Of course, it should also be made clear here, that is, it is not that you will be rewarded just by helping the protagonist, but that the protagonist must have a mood change for this.

At this time, Li Yu also remembered another protagonist, Wang Xuan, and it seemed that he was going to speed up to get that Wang Xuan.

Now that this Ye Chen is here, there is no need for him to let this Wang Xuan stay for too long.

It just so happens that today is Jiaxin's birthday, he will definitely come to pretend, and he will use this opportunity to make a good wave of him.

A good wave of wool on him.

After Li Yu decided, he took out his mobile phone and called his mother.

"Mom, I need to use our Linhai Grand Hotel that opened some time ago."

"How are you going to take those little girlfriends of yours to play?"

Li Yu's mother asked rhetorically.

"No, I don't have that time, I'm not seeing my sister, her birthday is coming soon."

"You also know that I have been in the mountains for the past few years, and I don't have time to accompany her."

"I decided to give her a big birthday party this time."

"At that time, call all the demons who have heads and faces, and have a good time."

Li Yu explained.

"It turned out to be Jiaxin's thing, I thought you forgot Jiaxin!"

"No, how can I forget!"

"You know, you can rest assured about this matter, I will let people arrange it, you can just have this heart."

"You can bring your sister with you then."

Li Yu's mother said.

Li Yu promised: "Mother is good!" "

With my mother's help, I don't need to arrange it myself.

Next, prepare the gift.

Although I have visited the mall and seen a lot before, I have not picked a satisfactory one.

In the end, Li Yu decided to buy something in the system's mall as a gift for his sister.

Li Yu opened the system and decided to come to a few lotteries first.

And I haven't drawn a lottery for a long time.

Li Yu said to the system: "The system gave me ten qi luck draws, the kind of five thousand qi luck once."

"Li Yu originally wanted to conduct a lottery of a thousand luck, but he felt that a thousand times was no longer worthy of himself /

And the main thing was that the protagonist he dealt with behind was Ye Chen, this is a fairy life, ordinary things are definitely useless.


" "Deduct 50,000 gas luck points, and the lottery begins."

"Ding! The draw is over! "

Congratulations to the host for obtaining: "God and Demon Body Refining Method", "Broad Embroidery Flowing Immortal Skirt", "One Ring", "Nine Heavens Thunder Array", "One Small World", "Martial Dao Perception"......

Li Yu looked at the prizes of the lottery and was happy.

It seems that expensive things are different.

That's really a thousand times comparable.

"Na Ring? 1000 cubic meters of space, this is good, but I don't need it myself.

"How about having the space that comes with the system, do you still need this ring?"

"Guangxiu Liuxian skirt can be this one, and I just gave it to my sister as a gift."

"What about Na Ring? To the old man? Forget it, or send it to Jiaxin.

"The old man will see off later."

Give it to the old man, who really he will take it for.

Don't mess with unnecessary things, that's not good.

Give Jiaxin so well-behaved, she may not mess around.

Li Yu then set his gaze on the God and Demon Refining Body.

God and demon body training: pay attention to the exercise of your body, once you step into the innate, you can control water and fire, and have monstrous power, the body is light and agile, the six senses are more keen, once the broken arm is reborn into the purple mansion, it can be reborn by dripping blood.

Successful cultivation can also strengthen other magical powers.

Successful cultivation can achieve the same realm, and only relying on meat people can crush others.

Li Yu looked at the explanation and was very excited in his heart, this is an iron and iron divine skill.

Li Yu took out the exercises, did not rely on the system first, but decided to rely on himself to comprehend it first.

Open the exercises, a powerful coercive pressure strikes.

Li Yu released his breath to resist, and then Li Yu ran his breath to comprehend.

More than an hour later, Li Yu opened his eyes and spat out a mouthful of turbid qi, his body shook, and the qi around his body fluctuated.

With some regret in his heart, he said: "I have not reached the innate, otherwise I can fully master it by myself." Then

there was a sense of looking at martial arts.

Li Yu opened it and looked at it, it turned out to be a detailed explanation of martial arts.

From the very beginning of the quenching realm to the peak innate.

Everything is recorded in detail.

At this moment, Li Yu felt that his realm and the precipitation of cultivation had reached an unprecedented height.

For a moment, Li Yu broke away in martial arts.

"It seems that this stage of martial arts is also very important."

"You don't need to directly turn into an immortal cultivator, you can use martial arts to build a foundation and cultivate an immortal."

"At that time, their own combat power is not comparable to those immortal cultivators who have practiced qi."

Li Yu analyzed in his heart.

As for the rest, Li Yu ignored it.

These things are of little use to who you are now.

Li Yu decided to continue to comprehend the exercises.


On the other side, after Li Yu left.

Ye Chen held the bank card and was stunned for a while.

Then I took my bank card and went to the self-service bank ATM.

But he reacted the next moment, and Li Yu didn't seem to say the password when he left.

Ye Chen inserted the card into the bank card and decided to try the password himself.

I didn't expect to have a password.

Ye Chen sighed with emotion: "Is this the life of a rich person? Bank cards do not have a PIN. Looking

at the long list of zeros on the display, he hesitated at this time.

Now the money is simply more than enough for him.

Spend a million at most yourself.

The rest of the money, you have to keep it on yourself?

That's a bit wasteful.

In the end, Ye Chen transferred 10 million to his mother.

Although her mother now owns a property, it is a joint venture.

He wanted his mother to use this money to expand the industry, and then firmly grasp the industry in her hands.

In his last life, his parents' bankruptcy was caused by the incorrect choices of other shareholders.

Then he called his mother after transferring: "Mom, I just called you 10 million, did you see it?"

"This is the investment I helped you pull."

Ye Chen's mother, who picked up the phone, was a little blinded for a while when she heard Ye Chen's words.

It wasn't until the next moment that a text message prompt popped up on his mobile phone and saw the extra 10 million in his bank card.

His son has only been in the magic capital for a few days and has pulled the investment!

Ye Chen's mother said: "Xiaochen, you are really raining in time.

"Now this money is too important to me."

"You tell me how you got it, the person who can invest so much money for you is definitely not a small person, you know him like this?"

"I'll go to the magic capital later to thank you."

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