"Whether it's or not, we also have to go to the Li family, even if it doesn't in the end, we can also inquire about the ghosts and gods."

"After all, at that time, his Li family promised to help us take care of the situation of the ghosts and gods."

"I don't believe that the Li family can still resist us?"

At this time, someone proposed.

This is indeed the case, this group of them are all out of the ordinary realm, the Li family is one, he dares not be polite?

Elder Hua said: "Then let's go and see, sure enough, the Li family really has such a genius, and it's good for us to make friends."

"I really didn't think that such a Li Jiaran could still produce such a genius."

Now he also began to think in his mind whether there were any girls of the same age as Li Yu in his family.

If so, he really wanted to get together with Li Yu.

Elder Hua's mind kept flashing the figure of the family member.

"She: She's good......

Which of her own descendants is she?

Hua Lao really couldn't remember for a while.

"What a good! What are you thinking?

"Nothing.... Nothing, let's go. Elder

Hua quickly reacted and said perfunctorily.

Alas, I am anxious, and I have not even seen anyone and think about what these are for?

And if they want to match, they may not be able to succeed, I heard that the young man is very difficult to deal with.

"Don't be in a hurry, wait until then, anyway, I am in the magic capital, which is more convenient than them." Elder Hua thought to himself.

Then a group of old men rushed to the Li family's courtyard.

At this time, Old Master Li was drinking tea in the living room, waiting for news from Li Yu.

Although he believes in his grandson, he is somewhat worried.

At this time, the mobile phone rang, and Old Man Li picked it up and saw that it was Li Yufa and said that everything had been solved.

Old man Li breathed a sigh of relief.

Just get ready to go back to your room and continue sleeping.

But at this time, one powerful and terrifying aura after another came.

Old man Li was frightened by this terrifying aura and stumbled back in his chair.

Old man Li looked at the several people in front of him, and his heart panicked.

As several people gradually walked in, Old Master Li also saw the people clearly.

He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart and said, "It turned out to be Elder Hua!"

Although he is not very familiar with the other people, he can have Elder Hua here.

Elder Hua looked at Old Master Li and said, "Junhui, I arranged for you to explore the ghosts and gods, how did you investigate?" "

Elder Hua, the matter has been settled."

"I also just received the news and am preparing to report to you."

Old man Li said respectfully.

"Really solved?"

"How did it work out? Killed or driven away? And who did you arrange to go? You always have to give me a result.

"And I heard that your grandson is present?"

Elder Hua asked dissatisfied.

"I just sent my grandson over, and he didn't kill the ghost, but subdued the ghost."

"Do you also know the skills of my eldest grandson? He does have the ability to be less wasteful than his dad.

Old man Li said with pride.

"What? Accepted?

Elder Hua's eyes were full of surprise.

That's an escape!

Say accept it?

Liu Lao has lived for decades without accepting a ghost god, and he easily accepted it at a young age?

If they knew that Li Yu had subdued a ghost god of the Earth Soul Realm this time, they would probably have their eyes fall out.

"Originally, I wanted my hidden guard to investigate this matter, but he was in retreat, so I could only arrange for my grandson to go."

"Originally, I just let him stabilize the situation, who knows that he accidentally subdued that ghost and god directly."

Old man Li said with a smile.

Although he is very respectful on the surface, he has an indifferent attitude in his heart.

He doesn't care because there are hidden guards.

At this time, Elder Liu on the side stepped forward and said, "Are you sure he really subdued the ghosts and gods?"

"Then I wonder if you can always let your grandson come out and meet us?"

Just now, when he heard that Li Yu had subdued the ghost god, he couldn't bear it in his heart.

He has dealt with ghosts all his life, but he has never subdued ghosts and gods, and this time he actually met a genius who can easily subdue ghosts and gods, so he really wants to meet them.

Old man Li looked at the person who stepped forward and said suspiciously: "This senior is..."

Elder Hua spoke: "He is the elder of Maoshan, Elder Li, you can call him Elder Liu." Now

knowing the strength of the Li family, as well as the outstanding grandson, he consciously changed the title from "Junhui" to "Li Lao".

Old man Li noticed the change in title and had a satisfied smile on his face.

"I've heard of Maoshan, but it's really the first time I've seen the people of Maoshan."

"Elder Liu, I can't guarantee this matter, it depends on whether my grandson has time himself."

"I'll call you and ask."

Old man Li said with a smile.

At this time, I felt in my heart that strength is different.

No matter how much money you have, these people in front of you can't look at you.

But you have strength, and these people will respect you.

Although he himself is not very capable, the people of the Li family must listen to him.

Receiving the news from the old man, Li Yu said angrily: "It's really a group of guys who don't know whether they are dead or alive, and they actually dare to run to my Li family."

Li Yu thought that their group of people were basically in the late stage of the Extraordinary Stage, and they were only in the middle stage, so it was better to fight alone.

But if they attack en masse, they will definitely not win.

Although there are hidden guards, he is also a little overwhelmed.

"How many points does it take for the system to be upgraded to the late stage and control the power perfectly?"

Li Yu opened his mouth to ask the system.


"It costs a total of 120,000 points, plus 30,000, and all the exercises are also improved."

"Do I need to upgrade?"

The system replied.


"This only costs 150,000 points, which is not a lot for Li Yu now, but it is not a lot."

"How many points does it cost for the system to break through to the Earth Soul Realm?"

"250,000 points required."

"Do I need to upgrade again?"

"No need."

Li Yu didn't want to spend all the points at once, and wanted to leave some for emergencies.

In the past, he had few points, although he could be promoted to the fourth realm.

"Deduct points 150,000."

"Ding upgrade successful!"

The next moment, Li Yu could actually feel that the power in his body had become stronger.

Li Yu moved, adapting to the power in his body.

He said in a proud tone: "Now it's time to meet these old guys."

"No matter what their intentions are, as long as they dare to make a move in my Li family, I will make you eat and go."


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