Antagonists Are Very Well-Behaved Today

Chapter 934: I'm with you 51

The paparazzi is speechless.

No matter what, what is this employer doing so irritable? It seemed like Zhou Fanxing had an antagonism with Zhou Fanxing, for fear that they would step in.

rest assured.

They are paparazzi, the most principled, and never nosy, except for money.

After the call, the other paparazzi crouched and said nervously, "Zhou Fanxing actually drank that bottle of water!"

The man in the room looked awkward, and the ghost knew if he was in the water. Zhou Fanxing dared to drink this, but he was still young and didn't know what sinister heart was.

Mei Wen saw Fanxing Gudong take a sip of water, and couldn't help feeling excited.

Rubbing his hands, the turbid eyes burst into light, and I waited all the time, just waiting for the medicine in the water to take effect, and then I could make a fortune.

Fanxing yawned.

Too tired, she is too tired.

She endured a shock that she shouldn't bear at this age. It was because Spicy Dick and Dog had lost all of her star cub's savings, which caused her to be stressed and could only work hard and couldn't even sleep well.

When I slept last night, I dreamed that Ergou cried and told her--

[No money! I lost all your money again! Huh! 】

Therefore, Fanxing is tired and exhausted.

But Mei Wen thought that it was the medicine he secretly injected into the water bottle that had the effect. He flexed his hands, grinning and squinting to Fan Xing: "Miss Zhou, do you feel tired? Would you like me to help you? Go to rest in bed?"

Fanxing yawned again.

Mei Wen felt more and more confident, and when she walked to Fanxing, she wanted to help her up with half a push. When the time comes, he will taste the taste first, and then take some photos and videos.

Little bitch, wasn't it great when he beat him before?

He wants to let her know now, who can't mess with! !

As Mei Wen thought, stretched out his hand.

Fanxing tilted his head and looked at the other's inexplicable paw.

Very disgusted: "What are you doing?"

"Miss Zhou, of course I helped you to bed..." Mei Wen said more and more explicit.

The search **** has exploded, [it’s a day! Cub, this **** has bad thoughts about you! 】

It only reacted now.

[Baby, hurry up and vomit the sip of water you just drank! 】


[Quick! 】

The search **** jumped the wall in a hurry, desperately urging.

Then I saw Fan Xing yawning tiredly, stood up, twisted Mei Wen's paw, and directly dislocated his arm. Mevin suddenly yelled in pain, collapsed to the ground, and was stepped on by Fanxing.

"You are in the water, put something?" Continue yawning.

Mei Wen refused to admit it at first, but almost half of Fanxing's weight stepped on him. He was so painful that he nodded, "Miss Zhou, I was wrong...I really knew it was wrong..."

"Then why is it useless?" Fanxing asked curiously.

Just now, when the glass of water and the bottle of water were placed in front of her, she had an inexplicable sense of crisis in her subconscious. But at the same time, she was full of confidence, even if she drank it, she wouldn't have a problem.

Mei Wen almost broke down in his heart.

Hell, how does he know why it's useless? He even wondered if he had bought fake medicines. If he had known that it was useless, he would not act rashly at all. Now he really regrets it.

After a violent beating, Mevin was almost beaten to doubt his life.

Listening to the paparazzi in the corner outside, he was also stunned for a while, a little skeptical of life.

Damn, Zhou Fanxing is really too fierce!

They originally thought that what they were shooting would be a scene of Zhou Fanxing being bullied and getting up and down. Unexpectedly, the situation reversed in the blink of an eye, and it became a scene in which Zhou Fanxing was violent against others.

What a **** it never expected!

Since you can't shoot those gorgeous scenes, it's the same when shooting Zhou Fanxing's violent beating scenes.

The persona Zhou Fanxing has set up on the Internet now is the kind that is particularly pitiful. This makes people know that if she beats people so hard, she must be surprised, right?

After Fanxing beat him up, he took Meimei to the hospital.

And just after she left, unexpected guests came to this poor and dirty place...

The handsome and elegant young man was followed by several bodyguards in black, but only slightly moved his fingers, and someone stopped the two paparazzi who were about to leave.

"I have something, I would like to invite you to talk about it." Le Shan wrote lightly.

Fanxing is not like before. She is now an entertainer after all. She took Meimei to the hospital, and she was photographed if she survived.

In the office, Sister Bing received calls from various media and almost got angry.

The tone of answering the phone is more grumpy than the other——

"Take a child to the hospital, can't it be justified? It has to be with your own daughter? Why are you thinking so dirty?"

"It's your mother! Didn't you go to biology class when your **** studying? Our celebrities, are they old enough to give birth to children?"

"I have said no, what do I have to do to get to the bottom of it? Do I have to let me take out the child's hukou to prove that it is not my family life?"


Sister Bing was impatient, she simply turned off her phone, and then scolded fiercely: "A bunch of stupid guys!"

This matter has nothing to do with Fanxing, it is purely because of the popularity of people.

This is the case in the entertainment industry. In order to fight for limited resources, many times they will try to kill each other at all costs.

The last thing a celebrity can't go to is the hospital. Once you go to the hospital, any rumors can be fabricated for you.

This kind of small news is not a big deal for Sister Bing, and it will be suppressed soon.

But I didn't expect that soon, another video about the violent starry broke out on the Internet.

The video is chopped off.

I saw a middle-aged man who looked pitiful and pitiful in a dimly cramped house. He was being punched and kicked, and he had no room to attack.

The man wailed loudly.

I've been begging, wanting Zhou Fanxing to let him go.

But what about Zhou Fanxing?

She is an out-and-out devil, no matter how hard she begs, and no matter how pitiful the person she hits, she can't arouse even the slightest sympathy from Zhou Fanxing.

[God, what devil is this? Well said, poor, why is it so terrible? 】

[Is this still the poor little I fan? I was shocked! 】

[Looking at how she is so proficient in beating and kicking others is really terrifying! 】

Netizens talked a lot. Some believed in Fanxing, but more were shocked by the difference between Fanxing and Fanxing.

You see her beating so fiercely, then she must be a bad girl!

Moreover, a great **** on the Internet has verified that this video is true.

In other words, Zhou Fanxing's beating is true!

Can she have any deep hatred with a poor middle-aged man? Can you beat people to death like this?

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