At this time, Xiao Rui was very helpless in his heart, he never thought that this society would be so dark and cruel.

This is the sin of Huaibi, who knew that he should not have opened jade here today.

Xiao Rui's quotation was very effective this time, and a boss with a big belly spoke: "Since Mr. Xiao is so proud, then I will laugh."

"Boss Xiao hopes that we can cooperate for a long time for such a good thing in the future."

After he finished speaking, he also looked at several people around him.

And he's using us here, not me.

This means that the benefits he will receive this time will be shared with everyone.

This way you won't be targeted by them.

And Xiao Rui on the side saw that someone agreed, and his ugly face finally eased down.

Stay in the green mountains, not afraid of no firewood!

For yourself, making money is not easy!

Xiao Rui quickly traded the remaining stones with the man, but also at a very low price.

When the transaction was completed, Xiao Rui did not stop and walked directly outside.

He didn't want to stay here for a second at the moment.

It's just that when he left, a group of punks quietly followed.

Ten minutes later.


" "The vitality of the male protagonist Xiaorui gradually disappears, reward points 5000, luck 2000."

Li Yu, who was following the auction, suddenly received a prompt from the system.

"Lean! It's really a garbage male protagonist, this is dying, he still just sent a few ordinary people, that's it, and only give such a little reward, it's really garbage in garbage.

"There is no protagonist style at all."

Li Yu listened to the system's prompts and complained ruthlessly in his heart.

Then arrange to call Li Long and ask him to deal with Xiao Rui's aftermath.

Soon, the news of Xiao Rui's death came from Li Yu's side.


" "The male protagonist of "Treasure Divine Pupil" Xiao Rui is dead, reward points 15,000, luck 5,500."

At this moment, Li Yu did not complain about him anymore.

Li Yu was no longer able to complain about him.

Just keep an eye on the auction.


The second male protagonist, Wang Xuan, was taking the address given to him by Li Yu at this time and heading towards the target.

Looking at a road on the side of the road, Wang Xuan stopped and walked down.

After taking out the map and looking at it, after making sure that there was no mistake, he opened the trunk, took out an oversized bag and walked towards the mountain.

At this time, Ye Fan had already returned to the mountain, he returned to the mountain, searched all the rooms and did not find his master.

This made him very irritable, and he thought that when he returned to the mountains, everything would be fine.

I didn't expect that my master was not in the mountains.

For a moment he didn't know what to do.

But he was not in a hurry to leave, but was ready to rest for a while, he did not believe that these people would find themselves so quickly.

Moreover, they also have the formations laid down by the master himself, that is, they find them, and those formations can also buy themselves a lot of time.

By then, he would have run away.

Ye Fan looked at the empty room helplessly, and sighed: "Master, what the hell is his old man going to do?"

"It's really unreliable, and the person is missing at the critical moment."

Ye Fan took out some medicines from the pharmacy, just when he was about to heal his injuries.

There was a panic in my heart.

This made him feel wrong, not that Ye Fan was suspicious, but that he had really been scared recently.

Could it be that the person who hunted down him came?

No, I made a few detours on the way back.

And this place is so hidden, no one knows, shouldn't find it so quickly!

Is it someone from the Wang family or the Qian family?

The people of the Qian family should not be, the people of the Qian family should not be so fast, after all, they have no news of me at all, how can it be so fast.

Then it can only be the Wang family, but the people of the Wang family should not be!

Although the Wang family said that there would be people from the mortal realm to chase and kill them, they didn't know where they were.

And as soon as he went out, he exposed his tracks.

"Lean! It must have been his junior brother who told them his place.

"I forgot about him so much!"

"Nope. This place should not be stayed for long. Saying

that, Ye Fan got up and packed up his things.

After packing up some of the necessary things for medicine to escape, Ye Fan took out the copper money in his pocket and began to divine for himself.

Seeing Bu's hanging face, Ye Fan froze directly.

Dead on all sides, only the east has a faint way to live.

Ye Fan looked at Nan Nan and said, "Is this direction the magic capital?" Could it be that the master and his old man are in the magic capital.

"Well, could it be that Master and his old man went to the Demon Capital to find me?"

But he didn't have to think much about it at the moment, no matter what, it was safer than staying here.

Try a glimmer of life.

Ye Fan quickly picked up the copper coin on the ground, took the packed baggage, turned around and disappeared into the night.

Looking back at his sect, his heart was full of anger, anger at the Qian family, the Wang family..... Anger everyone who is his enemy.

Not long after Ye Fan left.

Wang Xuan carried this big bag into the mountain gate.

Wang Xuan searched each room to confirm that there was someone.

"Run, so that this cat-and-mouse game will be more interesting."

Wang Xuan said.

He did not leave in a hurry, but took out the bazooka in a large bag, and the bomb.

Since you are gone, then I will blow up your home, and I will collect some interest."

Bombs were planted in each room, a safe distance was withdrawn, and then a bazooka was blasted towards the door, one bomb exploded, and then the next, the once grand building, now all that remained was ruins.

Wang Xuan looked at the mountain gate full of ruins before leaving satisfied.

Ye Fan, who had left not long ago, heard the explosion behind him, and his face turned dark.

I also rejoiced in my heart, fortunately, I had a premonition in advance and ran fast, otherwise I would definitely die in this explosion now.

Looking back at the direction of the mountain gate, Ye Fan said angrily: "Wang family, you wait for me, wait for me Ye Fan to find my master, I want everyone in your Wang family to make amends for my mountain gate." "

Not everyone, Wang Luoyi himself has to stay and enjoy it.

Let her know what will happen to offending herself.

And now Ye Fan does not understand a truth, that is, you can't blindly lick those women.

Be sure to use tough means!

If he had known this truth earlier, that Wu Mengxin would have been his own long ago.

And that scheming junior brother, who has been secretly calculating himself.

If it weren't for him, he wouldn't have been able to cause so much trouble.

The more Ye Fan thought about it, the more he regretted his previous actions.

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