Antagonists Are Very Well-Behaved Today

Chapter 938: I'm with you 55

"Then please watch this complete video next, and hope that you can use your sense of justice in your heart to judge again whether Fanxing is wrong."

Netizens who watched the live broadcast felt that they felt a little bit awkward.

I don't know why, I always feel that the first two paragraphs are mocking them.

But before they had time to react, the video was already playing.

Wait, what did they see in the video?

Shit, why is that old man so wretched?

Moreover, it was so obscene that he kept persuading Fanxing to drink water.

He even wants to start moving the stars! !

Obviously, there was a problem in the water, so I was bolder and a little fluttered.

Then, the whole process of being counter-killed by Fanxing.

Fanxing also took a little girl from the house, the little girl called the middle-aged man father.

The little girl said to Fanxing: "Sister, Dad asked me to come to the house for dinner. I didn't want to, so he hit me. I know, he is not a good person, so I won't help him hurt you."

Obviously, I have known Fanxing for a long time.

"As you can see, the ins and outs of the matter are like this. That little girl, Meimei, was rescued by Fanxing before and suffered from domestic violence for a long time. Everyone can also find that Fanxing is angry because of Meimei's father. , Mr. Mei Wen, has a bad heart."

Immediately afterwards, Sister Bing asked sharply: "Excuse me from your righteous heart, is it wrong to judge my celebrity's legitimate defense? Is it a bit too much for you to scold her so unbearably on the Internet? "

The live barrage seemed to pause at this moment.

Everyone just feels like there is a sharp blade piercing the heart, which is very uncomfortable.

Sister Bing did not choose to continue to be aggressive, but to shift the spear away——

"At the same time, I also want to ask Fanxing's sister, Miss Zhou Yuxin, is it a bit too much to deal with your sister in such an unabashed manner?"

The netizen who was just dumbfounded:...

and many more?

Not only are they not the only ones who don’t know right from wrong, but there are even sisters tearing up X?

Zhou Yuxin? Zhou Fanxing's sister?

What non-exclusive means did she use?

Just when the netizens were wondering, Sister Bing was also an out-and-out ruthless person. She started to present evidence when she came up.

"This one is a recorded call between Miss Zhou Yuxin and several paparazzi. The content of the call is that Miss Zhou Yuxin hired paparazzi with a high salary, 24 hours a day, trying to seize the handle of her sister."

"This one was on the day of the incident. Knowing that someone had moved their hands and feet in the water, the paparazzi asked Miss Zhou Yuxin if she wanted to show up to remind Fanxing. Miss Zhou Yuxin resolutely refused and asked the paparazzi to record the call recording of the savory video. "

"This one is a recording of Miss Zhou Yuxin asking the paparazzi to cut off the beating video and put it on the Internet to slander Fanxing."

"This copy is evidence that Miss Zhou Yuxin bought the navy to fuel the flames."

Call recording, play one after another.

The evidence of buying the navy is clearly presented.

Whether it is buying a paparazzi or buying a navy, transfer records are available.

This is simply a public punishment!

Especially, Zhou Yuxin heard the paparazzi say that a middle-aged man might have been drugged in the water Zhou Fanxing was about to drink, and the excitement and joy that could not be covered in that tone...

To be honest, it is frightening.

Even if it is a stranger, the first response to such a thing is to save someone, right?

As a relative, is she looking forward to the stars so unlucky?

What is the difference between such a relative and a poisonous snake?

It is possible to stabb you in the back anytime, anywhere, it's terrible!

However, sister Bing was especially empathetic and said: "I know, because of the starry IQ, everyone in the Zhou family may not like her, or even dislike her. So she has already come out at a young age. Self-reliance.

Miss Zhou Yuxin doesn't have much sisterhood to her, and you are not to blame. But for the sake of being a family, I don’t beg you to do something like this, right? "

It's not just netizens watching the live broadcast.

Zhou Yuxin is also watching.

She just wanted to see, what face does Zhou Fanxing have for the interview?

Zhou Fanxing wants to wash white?

She wanted to see what she was doing whitewashing!

Zhou Yuxin did not expect that Fanxing's way of washing white was to step on her reputation!

She was sitting in a wheelchair, buzzing in her head.

A voice kept asking, why is this happening?

How could things be like this?

In just a moment, public opinion on the Internet has changed drastically.

Obviously, at the beginning of the live broadcast just now, Zhou Fanxing was still a rat crossing the street, and everyone shouted.

Why suddenly she turned against the wind?

How many people used to scold Zhou Fanxing with righteous indignation, and now how many people scold her at once! !

Why do they scold her?

What right do you have to scold her?

Aren't they also the bugs of a group of people Yun Yiyun? Now I am embarrassed to shirk all responsibilities on her.

Indeed, how many people abused Fanxing before, now how many people love her.

Especially those who keep saying that the fans turn to black, and after clarifying the ins and outs of the matter, they only feel that their faces are swollen.

The barrage was quiet for a long time.

No one dared to speak rashly and felt very guilty inexplicably.

And with it, it is deeply distressed.

What did they do?

Is this the little girl who kept saying they wanted to protect when they first started? At the beginning, I fell into her pit in "My Favorite Study".

Called her cub.

In one sentence-

"Baby, it's okay, no matter how many people despise you, you will always be our little baby. We will always be by your side, support you, and protect you."

So is this their guardian?

Is this their support?

Everyone who has ever felt distressed and loved Fanxing can't help but ask himself in his heart.

The more you ask, the more you feel guilty.

It's as if...they said they liked it casually before, it's really worthless! !

It hurts too much.

His face hurts so much.

At the beginning of the questioning session of the bullet screen, the audience in the bullet screen asked questions like crazy——

All I asked was whether Fanxing felt sad during the days when Fanxing was hacked by the whole network, whether there was any nonsense like being abandoned by fans...

The star cub yawned delicately: "No. It's important to be sad."

Some netizens felt uncomfortable and asked the bullet screen: "You mean, fans are not important, are they?"

Fanxing asked curiously: "Then, am I important to you?"

Audiences who have turned black and now want to turn to fans quietly deducted "important".

Fanxing: "Your important thing is not to believe me and then scold me?"

Many people seemed to hear the crisp slap in their ears...

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