Hearing Li Yu's, Chen Yuran was directly speechless for a while, and still moved? She didn't want to suffer anymore.

Chen Yuran said with an ugly face: "I.... You saved my life, I will not take revenge, I will assist you well in the future. "

She has read in ancient books before, if the user does something unfavorable to the lord, he will be eaten by the worm, and such a demon is difficult to crack, only if he reaches the Heavenly Soul Realm, it is possible to crack it.

But she was sure that Li Yu would definitely not give her a chance to break through the Heavenly Soul Realm.

Originally, I thought that I would kill him if I recovered a little, but now it seems that I think too simply, and I have always been between his palms.

And Li Yu didn't believe what she said at all.

"Don't have a black face, smile one and show it to the owner."

"Give, take this elixir, your previous internal injuries will heal soon."

Li Yu took out the Rebirth Pill drawn by the lottery and handed it to Chen Yuran.

Chen Yuran looked at the pill handed over, still a little hesitant, but quickly figured out, now that his life and death are controlled by him, is he still afraid that this pill is not good for him?

Li Yu saw his hesitation and mocked: "I'm not you, I like to give others pills that are harmful to your body." After

receiving the pill, Chen Yuran was very embarrassed when he heard Li Yu's words, and he was helpless.

Chen Yuran did not refute Li Yu's words, but directly swallowed the pill in his hand.

In fact, she still had some doubts about what Li Yu said, the elixir that can heal her internal injuries, how could they get that kind of thing in their Li family, and even if they got it, how could they give it to their current self?

But the moment the elixir entered the mouth, the thick medicinal power and energy began to spread throughout the body, and the injuries that he had been struggling to suppress were constantly compressed.

"Where did you get such a powerful miracle medicine?"

If he had this elixir more than twenty years ago, he would not have been hiding for so many decades.

He has long avenged his sect, and now he may have rebuilt his sect, and he will not be ...

"You adjust the medicinal power first, I'll come to you later and test your results."

Li Yu did not answer Chen Yuran's question, but touched her head, smiled and left.

Li Yu helped Chen Yuran to recover his strength, but he had his own plans, when he exercised with Chen Yuran last night, he just began to gain strong strength, but as time went by, coupled with Chen Yuran's state at that time, the help to his cultivation became less and less.

Therefore, Li Yucai decided to help her stabilize her injury and recover her strength.

Then use these few days to break through to the Condensation Pulse Realm.

Even if this doesn't work today, it's okay later, anyway, she won't run.

Li Yu came to the kitchen, got some food, and then called Li Long to ask Ye Fan for news.

"How is Ye Fan doing now?"

"Young Master, what you said is right, that senior brother of yours is really a person with luck."

"Just yesterday in the bar for two or three hours, there were three heroic scenes around him, and the point is that these women are all the eldest ladies of some families."

"I'm a little strange, their ladies usually have bodyguards with them, but yesterday they went to a bar without bodyguards."

"But fortunately, I intervened in these things."

"And later he stole into a hotel....

And now Li Long finally understood why the young master didn't let them have a conflict with Ye Fan.

This God feeds, how to move?

Li Yu was very satisfied when he heard Li Long's report.

"You try not to have any conflicts with him, he is a lucky person, you can continue to monitor him later, no matter what, you can't attack him, you know?"

"Your rash actions may eventually lead to the suffering of our entire Li family, understand?"

"When I was tracking him, I encountered something similar, just like last night, can you know about the steal?"

"Deal with him and wait until I get back."

This is not careless, he is a villain, and if he takes a wrong step, he may directly turn Ye Fan over.

"Everything is arranged by the young master."

"Young Master, how is your side, is the action going well?" Li Long asked.

"Smooth, the revenge has been repaid, but I won't be able to return to the magic capital in a few days, and I still have something to do now."

"Tell the old man, don't worry about me." Li Yu replied.

Old man Li, who was sitting on the side, was very happy and excited when he heard Li Yu's words.

"This is the descendant of my Li family, and he does things cleanly."

"Our Li family has been silent for the past few years, and some people have forgotten the male lion of my Li family, right? It's time for them to remember the prestige of our Li family again.

"Now that my grandson has such means, it's time for the Li family to return to its former prosperity."

Old man Li said happily and excitedly.

Maybe others don't know the strength of the God operator, but he knows it very well.

Otherwise, would he have offended many families for her in recent years? His own family almost disappeared.

And such a powerful character, his grandson surrendered in one night, which shows how good his grandson is.

Li Yu hung up the phone and returned to Chen Yuran's room.

Looking at Chen Yuran, who was in tattered clothes, he was full of temptation.

Li Yu walked directly over, picked up Chen Yuran, who was meditating, and walked towards the room.

"Lee: You...""


"Lord... Master....., what is this for?

"The master came to help you test how your elixir power was resolved."

"Ahhh etc..."


Li Yu walked into the room and began to cultivate.

At this time, cultivation is no longer important, the important thing is to enjoy and adjust well.

In a few days, he will return to the magic capital, and then he will also have to deal with his "good senior brother".

The more obedient his master is in the past few days, the more interesting things will be at that time.

I don't know, when the time comes, when the master and apprentice meet each other, it will be more exciting.


Two days later, Li Yu stood in the hall refreshed.

"Is there any way the system can make me quickly comprehend the exercises?"

"2000 points for direct comprehension."

"Give me Lingbo Microstep, Pantheon Gong, and Four Elephants Divine Skill to learn."

"Deduct points 6000".

"Study over."

The next moment, Li Yu's use and cultivation of several exercises were deeply engraved in his mind, and he was also easy to use.

Li Yu first used the simplest Lingbo microstep, and in an instant he moved to the martial arts training ground outside the hall.

Li Yu is very satisfied with this, his combat strength is not good, he can run.

"System, how many points do I need to upgrade to the Qi Gathering Realm now?"

"The host is now in the late stage of the Quenching Body Realm, and it takes 60,000 points to ascend to the Qi Gathering Realm."

"Is the host promoted?"


" "Congratulations to the host for successfully breaking through the Qi Gathering Realm."

The next moment, Li Yu felt that the energy in his body skyrocketed, and his perception of his surroundings became clearer.

At this moment, Li Yu really began to enter the ranks of cultivation, and his body gathered qi.

After a few minutes, Li Yu gradually adapted to the power in his body.

Li Yu was ready to use the Four Elephants Divine Skill, which was his only attack technique at the moment.

Li Yu was lucky and shot towards a boulder in the distance, and a cyan dragon shadow rushed straight towards the boulder.


The boulder in the distance was directly smashed into slag.

"I rely on, the system must be a boutique!" Just relying on this palm, I am afraid that it will be difficult to have an opponent. "

Li Yu is now very confident and confident.

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