Antagonists Are Very Well-Behaved Today

Chapter 942: I'm with you 59

Rong Lang likes to be late.

It was the ignorant and fragile girl, the girl who longed to be recognized, but was repeatedly hurt by others. The little girl sitting at the door of the emergency room, eagerly waiting for the most important brother to come out. The little girl who finally died in the blue sky and white sun, fell into a pool of blood, stretched out her hand, wanted to touch him, but could not touch him anyway.

Although there are inextricable links between Chi Chi and Fan Xing.

Although, she is her.

But to his Rong Lang, delay is different after all.

He had forcibly reincarnated thousands of times in this small world for her, and he had already engraved the word Chichi in the bone marrow, unforgettable.

In fact, he has regrets after all...

Living in this world for so many years, for the little girl called Chi Chi, cycled in the abyss of despair time and time again.

But when he was about to disappear, there was no way to see her with his own eyes, touch her face with his hands, hold her hand, and tell her in person—

Soon, even if everyone in this world doesn't like you, there is still me, you know?

I like you, like you like a fool. I can do anything for you, I can do nothing for you, and I can deviate from the Lord Godhead for you.

You are very good, especially good. Don't doubt yourself because of others.

The world is dark, don't be afraid, because there is always me.

There is no way.

The world is so cruel, things that can't be done in the beginning, even if he reincarnates thousands of times, there is still no way.

His confession, his likes can only be buried in the heart.

At the beginning, he could deviate from the Lord Godhead for his little girl.

Now, it is still possible to return to the Lord Godhead for his little girl.

Although it is not too late, it is Fanxing.

But after all, it was in another form, with his little girl, and finally consummation, right?

"Just give her a hug for me. I also want to know how it feels to hug her."

His greatest wish was to be able to give her a hug.

As for his existence, there is no need to tell Fanxing.

Some are destined to be regretful likes. It is enough for him to bear everything alone.

Fanxing, you just need to be happy and be Fengye's little girl.

Fanxing was really happy now.

Because besides running the variety show announcement, she found a way to make a fortune-

Write the script for the dog blood drama.

The **** is really keen on composing all kinds of dog-blood scripts, originally just in his head, and didn't think about materialization.

The reason for the idea of ​​writing it out was because she watched various soap operas in her spare time every day.

Looking at it, I felt uncomfortable.

What kind of duck is this?

She hasn't compiled it well yet.

Half brother, fell in love with sister. Then my parents disagreed and even sent my sister to study abroad. Then, the elder brother finally couldn't suppress his inner love, and secretly went abroad to find his sister.

After a period of excitement and anxiety, the parents finally noticed the clues. So the family quarreled frantically and fought. Without paying attention, the younger sister fell down the stairs, blinding her eyes.

This also made the parents feel guilty and finally decided to compromise.

Brother and sister ended in a happy ending, happyending.

This can also be called a dog blood drama?

"I, star cub, can get blood 100 times as bad!!"

For example, from secretly going abroad to find my sister, I began to make up...

The two madly kissed and lifted high, and then the younger sister had a baby. After the baby was born, the parents realized the clues. So the family broke up, the older brother held the baby, took the younger sister, and begged mom and dad for forgiveness.

Then by chance, oh roar, I found that the baby is not his own.

Oh, it turned out that when my sister went to study abroad, because she missed her brother too much, she found a boyfriend who was very similar to her brother.

My elder brother was a good boy, but no matter how good he was, he couldn't hold back that the baby was not his own.

So I started to learn to drink, and when I drank, I started drinking.

Every time I get drunk, I get very angry, and when I get angry, I can't help but beat people.

My sister feels very angry. You used to like me so much. Why are you so angry because the baby is not yours, and even hit me.

So the anger started from the heart, and the evil sounded to the guts, and with a click, he stabbed his brother.

Several years in jail.

The elder brother realized that he still couldn't forget the **** woman, and then, on the day the younger sister was released from prison, he was at the gate of the prison and took her home.

But after taking it back, he still felt uneasy...

Fanxing relishes, and shares his own plot of dog blood with Ergou.

The search for gods is really ashamed of hearing it, and I can't wait to know the following.

At the same time, he vaguely hates Fanxing for iron and steel.

You have to put the IQ of the plot of a dog's blood on your study, how good it should be!

Of course no one who is serious director wants this kind of **** script.

But Xiaozi is really attentive when she is attentive. She deliberately counted the directors of dozens or hundreds of episodes of dog-blood drama she had watched. After asking Sister Bing for her contact information, she gave them the scripts one by one...

Among so many directors, there are always those who are like this bastard.

And it turns out that there is more than one who shares her stink.

Sister Bing only found out at a banquet that the little **** actually started a side business when she didn't know it.

A director who is known for making dog-blood dramas said to her with a glass of wine: "You have a lot of talents under your hand, and now you have a talented girl."

She had no idea what the other party was saying.

Talented girl?


The artists under her hand never fiddle with this kind of persona, because it is easy to overturn.

"It's Zhou Fanxing."

Sister Bing almost thought that the other party was sarcasm, and she asked calmly before realizing that it was really not a sarcasm, it turned out to be true.

The director was still at the banquet, and he was particularly happily sharing the story of the dog blood made by Fanxing with her.

Sister Bing: "..."

Zhou Fanxing, my **** mother knew you were a talent for a long time. But I really didn't expect that you could shine in this kind of field.

Fanxing ran a variety show announcement while simultaneously writing scripts for several directors.

The biggest advantage of this kind of dog-blood script is that the script doesn’t need much surprise at all, as long as there is enough dog-blood.

Sister Bing sometimes even wonders, is this little bastard's brain all filled with dog blood?

Otherwise, why would she come up with a **** script every day? ? ?

The queen and the imperial concubine had an earth-shattering sisterhood, and together they confided the emperor, and then supported the imperial concubine's cub to the throne. But as for the queen, she was born with the attributes of Marie Su, scumbags noble concubine, and had **** with many other women in the harem...

What kind of scum man cheating on twin sisters, and later found out that the twin sister he cheated on was actually his younger brother? ? The younger brother fell in love with the single mother of the scumbag, and the last two couples were Happyending? ?

What modern grandma drama, mother-in-law always sees daughter-in-law not pleasing to the eye, but mother-in-law likes son-in-law very much. After a period of bizarre development, finally... the mother-in-law divorced and married the in-laws. The mother-in-law... became the stepmother of the son-in-law.

Sister Bing: "..." I'm **** shocked by the whole family!

Fanxing is obsessed with making money by composing scripts with dog blood, and the more he compiles, the more he goes on.

Sister Bing is very sensible, and she must hide her hobbies first.

Although everyone likes watching dog-blood dramas, most people scold while watching.

You know that the script was written by Fanxing...

At that time, I don't know what kind of uproar it will cause.

Feng Ye no longer appeared in Fan Xing's sight, but in a sudden night.

Fanxing looks forward to online dating with her older brother every day.

As a result, she looked forward to the whole day and the night, but Feng Ye didn't show up...

The boy suddenly felt a little flustered.

She seems to be out of sight of her old brother!

Where did her old brother go?

Then, there was a long wait for a whole month.

Feng Ye appeared suddenly just like it first appeared, and disappeared just as suddenly.

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