Le Shanben was condemned by the heavens, and he forcibly divided a ray of Godhead to bless Fanxing, which further aggravated the speed of his fall.

When he was less than 30 years old, he already had a hunch and felt that he might not be able to survive.

Others are abroad and don't even have a trusted friend around them.


I made a call to Feng Ye.

The two did not have friendship, and they were even enemies, but what he really wanted to say in his heart could only be said to Feng Ye, which was probably the most ironic thing in the world.

"Fengye, I think I might be gone."

Since crushing the void, he never thought that he would have another day facing life and death.

"Take care of her and don't let her suffer the slightest grievance."

Feng Ye just said indifferently, "You don't need to worry about this matter at all. Even if you don't tell me, I won't let her suffer any wrongdoing."

Leshan Nene: "I know...I just can't help but want to say it, maybe this is the death of a person, and the words are good..."

Obviously at the beginning, he thought about making up for the stars with his fate, which would be a relief.

But when life really came to an end, he felt that he had never compensated.

Everything he did was too little and too little, and it was simply not enough to make up for that little girl.

And he was full of regrets and disappointments in his heart.

He is the brother!

He wants to look at his sister, everything goes well and everything is worry-free. I want to see her gaining happiness with my own eyes and stop being bullied by anyone else...

He was reluctant, really reluctant.

He still hopes that he can live longer.

He thought, what God said was really right. He should be the most hypocritical of the seven emperors and seven gods in the void. Keep asking others not to let Fanxing suffer the slightest grievance.

But in fact, the person who really made her suffer.

He is also one of them.

"Fengye, once I fall, other people in the Void Realm will definitely be aware of the changes. Although I am not a good person, to be fair, compared to those few, the methods are still mild. You will face it then. It is them, if you take it lightly, you may not be able to please."

Leshan started to cough violently as he spoke.

Just by listening to the sound that almost coughed up all the internal organs, one could tell that he was at the end of his life, and his life was not long.

Although he didn't like Feng Ye, he was still worrying about him sincerely.

He has been with those people for thousands of years, and he knows their temperament no better. Each one is not a good stubble, the methods are harsh, hundreds of times worse than him.

He knew that they were ashamed of the delay.

But they would never be like him, because they were ashamed, they wanted to redeem their sins.

On the contrary, they will forcibly tie people around to compensate for their sins.

After all, being able to smash the void is regarded as the pride of heaven, and they feel that everything in this world should revolve around themselves. Even if it is an apology, you have to press your head to accept it.

Feng Ye heard this.

There was a trace of unkindness in his expression, and he licked his lips slightly gloomily, and smiled gloomily.

"I take it lightly and I may not be able to ask for it? Don't worry, I will send them to see you one by one."

Every word is a halt, every word punishes the heart.

This is completely swearing, swearing that we will never let anyone who bullied a little girl ever be spared, and will never tolerate anyone again and destroy their marriage! !

"Can I talk to Fanxing at the end?" Leshan's tone was pleading.

"Okay, wait a minute."

Feng Ye took his mobile phone to the study, looking for the little girl who was seriously composing the script of a dog's blood.

"Zhou Leshan called and wanted to say a few words to you."

Fanxing tilted his head, wondering why this cheap brother likes to find her so much?

Doesn't he still have Zhou Yu's heart to be his sister?

Why do you keep pestering her little fairy duck?

She has a bad attitude towards him.

really weird.

But Fanxing still took the call from Feng Ye, and did not take the initiative to speak.

Leshan said, "Xingxing, we must be well in the future, you know?"

Fanxing still did not speak.

Because she thinks this cheap brother is really weird. Of course she will be fine in the future, do you still need his reminder?

She has always been good, is there any time when it is bad?

Xu is really going to be dying, and Leshan, such a gentle and elegant person, began to talk endlessly. It seems that I want to say everything I want to say in these few minutes.

Compared to him, Fanxing looked extremely cold.

To be precise, it's not indifferent, it's just...not too easy to talk about.

Leshan kept talking, the more he said, the lower his voice.

After a few minutes, the voice was almost too low to hear.

"Xingxing, brother really...repents..." After saying this last sentence intermittently, he could no longer hear Leshan's movement.

Fanxing stared at the phone curiously for a long while.

Looking at Feng Ye innocently, "He is silent."

Feng Ye touched her little head, and didn't tell Fanxing, "He is not in good health, it should be an accident. He is far abroad, and we don't know where he lives. Even if we know that something happened to him, it is still far away. He can't get close to thirst, he's afraid it's already more awful."

Fanxing thoughtfully, "Oh, that's a pity."

It's too awful.

But her little fairy can't do much.

I regretted it for a moment, and then immediately left the matter behind and continued to concentrate on making money.

In this world, there is nothing more important than earning money and supporting your brother.

If there is……


That should be playing with the old brother, hug and hug.

After living in this world for decades, Fanxing returned to the small space prepared for her by the Search God.

Some doubts: "Ergouya, why, the world in front of me, don't remember my little flower?"

Not only did she not remember, she also gave Xiao Huahua many other nicknames.

Little white face.

Old brother.

The Search God, who was locked in a small black room for learning, learned that both eye rims were black, his expression wilted, and full of grievances.

It found that it was really an out-and-out scumbag. In the face of learning, it was very irritable.

So that in the face of Fanxing’s doubts, it wanted to slap her every minute, how do I know, and ask me why?

But when I thought that I would be locked into the little black room of study, it was because I accidentally pitted this little boy.

Search God is completely afraid of presumptuous.

Explained wittily: [Isn't this creating a little fun for you? You see, how much love is between you and my God of War father than Jin Jian! Even if you don't remember him, you can fall in love with him accurately! 】

Fanxing yawned.

Lie on the soft sofa in the space, close and close his eyes, and start to sleep without knowing it.

While she was asleep, Search God discovered something terrifying--

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