Fan said that when it came to this, how could Old Master Wu not know what idea he had.

Old man Wu did not object, anyway, in his eyes, women are tools, which man can't give it?

And in his heart, Ye Fan's upper limit was much higher than that less money.

As for the trouble? Tomorrow, he and Ye Fan went to help their old friend treat well, and the Qian family would not dare to be presumptuous with them, and he said that just to let Ye Fan know how much danger he had risked for him.

Know your kindness to him.

"In that case, then Grandpa Wu, I will go first, and I will come back soon."

"I will pay attention to my identity, and I will definitely not be recognized by that money."

Ye Fan hurriedly ran out after speaking, he was very anxious now, just now he saw the photo in Old Master Wu's mobile phone, and he was instantly attracted by the little beauty in the photo.

The point is that the little beauty in the photo looks very immature, lively, and eccentric.

If he really was really spoiled by that less money, Ye Fan felt that he would feel guilty for the rest of his life.

He had to save her no matter what he was for.

At this moment, Ye Fan felt full of strength.


Li Yu, who had been doing things for a day, took Chen Yuran and just returned to the villa when he received a call from Wu Mengxin.

"Is there anything important about finding me so late?

"I: My cousin was tied up by my beast grandfather and didn't know where to send her.

"I beg you can help me find me?" Help me save her.

Wu Mengxin said anxiously.

Although her cousin's father was his own murderer.

But she and her cousin have always had a good relationship, not being a sister but more like a sister.

At that time, she wanted to find a solo business, and she asked her father for intercession for lack of money.

When she knew through her own family's eyeliner that her cousin was in danger of being tied, she immediately asked Li Yu for help.

She didn't know what brute things her brute grandfather would do.

"Your cousin?"

"Isn't your cousin still in high school?"

Li Yu began to recall the plot in the original book.

, Wu Mengxin's cousin, Wu Yuwidow, a female match, now seventeen years old, in the second year of high school.

Because he was saved by the protagonist from the hands of Young Master Qiao, he secretly felt affection for the protagonist.

Insist that the protagonist accompany her to a party, and then the protagonist will play in various fancy faces at these parties, show operations, and accept the little brother.

It used to be really cool when I watched it, but now I think about it and it feels really sb.

An adult pretends to be in front of a group of teenage children, and really doesn't know what to pretend.

"Yes, she is a high school student, I beg you to save her, she still has a good youth, I don't want her..."

"As long as you help me save my cousin, I will listen to you 100% in the future."

Wu Mengxin said anxiously.

Li Yu was dissatisfied when he heard this, and asked unpleasantly: "What do you mean by this, you are not listening to me 100% now?" "

No... No, I mean, you see I'm all your people now, and I'm still so obedient, can you help me.

"Well, I'll help you figure it out."

"You'd better give me obedience, otherwise... Otherwise, you will feel better then.

Li Yu looked at Wu Mengxin and said.

When Wu Mengxin heard Li Yu's promise, her restless and anxious heart was calmed down.

Hanging up the phone, she realized something was wrong.

"I found the wrong person, this Li Yu is also a person who eats people and does not spit out bones."

Wu Mengxin said helplessly to herself.

Cousin, you can't blame me for this, if you want to blame, blame your brute grandfather."

"Wu Yuwidow... This is different from the original work, which is not tied by Mr. Wu in the original work.

"It seems that my own insertion of this timeline is starting to collapse."

"But why did this old man Wu kidnap her?"

"Her father is dead, what is she kidnapping a high school student for?"

Li Yu fell into confusion for a while.

Li Yu thought for a while and couldn't figure it out, so he asked for help directly from the system.

"The system helps me find out where the female partner Wu Yuwidow is now, and the reason why she was tied up."

Originally, I wanted to let my men investigate, but considering the urgency of time, I gave up this decision.

The main thing was that Li Yu thought that Ye Fan would also go to the rescue in case of waiting, and when his subordinates found her there, the yellow cauliflower was cold at that time.


" "Deduct 1000 points."

"Wu Yuwi is now on the way to Qian Zesi, the destination is Room 606 of the Magic Capital Hotel, and there are still fifteen minutes from the destination."

"The reason why Wu Yu's widow was tied up was because Old Master Wu gave Qian Zesi benefits to save the protagonist Ye Fan."

The system was quick to answer.

"It's worthy of Old Master Wu, it's really outrageous to do such a beastly practice."

"It seems that this old man Wu can't stay anymore, if he does something to Wu Mengxin later, it won't be good."

"How to say that she is also her own maid."

Li Yu gave a death letter to Old Master Wu at this moment.

Originally, I wanted to use him to help me adjust Wu Mengxin, but now I still forget it.

If you don't die early, you will look down on him a little.

As for promising Wu Mengxin to let her torture Old Master Wu with her own hands, forget it.

"Death is also worth dying, how can you get involved with the protagonist."

Li Yu smiled evilly, and the plan in his heart began to be born.

But now there is no hurry, first save the person yourself.

There are still more than ten minutes, and it should be similar to find someone now.

"Although this Qian Zesi is also a villain, Li Yu feels that it is enough for him to have only one villain in this world."

"The other villains should clean up together as garbage."

Li Yu thought.

You say that the same villain why not form an alliance, he is an alliance of the great villain, this word is not worthy of himself.

And isn't it more interesting to play and plunder these people to be difficult to understand?

Li Yu picked up the phone and called Luo Lili.

"Hey. Captain Luo, do you have time now?

"I have something to report."

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